Files (90):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Modulo2.Risultati_.07_.01_.10_.doc Risultati Bowles - modulo 2 appello di Gennaio 2010 doc 41 KB 10 Jan 2010, 19:35 76
Risultati.Esonero_.Listening_.Eade_.doc Risultati esonero Listening Eade - Dicembre 2009 doc 27.5 KB 12 Jan 2010, 11:32 111
Ris.Use2_.14_.01_.10_.doc Risultati Use of English 2 - Gennaio 2010 doc 54 KB 17 Jan 2010, 19:40 90
Ris.Listening2_.14_.01_.10_.doc Risultati Listening 2 - Gennaio 2010 doc 47.5 KB 17 Jan 2010, 19:41 84
Ris.Speaking2_.13_.01_.10_.doc Risultati Speaking 2 - Gennaio 2010 doc 55.5 KB 17 Jan 2010, 19:42 95
Ris.Writing2_.14_.01_.10_.doc Risultati Writing 2 - Gennaio 2010 doc 34.5 KB 20 Jan 2010, 21:24 110
Ricevimento_Bowles.Febbraio2010_.doc Ricevimento Bowles - Febbraio doc 21 KB 31 Jan 2010, 14:07 82
LISTENING_intro_and_Lesson_one1.doc Listening Intro and Lesson One doc 144 KB 25 Feb 2010, 17:22 248
writing_intro_and_lesson_one_building_blocks_of_writing.doc Writing intro and lesson one doc 51 KB 25 Feb 2010, 17:52 363
session_two_interviews.doc LISTENING LESSON TWO MATERIALS TO COPY: INTERVIEWS doc 91.5 KB 07 Mar 2010, 10:02 246
lessonthree_historical_reports.doc LISTENING LESSON THREE MATERIALS TO COPY: HISTORICAL REPORTS doc 55.5 KB 19 Mar 2010, 16:48 160
assignment_two_student_story_student1.doc LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FOR MARCH 23 STUDENT INTERVIEWS doc 40.5 KB 19 Mar 2010, 16:50 120
academic_listening_recognizing_parts_of_lectures_student2.doc LISTENING LESSON FOUR TO COPY: ACADEMIC LECTURES doc 55.5 KB 28 Mar 2010, 22:51 377
paragraphs_and_organization.doc Writing course materials to print for April 8 doc 111 KB 06 Apr 2010, 18:28 200
extensive_listening_writers_and_novels_lesson_before_dying_big_read_student.doc LISTENING LESSON FIVE TO COPY: EXTENSIVE LISTENING: WRITERS AND NOVELS doc 45 KB 09 Apr 2010, 16:15 186