
  • Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: M-FIL/04
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 804002085
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale E Altro
  • Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisiti: Basic knowledge of the key elements of art history from Antiquity to Contemporary age and familiarity with its lexicon.
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The MA "Art History in Rome from Late Antiquity to the Present" aims at providing future art history professionals with a solid art history background and advanced methodological skills to approach the study of art production (architectures, paintings, sculptures, artistic objects) and of its cultural meaning from Antiquity to Contemporary Art. In this framework, the course of Art Theory LM A aims at furnishing the students with sound knowledge and interpretative tools to decipher the complexities of the Artworld. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the topics that constitute the subject of the course; knowledge of the specific methods of analysis involved in these topics; acquisition of the skill to understand theories and models of art theory with sound historic knowledge and advanced critical consciousness. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students will be able to reelaborate the knowledge acquired and develop argumentative skills, set up problems and propose solutions. Such skills will be nurtured and tested all along the course by means of individual oral presentations in class and written tests on specific topics agreed on with the instructor. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: By taking an active part in the various didactic activities (and thus exchanging ideas with collegues under the instructor supervision) and thanks to individual work at home, the students will develop analytical and methodological tools and be able to build an independent judgement not only on topics of aesthetics and art theory but also on broader cultural sense. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Acquisition of a specific vocabulary and argumentative skills, to be spent in specialised and unspecialised contexts. Students will be able to communicate with effectiveness, coherence and clarity the results of their in-depth analysis of specific art theory topics, both in written and in spoken form, learning properly specialized languages. Communicative skills will be trained during the course by means of oral presentations, seminars and written papers. LEARNING SKILLS: Due to the structure of the course, which prescribes individual oral and written production on chosen topics, the students will develop adequate learning skills, questioning the meaning of art and theories, working autonomously and critically on texts.
  • Ricevimento: I semestre (ottobre-dicembre) Martedi' ore 10.30-11.30 Mercoledi' ore 10.30-11.30 II semestre (febbraio-maggio) Martedi' ore 10.30-11.30 (prenotarsi sempre via email)


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6