Files (31):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Articoli_Nielsen.doc 5 articoli Nielsen doc 31.5 KB 26 Mar 2017, 14:18 708
Mini-Cam_Short_IP_Transcript_ENGLISH_ONLY_Activity.doc Esercitazione 2_ dott.ssa Liucci doc 16 KB 09 Dec 2016, 23:49 280
statue_of_liberty_text.doc Esercitazione Ponterotto doc 127.5 KB 23 Feb 2017, 17:14 316
Suffix_ex.pdf Esercitazione su word formation pdf 510.7 KB 12 Nov 2016, 00:24 607
Prova_traduzione_prof.ssa_Liucci_.docx Esercitazione traduzione dott.ssa Liucci docx 12.24 KB 30 Nov 2016, 17:41 320
news_web_page_task1.doc Evaluating web-page doc 37.5 KB 27 Feb 2017, 10:15 826
The_Study_Of_Language_George_Yule_(4th_Edition).pdf G Yule The Study of Language pdf 10816.5 KB 12 Nov 2016, 00:23 832
HammerichHarrison_ch_2.pdf Hammeric&Harrison; chapter 2 pdf 4375.52 KB 23 Feb 2017, 17:07 617
HammerichHarrison_ch_3.pdf Hammerich&Harrison; chapter 3 pdf 4793.27 KB 23 Feb 2017, 17:09 511
HammerichHarrison_ch_4.pdf Hammerich&Harrison; chapter 4 pdf 5155.08 KB 23 Feb 2017, 17:10 450
Introduction_to_translation_2.pptx Introduction to translation 2 pptx 767.94 KB 09 Dec 2016, 23:48 854
linfo_1_individual_project_(3)_(1).doc Linfo 1 lettorato_individual project doc 77 KB 03 Mar 2017, 20:49 617
ARTICOLO_1_-_Healtcare_Drone_(1).doc Newspaper article 1 doc 26 KB 23 Feb 2017, 17:14 689
ARTICOLO_2_-_Oscars_2017_(1).doc Newspaper Article 2 doc 35 KB 08 Mar 2017, 13:39 484
USABILITY_2016.ppt Nielsen_Usability ppt 412.5 KB 08 Mar 2017, 13:40 630