
  • Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • Settore Ministeriale: BIO/18
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8067464
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: To attend t the course, basic knowledge of genetics, molecular biology, chemistry and biochemistry are required. This knowledge is normally achieved, during i the three-year degrees in Biology or Biotechnology. The course is provided entirely in English, so a good knowledge of English is also required.
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The aim of the course is to provide students with the tools for understanding and drawing experimental strategies for the study of problems related to neoplastic transformation useful for the development of biotechnological projects KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will acquire in-depth knowledge on the study of the main mechanisms of neoplastic transformation with particular attention to the technical approaches that can be exploited for in vitro and in vivo studies. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will acquire knowledge of the mechanisms trigger neoplastic transformation and cancer development and experimental methods that allow their study. Scientific articles and experimental projects will be proposed in order to develop the ability to apply this knowledge to the solution of specific scientific questions related to cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student will be able to acquire wide autonomy, which will allow him to take responsibility for biotechnological projects in which the main focus is to deal with neoplastic transformation. The student will be able to design and organize research activities, will be able to critically analyze and solve scientific problems related to the study of neoplastic transformation . The student will be able to find and interpret sources, data, literature in the scientific field. Autonomy of judgment is trained through readings of scientific articles and group presentation activities of sceintific articles; this activity will also be useful to verify the achievement of this objective. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student will learn the ability to work in a group to the design and application of experimental protocols to solve problems related to neoplastic transformation. Interpersonal and communication skills that allow to work even in international contexts will be acquired. These skills will be verified by presenting and discussing scientific articles. LEARNING SKILLS: The student will acquire the ability to investigate complex issues in the field of cancer and neoplastic transformation. The student will be able to investigate and understand how and when to use innovative molecular and cellular biology techniques useful for these studies. The ability to learn is assessed through continuous verification forms during all lessons.
  • Ricevimento: please contact me via e-mail to fix an appointment contattare il docente via mail per fissare un appuntamento


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 3

Classe virtuale:

  • Link Microsoft Teams: Link
  • Docente: BARILA' DANIELA