Files (40):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Setup(CONVERGE).zip Case setup CONVERGE iniezione Diesel in bomba zip 2143.04 KB 13 Apr 2018, 16:26 156
Srinivasan_ThermoChemistryFuelAirMixtures.pptx ThermoChemistry of Fuel Air Mixtures pptx 382.94 KB 16 May 2018, 10:43 263
2018_UTV_Srinivasan_SIEngineCombustion.pptx Combustion in SI engines pptx 34401.53 KB 22 May 2018, 12:49 300
Srinivasan_HRRAnalysisCombustionModeling.pptx HRR and Combustion Modeling pptx 1528.8 KB 25 May 2018, 11:29 266
Srinivasan_CIEngineCombustion_June052018.pptx CI Engine Combustion pptx 90125.75 KB 05 Jun 2018, 16:04 227
WiebeModelPPT.pptx Wiebe Model pptx 1777.26 KB 08 Jun 2018, 10:30 187
Srinivasan_PollutantFormationControl_CI_EnginesJune152018.pptx Pollutant Formation And Control pptx 1559.41 KB 16 Jun 2018, 10:05 243
CylinderPressureProcessing_HeatRelAnalysis.pptx Cylinder processing heat release analysis pptx 737.92 KB 26 Jun 2018, 20:04 217
2018_MCI_L4_eng.pdf Lezione 21 Mar 18 pdf 7792.46 KB 22 Mar 2018, 15:44 271
Low_Temperature_Combustion.pdf Articolo 1 pdf 111.08 KB 07 Mar 2018, 20:30 283
paper_1.pdf Articolo 2 pdf 139.92 KB 07 Mar 2018, 20:30 191
paper_2.pdf Articolo 3 pdf 73.69 KB 07 Mar 2018, 20:31 167
paper_3.pdf Articolo 4 pdf 164.37 KB 07 Mar 2018, 20:40 208
The_thermodynamic_characteristics_of_high_efficiency_internal-combustion_engines.pdf Articolo 5 pdf 801.28 KB 07 Mar 2018, 20:40 178
2018_MCI_L1_eng.pdf Lezione 06 Mar 18 pdf 3296.45 KB 18 Mar 2018, 17:29 353