- Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
- Settore Ministeriale: BIO/19
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067083
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
- Prerequisiti: Basics of General Microbiology
- Obiettivi: After this course, students should be aquainted with the taxonomy, structure and physiology of the microorganisms mostly used for microbial biotechnology and have the information required to their handling and to the optimal expression of heterologous products, according to the hosts. Students should understand the dynamics of interaction between man and microorganisms, the importance of the human associated microbiota and the possible outcomes of studying these topics. Also, the biotechnological use of bacteriophages and/or phage-derived products, to fight antibiotic resistant pathogens should be understood.
- A.A.: 2018/2019
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 6