- Dipartimento: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
- Settore Ministeriale: CHIM/03
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8065739
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale E Altro
- Metodi di valutazione: Orale
- Prerequisiti: Mat, Phy, Chem
- Obiettivi: The behavior of materials is determined by their atomic and molecular structure
as well as by the presence of defects in the crystal structure. Aim of the course is
to provide the students with suitable knowledge and tools to understand how
materials' structure and microstructure, the latter also dependent on the
manufacturing process, do influence the properties and, consequently, the
operating performance and suitability for a specific application.
Theoretical section
-Fundamental concepts in chemical thermodynamics. Thermodynamic potentials of multi-components systems. Chemical potential; fugacity; activity. Gibbs Duhem equation. Chemical reactions.
-Thermodynamics of interfaces: Gibbs model of interface; excess free energy of an interface; relative excess quantities; isotherm of adsorption (Gibbs); surface tension. Born-Stern approach. Young Laplace equation. Equilibrium shape of a crystal: the Wulff theorem.
-G-X diagrams. The model of Bragg and Williams. Chan-Hilliard theory for the free energy of non -homogeneous systems (two components). The spinodal decomposition. Kinetics of the spinodal decomposition.
-Phase transitions: classical theory of nucleation; thermodynamic and kinetic aspects ; homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation; growth law of the nuclei. Atomistic nucleation: rate equations. Phase transition kinetics.
Experimental section
The course introduces the student to synthesis of inorganic materials using a number of techniques. The following methods are treated: flux methods, hydrothermal methods, chemical vapor transport, CVD, sol-gel, precursor methods, intercalation, soft chemistry, electrochemical methods. Materials are made in different forms from amorphous materials and single crystals to nanomaterials and thin films.
In particular will study methods using:
Solid-state reactions
Formation of solids from the gas phase
Formation of solids from solutions and melts
Particular attention will be given to nanomaterials synthesis
Lab experiences
-CVD synthesis of diamond, nanodiamond,
-CVD synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene
-Chem Synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles
-Chem Synthesis of ferrofluids
Suggested bibliography
Notes of the lectures will be provided during the course
For the topics of chemical thermodynamics a physical chemistry text book such as
P. Atkins: ��Physical Chemistry��; W.J Moore ��Physical Chemistry��
J. Cahn, J.E. Hilliard, J Chem Phys 28 (1958) 258
T. Hill: ��An introduction to statistical thermodynamics�� ( Dover )
For the topics of materials synthesis
��Inorganic materials synthesis and fabrication�� John N. Lalena, David A. Cleary, Everett E. Carpenter, and Nancy F. Dean, (2008) John Wiley E Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA.
- A.A.: 2019/2020
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 8