Files (26):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Orario_LLEA_1sem2_2010.doc Orario docente/lettorato doc 96.5 KB 14 Feb 2010, 11:48 97
oleg.pdf Translation task pdf 502.76 KB 23 Feb 2010, 15:38 96
Literal_versus_Free_trad.ppt Literal v free translation debate ppt 807.5 KB 11 Mar 2010, 17:02 577
_0302093552_001.pdf Text of Translation task for 18.03.10 pdf 76.79 KB 12 Mar 2010, 15:15 80
LLEA1_project_deadlines2010.doc Indicazioni sui tempi e sui modi della presentazione del 'translation project' per la prossima sessione degli esami doc 35 KB 16 Mar 2010, 14:44 148
_PROJECTStyle_Sheet.doc Translation project style sheet doc 29.5 KB 16 Mar 2010, 14:44 104
sample_trans_project.doc Sample 'applied' translation project for lesson pf 25/03/10. doc 71 KB 21 Mar 2010, 12:58 63
TT3.doc Task for lesson of 26/03/10 doc 29 KB 21 Mar 2010, 13:08 82
Seminar_week_3_translation_task.doc Task for small groups 26/03/10 doc 36 KB 21 Mar 2010, 13:17 80
carta_freccia_oro.pdf Task for lesson of 08/04/10 pdf 227.49 KB 22 Mar 2010, 20:40 82
Enrico_Rava_TTdef.doc Traduzione modello del testo su Enrico Rava doc 30 KB 29 Mar 2010, 19:14 87
Further_recommended_reading.doc Extended reading list doc 23 KB 29 Mar 2010, 19:16 107
Ultime_indicazioni_per_il_progetto.doc Updated information on translation projects doc 24.5 KB 29 Mar 2010, 19:18 118
T._Strategies_.pdf Material on translating strategies referred to during the lesson (25/03/04) on the sample translation project pdf 1541.93 KB 06 Apr 2010, 15:31 327
CARTAORO_Tr.doc Sample translation of CartaOro text doc 28.5 KB 12 Apr 2010, 17:23 118