Navigazione di Sezione:
Lingua Inglese 3 2022/2023
- Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
- Settore Ministeriale: L-LIN/12
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8048187
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale E Altro
- Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
- Prerequisiti: To sit the course exam, students must have completed the LINGUA INGLESE 1 and LINGUA INGLESE 2 courses, and the final marks must have been recorded on their exam book. A solid B2 English level is required.
- Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: Achievement of the oral and written linguistic competence adequate to the standard of level A1 �" CEFR. In line with the educational objectives of the Study Program stated in the SUA-CdS (sections A.4.b.2, A.4.c), the training activity aims to provide the student with the knowledge and skills, useful to achieve the basic theoretical and communicative abilities (Level B2+). KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The course aims to provide a theoretical introduction to translation studies alongside a practical reflection on translation. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The knowledge acquired must be sufficient to communicate and understanding at an upper-intermediate level. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The course aims to achieve the ability to independently acquire further knowledge (vocabulary, phraseology, culture, etc.) of the language studied. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Primary purpose of teaching is to acquire communication skills in the language studied (oral and written comprehension, oral and written production, translation) LEARNING SKILLS: The course also aims to give the ability to learn the various methods of language learning and evaluate the most suitable ones.
- Ricevimento: Prenotarsi per mail
- A.A.: 2022/2023
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 6
Classe virtuale:
- Nome classe: BUGLIANI-8048187-LINGUA_INGLESE_3
- Link Microsoft Teams: Link