
  • Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 804002080
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale E Altro
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: Conoscenza manualistica dello svolgimento delle vicende artistiche in Italia tra il XV e il XVI secolo. Basic knowledge of the historical framework and development of italian art from the 4th to the 14th centuries.
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The MA in Art History in Rome from Late Antiquity to the Present aims at providing future art history professionals with a solid art history background and advanced methodological skills to approach the study of art production (architectures, paintings, sculptures) in the frame of the vaster story of the city of Rome. The chronological arch taken into account is extremely long: from the crisis and death of the Roman Empire, through the whole Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque, up to modern and contemporary times. The frame is the vaster History of art in Italy and Eruope, in the same long timeline. In this framework, the course of Medieval Art aims at providing its students with sound knowledge about the urban and architectural transformation of the city of Rome, from its early Christianization to the dawn of the Renaissance, showing the formation of Medieval visual language, the pictorial and sculptural iconography and style. Strong attention will be given to the patronage problems, to achieve a fuller and more interesting historical panorama. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The students will be able to handle art-historical topics with sound historical knowledge and advanced critical consciousness, in order to understand urban and architectural features, and the medieval visual language of paintings and sculptures. Such ability will be acquired and developed both by taking active part in the courses in class and during visits at monuments and museums; specific bibliographies will be given, in order to facilitate individual study hours at home, by means of books and manuals in English or other EU languages. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The students will be stimulated to reelaborate the knowledge acquired and develop argumentative skills, in order to set up questions and propose solutions. Such skills will be helped and tested all along the course by means of individual oral presentations, both in class and during visits at monuments and museums, on specific topics agreed on with the teacher and related to the course program. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The students will take an active part in the various didactic activities - thus, to the courses in class and the visits to monuments and museums, where they are allowed to listen but also to intervene putting questions and giving answers, and to exchange ideas with colleagues under the teacher supervision. Thanks also to individual work at home, they will develop analytical and methodological tools, and will be able to build an independent judgement not only on specific art-historical issues but also on broader cultural and historical ones. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The students' communicative skills will be trained during the course in class and during the visits to monuments and museums. The students will be able to communicate with effectiveness, coherence and clarity what they have learned in class and during the visits, through presentations in front of their teacher and colleagues; their individual point of view will be stimulated and respected. Their language will be build through sound components of historical, critical, and technical knowledge. LEARNING SKILLS: The students will be able to communicate with effectiveness, coherence and clarity what they have learned in class during the course, or in front of the monuments and works of art in museums and galleries during the visits. Their individual point of view will be stimulated and respected and the students will be asked to express it by a proper critical and historical language.


  • A.A.: 2019/2020
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 12