Navigazione di Sezione:
Storia Romana Lm 2021/2022
- Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
- Settore Ministeriale: L-ANT/03
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8048622
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Orale
- Prerequisiti: Prerequisites: Ability in analyzing literary and documentary texts in Greek and Latin. Good basic knowledge of the Roman history.
- Obiettivi: Objectives: Through the reading and the analysis of the pertinent literary and documentary evidence, the course aims to explore the subject in all its social, economic, and fiscal implication. Learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to appreciate and understand the historical significance of a selection of ancient texts and archaeological data. �� Applying knowledge and understanding: The hermeneutic skills acquired while interpreting the ancient evidence will enhance the student��s ability in understanding political debates, social dynamics and economic realities. �� Making judgments: The personal critical analysis of the evidence will lead the student to form his/her own views on the grand themes of the Roman history. �� Communication skills: Explaining the historical processes will enhance the student��s linguistic skills in describing and discussing political, social, economic, cultural themes.
- Ricevimento: Giovedi' 12-13.
- A.A.: 2021/2022
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 6