Navigazione di Sezione:
Neuropsychopharmacology 2024/2025
- Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
- Settore Ministeriale: BIO/14
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067462
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
- Prerequisiti: It is necessary for the student to have the fundamental concepts of basic subjects, with particular regard to Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology. Students should also possess a good knowledge of written and spoken English (B2 level).
- Obiettivi: The teaching activity will be provided through interactive frontal lessons with general discussion aimed at stimulating the participation of students in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of the biological basis of neuropsychiatric disorders and understand the PK/PD profile of psychoactive drugs and their main adverse effects. Resources to support the teaching method will be the presentation of slides and the reading of scientific articles. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to discuss the biological basis of neurological and psychiatric disorders and the mechanism of action of psychoactive drugs, in particular the acquisition of skills related to: 1) Biological bases of neurological and psychiatric disorders; 2) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the main classes of psychotropic drugs; 3) Pharmacotherapeutic aspects of neurological and psychiatric disorders; 4) Side effects of the main classes of psychotropic drugs; 5) Drugs of abuse. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will have to demonstrate the knowledge of the biological basis of neurological and psychiatric disorders with particular regard to the understanding of the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutic aspects of the individual classes of drugs proposed; as well as adequate knowledge of the pharmacology and toxicology of the most common substances of abuse. Also new targets for disease modification are discussed. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: At the end of the course the student must be able to: 1) to understand the biological basis of the main psychopathologies; 2) to know the PK/PD of the main classes of psychoactive drugs; 3) to comprehend the main toxic effects of psychotropic drugs and the most common substances of abuse; 4) to know the principal interactions of the main classes of psychoactive drugs. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student must acquire the ability to integrate the knowledge of the neurobiological basis of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the methods of study in neuropsychopharmacology, as well as the pharmacotherapeutic and/or undesirable effects of psychotropic drugs. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student should be able to present the knowledge acquired during the course in an appropriate language, focusing on the mechanism of action, the undesirable effects of drugs and possible innovative approaches to improve their therapeutic efficacy. The student must be able to understand and communicate in English. LEARNING SKILLS: The student's learning ability is acquired through the: - Knowledge of the structure and organisation of the central nervous system; - Knowledge of the main methods of study in neuropsychopharmacology; - Knowledge and understanding of the neurobiological bases of the main affective disorders and their pharmacological treatment; - Knowledge and understanding of the neurobiological bases of psychosis and their pharmacological treatment; - Knowledge and understanding of the neurobiological bases of neurodegenerative disorders and their pharmacological treatment; - Knowledge of the neurobiological basis of anxiety disorders and insomnia; - Knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of action of the main substances of abuse and possible treatment approaches for addiction; The frontal lessons through the presentation of slides, reading of scientific articles and discussion of what has been studied during the course will contribute to the achievement of the training objectives and the expected learning outcomes
- A.A.: 2024/2025
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 6
Classe virtuale:
- Link Microsoft Teams: Link