Files (46):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Acts_adopted_by_International_Organizations_and_implementation_-_slides.pdf Slides about acts of International Organizations and implementation in the domestic legal systems pdf 727.48 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:35 177
CI_2003.pdf Article 2003 - comparison of some mediterranean States legislations on the protection of cultural heritage pdf 1908.45 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:38 143
UNESCO_Constitution_and_rules_for_the_adoption_of_conventions_and_recommendations.pdf UNESCO basic rules for the adoption of recommendations and conventions pdf 210.94 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:39 104
General_introduction_to_UNESCO_standard_setting_instruments_(1).pdf General introduction to UNESCO standard-setting instruments pdf 165.51 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:42 103
from_Shaw_and_Forrest_about_subjects_and_sources_of_international_law_applied_to_the_protection_of_cultural_heritage.pdf About subjects and sources of international law applied to cultural heritage pdf 34880.64 KB 16 Nov 2020, 00:19 873
slides_war_and_The_Hague_1954_Convention.pdf The Hague 1954 Convention and its Protocols - slides pdf 693.54 KB 16 Nov 2020, 00:21 162
brief_comment_on_the_1954_The_Hague_Convention_and_its_1999_II_Protocol.pdf Comment about The Hague 1954 Convention and its 1999 II Protocol pdf 115.01 KB 16 Nov 2020, 00:23 123
1970_UNESCO_Convention_slides.pdf Slides UNESCO 1970 Convention pdf 433.64 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:39 132
Prott_2012_on_the_1970_UNESCO_Convention.pdf Prott 2012 on 1970 Convention pdf 109.94 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:40 279
Infokit_ENG_1970_UNESCO_Convention_updated_2019.pdf Toolkit 2019 on UNESCO 1970 Convention pdf 1502.49 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:41 238
1970_UNESCO_Convention_excerpts_plus_example_of_declarations_reservations_(1).pdf Excerpts from 1970 convention pdf 193.42 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:42 127
Cyprus_v._Goldberg_case_excerpts__.pdf Cyprus mosaic case in USA excerpts pdf 274.86 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:43 200
Cyprus_case_comment_see_par._VII_Conclusions__.pdf Mosaic case article pdf 1436.16 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:44 154
Titchen_S.M__._1995_on_OUV_1.pdf About the history of the concept of OUV pdf 56925.38 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:51 785
JJokilehto_paper_on_five_Cs_of_the_WHC,_communities_and_synergies_with_ICH1.pdf "Communities" within the "five Cs" of World Heritage - a bridge to ICH pdf 383.51 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:52 134