
  • Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067428
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisiti: For an effective comprehension of the course contents the student is expected to know the basic principles of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology,Phisiology, General Pathology, Human Nutrition and Dietistic. During the lectures, the teacher will always provide the student with enough background information to frame the topic. Students should also possess a good knowledge of written and spoken English (B2 level).
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge relating to the role of diet in the prevention of chronic non-communicable and communicable diseases, in order to correctly identify and organize personalized diet. Particular reference will be made to indicators of nutritional risk predictors of the disease. An important training objective is also to provide the skills for an appropriate use of food and nutrients for the creation of a personalized diet plan based on the subject's physiology, metabolic function, energy needs, the genetic profile of a panel of related genes. the inflammatory state and oxidative stress, on the intestinal microbiota. The course aims to provide the basics and tools to understand the relationship between the inter-individual genetic variability with respect to the variability of the diet components. Reference will be made to the main examples already implemented in the clinical practice of personalized diets, to the evaluation of their validity and clinical efficacy.KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of indicators of nutritional risk predictors of chronic diseases dependent on nutritional status. He / she will have to demonstrate understanding of the mechanisms of action of nutrients, between the inter-individual genetic variability with respect to the variability of the components of the diet and demonstrate the ability to connect the acquired knowledge of dietetics, food chemistry, molecular biology, pathology, physiology of nutrition for the planning of personalized diet plans. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student must be able to apply the knowledge acquired during the course to the preparation of clinical trials and precision thesis plans MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student must be able to formulate a diagnostic suspicion and propose a nutritional intervention solution, both as a diet and supplementation of supplements COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student must be able to clearly explain with an appropriate technical language the knowledge acquired on Precision Nutrition in 4 P Medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory). LEARNING SKILLS: The student will have to possess: i) the multi-disciplinary knowledge fundamental for the understanding of the nutrient-gene-pathology interaction, ii) the knowledge of the scientific investigation methodology applied to clinical nutrition and nutritional genomics iii) the ability to interpret clinical-genetic data, necessary for the personalization of diet therapy; iv) understanding of scientific articles published in international reviewed journals. Participation in lectures and personal study accompanied by in-depth analysis of specific topics on an individual level, selected spontaneously or on the recommendation of the teacher, contribute to the achievement of the educational objectives and the expected learning outcomes. The verification of the achievement of learning outcomes takes place mainly through ongoing intermediate tests on clinical cases, discussions of scientific articles, final written exam.
  • Ricevimento: Linedi': 11:00-13:00


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6