- Dipartimento: Medicina E Chirurgia
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8059527
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Orale
- Prerequisiti: see website
- Obiettivi: The course of pharmacology will cover the most important topics of modern pharmacology through formal lectures, seminars and lectures on specific topics, such as pediatric clinical pharmacology (by prof. Gregory Kearns), that will be accessed by students of the course through the IAD platform.
At the end of the course, the students should demonstrate knowledge on: a) the principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics; b) the molecular/cellular mechanisms of action of different classes of therapeutic drugs, c) their therapeutic indications and d) their adverse effects/contraindications. Students should also learn the principles of toxicology, the major and clinically important drug-drug interactions, the methodology of clinical pharmacological research and of pharmacovigilance and how to critically read clinical study reports.
- Ricevimento: Lunedi, Mercoledi, Venerdi 10-12
- A.A.: 2018/2019
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 3