Files (32):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
24_Thermomechanics_31.pdf 24. Introduction to Thermomechanics (part 3) pdf 8940.36 KB 09 Dec 2019, 09:22 288
Esercitazione_3_19_20_MMF.pdf Ex3: Esercitazione proposta n. 3 (J-Integral, Stress Intensity Factors) pdf 85.84 KB 08 Dec 2019, 19:29 104
27_Response_Laws_part_3.pdf 27. Response Laws (part 3) pdf 18064.88 KB 08 Dec 2019, 19:28 311
26_Response_Laws_part_2.pdf 26. Response Laws (part 2) pdf 17254.2 KB 08 Dec 2019, 19:26 446
25_Response_Laws_part_1.pdf 25. Response Laws (part 1) pdf 11500.24 KB 08 Dec 2019, 19:25 376
21_Bimodular_Materials.pdf 21. Bimodular Materials pdf 1104.29 KB 02 Dec 2019, 09:29 194
23_Thermomechanics_2.pdf 23. Introduction to Thermomechanics (part 2) pdf 18480.71 KB 02 Dec 2019, 09:25 338
22_Thermomechanics_1.pdf 22. Introduction to Thermomechanics (part 1) pdf 21372.34 KB 02 Dec 2019, 09:24 437
20_Example_Industrial_Homogenization.pdf 20. Example of Industrial Homogenization pdf 5933.67 KB 02 Dec 2019, 09:23 260
18_Fracture_51.pdf 18. Introduction to Fracture Mechanics (part 5) pdf 6276.11 KB 02 Dec 2019, 09:22 297
Esercitazione_2_19_20_MMF.pdf EX2: Esercitazione proposta n. 2 (Laminati) pdf 94.7 KB 10 Nov 2019, 23:14 163
Esercitazione_1_19_20_MMF.pdf EX1: Esercitazione proposta n. 1 (Omogenizzazione numerica) pdf 65.6 KB 10 Nov 2019, 23:13 155
19_FRP_Structural_Applications.pdf 19. FRP for structural applications pdf 5948.98 KB 10 Nov 2019, 23:12 283
17_Fracture_4.pdf 17. Introduction to Fracture Mechanics (part 4) pdf 7023.13 KB 10 Nov 2019, 23:06 248
16_Fracture_3.pdf 16. Introduction to Fracture Mechanics (part 3) pdf 4486.01 KB 10 Nov 2019, 23:06 326