Navigazione di Sezione:
Molecular Diagnostic In Oncology 2024/2025
- Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
- Settore Ministeriale: MED/05
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067939
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Orale
- Prerequisiti: Previous knowledge and competence in the following subjects: Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Biology and Genetics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, General Pathology, Clinical Pathology.
- Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to provide an update on the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to tumors including the examination of molecular diagnostic and prognostic factors for clinical use. Advanced molecular diagnostic techniques will be explored in depth. The specific learning outcomes of the program are coherent with the general provisions of the Bologna Process and the specific provisions of EC Directive 2005/36/EC. They lie within the European Qualifications Framework (Dublin Descriptors) as follows: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Understand the logic of the diagnostic use of genomic and phenotypic markers of neoplastic disease. Learn the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity with respect to individual pathologies with respect to both the diagnosis and the risk stratification of neoplasia. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: - Interpreting Genomic and Phenotypic Markers: Utilizing knowledge of genetics and phenotypic characteristics to identify patterns and anomalies indicative of neoplastic diseases during diagnosis. - Analyzing Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity: Understanding the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of genomic and phenotypic markers concerning individual pathologies. This involves grasping the effectiveness of these markers in accurately diagnosing specific diseases and their ability to distinguish between different conditions. - Risk Stratification: Applying knowledge to assess the risk associated with various neoplastic diseases. This involves understanding how specific markers can aid in categorizing the severity or aggressiveness of a neoplastic condition, thus informing treatment decisions and prognosis. - Clinical Decision Making: Integrating knowledge of genomic and phenotypic markers into clinical decision-making processes. This includes using this information to guide treatment options, predict patient outcomes, and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual patients based on their specific pathology and risk profile. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Acknowledge the significance of possessing a comprehensive understanding of subjects aligned with a thorough medical education. Recognize the pivotal role that a solid theoretical comprehension of the subject plays in clinical practice. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Present the subjects verbally in a well-organized and cohesive manner. Employ appropriate scientific terminology that aligns with the subject matter being discussed. LEARNING SKILLS: Recognize the potential application of the acknowledged skills in one's prospective career. Evaluate the significance of the obtained knowledge within the broader context of medical education.
- A.A.: 2024/2025
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 2