
  • Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • Settore Ministeriale: BIO/18
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067081
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: General Knowledge of Genetics and Molecula Biology.
  • Obiettivi: Program References and insights on molecular mechanism that ensure the control of gene expression: epigenetic control, transcriptional and post-transcriptional control. Role of microRNA. Translational and post-translational control. Post-translational modifications and signal transduction: positive and negative feedback loop, redundancy and robustness. Examples of technical strategies employed to study gene expression. Examples of gene expression regulation: cell cycle regulation, control of cell proliferation, genomic stability maintenance. Cancer as an example of gene expression deregulation: tumorigenesis , oncogenes and tumor suppressors, mutations. Analysis of signal transduction pathways to define novel therapeutic targets in cancer. Objectives In the first part of the course the student will acquire an advanced knowledge on molecular mechanisms that ensure gene expression regulation and are involved in cellular homeostasis and cancer. In the second part some technologies to study gene expression will be introduced and their application will be discussed using as a model system the identification of novel therapeutic targets in cancer. The students will learn to develop and discuss a project related to the evaluation of gene expression regulation.
  • Ricevimento: please contact me via e-mail to fix an appointment contattare il docente via mail per fissare un appuntamento


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6

Classe virtuale:

  • Link Microsoft Teams: Link
  • Docente: BARILA' DANIELA