Files (5):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
LabovWaletzky_narrative_model.doc Labov and Waletzky model for the genre of the story doc 39 KB 12 Apr 2010, 16:50 384
CarterNash_narrative_model.doc Carter and Nash Model for defining the genre of the story doc 29 KB 12 Apr 2010, 16:49 260
genre.ppt PPT file for the lesson(s) on genre and genre analysis (24-25/03/10) ppt 86.5 KB 06 Apr 2010, 15:23 1164
first_person.pdf Materiale per la lezione dell' 8/04/10 pdf 954.21 KB 06 Apr 2010, 14:36 155
course_map.doc 'mappa' del corso doc 52.5 KB 14 Feb 2010, 12:05 114