Files (46):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
UNESCO_2003_ICH_Convention_-_slides.pdf UNESCO 2003 ICH Convention_slides pdf 414.29 KB 02 Dec 2020, 00:08 165
1970_UNESCO_Convention_slides.pdf Slides UNESCO 1970 Convention pdf 433.64 KB 19 Nov 2020, 22:39 131
Legal_considerations_on_in_danger_listing_and_deletion_(1).pdf Legal considerations on the 1972 UNESCO Convention pdf 459.55 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:46 139
states_as_subjects_of_international_law.pdf States as subjects of international law pdf 486.62 KB 10 Nov 2020, 23:52 161
Titchen_S.M__._1995_on_OUV_1.pdf About the history of the concept of OUV pdf 56925.38 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:51 780
scheda_TourSTRA_Mucci.pdf Programma/Program in italian and English pdf 6109.76 KB 03 Oct 2020, 17:30 314
scheda_TourSTRA_Mucci_(6).pdf Syllabus pdf 6109.76 KB 08 Nov 2020, 23:46 204
introduction_to_international_law.pdf Introduction to internnational law pdf 619.2 KB 10 Nov 2020, 23:51 159
sources_on_particular_international_law_(treaties).pdf Slides about treaties as sources of particular international law pdf 668.15 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:29 208
slides_war_and_The_Hague_1954_Convention.pdf The Hague 1954 Convention and its Protocols - slides pdf 693.54 KB 16 Nov 2020, 00:21 161
Acts_adopted_by_International_Organizations_and_implementation_-_slides.pdf Slides about acts of International Organizations and implementation in the domestic legal systems pdf 727.48 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:35 176
UNESCO_2001_UCH_Convention_slides.pdf UNESCO 2001 UCH Convention_slides pdf 737.39 KB 26 Nov 2020, 20:35 154
sources_of_general_international_law_-_slides.pdf Slides about general international law sources pdf 773.5 KB 13 Nov 2020, 00:25 147
MOU_2016.pdf 2016 MOU Italy_Unesco pdf 79.03 KB 06 Dec 2020, 22:49 122
slides_1972_Convention.pdf Slides 1972 UNESCO Convention pdf 850.04 KB 22 Nov 2020, 22:44 160