
  • Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8065589
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale E Altro
  • Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisiti: Units teaching, Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology and Parasitology General aim to learn the theoretical foundations and principles of microbial structures, their interaction with host defenses, the pathogenic action, mechanisms of action of antimicrobial drugs the development of the phenomena of resistance and the general principles of microbiological diagnosis. The knowledge that characterize the systematic aspects of the preparatory discipline are essential to the arguments that will be fleshed out in teaching units of Microbiology Special.
  • Obiettivi: Objectives are essential knowledge of cellular and molecular bases of microbial pathogenicity and interactions between microorganisms and host, of the causes and mechanisms of emergence of major diseases to causes bacterial, fungine, viral and parasitic and applications of biotechnology in diagnosis, prophylaxis and in antimicrobial chemotherapy. These objectives will be achieved through lectures, seminars and educational interactive activities designed to facilitate learning and improve the ability to address and resolve the main questions of Medical Microbiology.
  • Ricevimento: Mediante richiesta e-mail; Edificio F-SUD, Secondo Piano, Stanza F202 - F203 - F204.


  • A.A.: 2011/2012
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 2