Files (22):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
Neuro-cardio-splancno_febbraio_2014.docx Results of the written exams (neuro-cardio-splancno) of the 25th february 2014 (only positive results) docx 29.99 KB 27 Feb 2014, 17:18 339
Compiti_e_risultati_febbraio_2014.docx Results of the written exams (Histology and Locomotor system) of the 25th february 2014 (only positive results) docx 28.75 KB 27 Feb 2014, 17:09 296
nervous_tissue_3.ppt 14. Nervous system.3 - Anatomy ppt 9661.5 KB 12 Dec 2013, 12:34 319
nervous_tissue_2.ppt 13. Nervous system.2 - Anatomy ppt 4769.5 KB 12 Dec 2013, 12:20 281
nervous_tissue_1.ppt 12. Nervous System.1-Anatomy ppt 3458.5 KB 12 Dec 2013, 12:15 315
7_muscolar_tissue.ppt 7. Muscolar Tissue - Histoplogy ppt 21097 KB 12 Dec 2013, 11:11 579
11.locomotor_system-muscles_.ppt 11. Locomotor system-muscles - Anatomy ppt 8166.5 KB 12 Dec 2013, 10:37 236
10.locomotor_system-joints_.ppt 10. Locomotor system - joints - Anatomy ppt 29445.5 KB 18 Nov 2013, 13:21 709
9.locomotor_system-skeleton_.ppt 9. Locomotor system-skeleton - Anatomy ppt 31079 KB 18 Nov 2013, 13:20 554
8_nervous_tissue.ppt 8. Nervous tissue - histology ppt 18880 KB 11 Nov 2013, 12:52 369
6_BLOOD.ppt 6. Blood - histology ppt 10661 KB 11 Nov 2013, 12:48 348
5_CARTILAGE_AND_BONE.ppt 5. Cartilage and bone - histology ppt 7962.5 KB 11 Nov 2013, 12:44 333
4_CONNECTIVE_TISSUES.ppt 4. Connective tissue - histology ppt 10771.5 KB 11 Nov 2013, 12:42 316
2_Microscopy.ppt 2 Concepts of Microscopy ppt 2808.5 KB 22 Oct 2013, 17:19 224
3_EPITHELIAL_TISSUE.ppt 3. Epithelial Tissue - histology ppt 40341.5 KB 22 Oct 2013, 17:18 507