
  • Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • Settore Ministeriale: CHIM/08
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067426
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: For an easy understanding of the described topics and in order to achieve the objectives set, it is necessary that the student have taken the basic exams of inorganic and organic chemistry and also all the biological and biochemical exams. In addition, the pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry I is propaedeutic to the second part. In order to a better understanding of the described topics it is useful to have taken the exam of General pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacogenomic
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The main objective of the course is to stimulate the student to a rational understanding of the drug action through the knowledge of the chemical structure and of the structure- activity relationship influencing its pharmacokinetic properties including administration routes, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and its mechanism of action. During the frontal teaching it will be emphasized how the physico-chemical properties of the drug is able to influence its therapeutic activity and its toxicity in the different anatomical sites. Both chemical and functional mechanism of action will be described for each class of drug to allow the student to associate the structure to the biological function of the drug. Emphasis will be devoted to new chemical and biological drugs under experimental/clinical studies. Development of drugs starting from target structure will be described to inspire curiosity into the student to know the evolution of drug design to the light of new technology. The student will focus attention also to the pharmaceutical formulation of drugs related to their therapeutic use. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The students have to demonstrate that they have correctly learnt the structure and the chemical moiety differentiating the various classes of drugs described, and that they are able to design and or recognize the pharmacophore of each class of drugs. They should be able to indicate the effect of changing each moiety in the basic structure of a drug and its influence on the recognition of the target and on the pharmacokinetic. They have to correlate the chemical structure to the functional activity of the drugs toward their own targets. The student must be able to study within different medicinal chemistry II texts and use lessons and slide as driving force into their own cultural journey. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student has to apply its learning in understanding the role of medicinal chemistry in designing a drug starting from the chemistry until the experimental study of functional activity. Therefore, the student must acquire a critical ability to compare different drugs and in understanding their mechanism of action in order to be cultural prepared for the comprehension of the different steps in clinical development. All the various acquired notions have to be useful in its future role in the health care as pharmacist. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The students have to acquire autonomous critical view on the influence of chemistry in drug function and pharmacokinetic to foresee a reaction in vivo. In addition, the students have to learn the role of scientific interpretation and problems in the development of drug acting at anatomical site or in a specific disease. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The students are expected to speak English fluently, to be able to clearly and precisely describe the chemistry of the drug, mechanism of action and drug targeting, and to distinguish the reasons for the different pharmaceutical formulations available. LEARNING SKILLS: The frontal lessons should help the student to develop a critical vision of the scientific methodology used to discover and develop the various class of drugs. In addition it is mandatory that the student possess multidisciplinary knowledge acquired during its university education, in order to appreciate the notions acquired during medicinal chemistry II study and to link the different topics. The students are expected to develop skills to be able to be updated by reading scientific articles published in peer-reviewed international journals
  • Ricevimento: Venerdi 15,00 alle 17,00 previo appuntamento Edificio F Sud piano 0 stanza F36


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 8

Classe virtuale:

  • Nome classe: MACCHI-8067426-MEDICINAL_CHEMISTRY_II
  • Link Microsoft Teams: Link