Files (46):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
slides_1972_Convention.pdf Slides 1972 UNESCO Convention pdf 850.04 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:44 161
the-unesco-convention-on-cultural-diversity-an-appraisal-five-years-after-its-entry-into-forc.pdf Reference article for the 2005 UNESCO Convention pdf 177.74 KB 09 Dec 2020, 01:12 135
Prott_2012_on_the_1970_UNESCO_Convention.pdf Prott 2012 on 1970 Convention pdf 109.94 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:40 279
scheda_TourSTRA_Mucci.pdf Programma/Program in italian and English pdf 6109.76 KB 03 Oct 2020, 17:30 315
list_of_presentations_for_December_7,_9_and_11.pdf Program of the students' presentations pdf 210.63 KB 06 Dec 2020, 19:58 254
articles_on_UNESCO_2001_and_2003_Declarations_and_subsequent_UN_UNESCO_practice.pdf On recent international practice pdf 14099.49 KB 06 Dec 2020, 22:47 386
United_in_divergency_-_article_2006_on_2005_Convention.pdf Not mandatory reading about the 2005 UNESCO Convention pdf 198.41 KB 09 Dec 2020, 01:13 207
Cyprus_case_comment_see_par._VII_Conclusions__.pdf Mosaic case article pdf 1436.16 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:44 154
Legal_considerations_on_in_danger_listing_and_deletion_(1).pdf Legal considerations on the 1972 UNESCO Convention pdf 459.55 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:46 141
introduction_to_international_law.pdf Introduction to internnational law pdf 619.2 KB 10 Nov 2020, 23:51 160
International_Organizations_as_functional_subjects.pdf International organizations as functional subjects pdf 315.06 KB 10 Nov 2020, 23:52 153
General_introduction_to_UNESCO_standard_setting_instruments_(1).pdf General introduction to UNESCO standard-setting instruments pdf 165.51 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:42 103
1970_UNESCO_Convention_excerpts_plus_example_of_declarations_reservations_(1).pdf Excerpts from 1970 convention pdf 193.42 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:42 127
Cyprus_v._Goldberg_case_excerpts__.pdf Cyprus mosaic case in USA excerpts pdf 274.86 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:43 200
the_meaning_of_international_cooperation_about_cultural_heritage_-_human_rights_and_peace.pdf Cultural heritage within the international protection of human rights and peace pdf 143.52 KB 08 Nov 2020, 23:55 115