
  • Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: L-ANT/09
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 804001376
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: Elements of Roman History
  • Obiettivi: LT Module A 6 CFU (Can be integrated in 12 credits taking the exam of Methodologies and Techniques of the Archaeological Investigation). Educational objectives. The course aims at providing the students with the knowledge and the tools which are necessary for an exhaustive knowledge and understanding of: the main archaeological, literal and iconographic sources which are apt to the re-construction of the urban history of ancient Rome; the archaeological remains of Ancient Rome as the basic elements of a multi-stratified urban landscape; the process of implementation and communication of the archaeological assets; Plan of the course. Sources, method and tools for a re-construction of the urban features of Ancient Rome; The territorial and environmental context; The different theories about the birth of Rome; Rome in the early Republican age; Rome in the middle Republican age; Rome in the late Republican age; Rome in the early Imperial age and, namely, in the Augustan age; Rome in the middle Imperial age. Teaching method.Frontal lessons indoor with the support of graphic and photographic tools.Guided visits to the relevant sites, museums and monuments, mainly focused on the management, implementation and communication of the archaeological assets. Final test. The examination will consist in a discussion of about 30 minutes where the candidate will have to show an exhaustive understanding of: the main sources for the re-construction of the Urban History of Rome; the stratification of the urban landscape in a specific area of Rome (Campidoglio, Foro Romano, Palatino etc.); the basic elements of the urban features at a specific time in the Urban History of Rome (The early Monarchic age; the late Republican age; the Augustan age etc.) Final test In a discussion of about 30 minutes, the candidate will have to show an exhaustive understanding of: the main sources for the re-construction of the Urban History of Rome; the stratification of the urban landscape in a specific area of Rome Campidoglio, Foro Romano, Palatino etc); the basic elements of the urban features at a specific time in the Urban History of Rome (The early Monarchic age; the late Republican age; the Augustan age etc.). Texts Adopted. F. Coarelli, Roma (Guide Archeologiche Laterza), Roma-Bari, 2008. The pages to be studied refer to the 2008 edition. Capitoli:Le Mura urbane; il Campidoglio; il Foro Romano; I Fori Imperiali; Il Palatino, pp. 4-195; Il Campo Marzio, pp. 342-401; I Fori Olitorio e Boario, Il Circo massimo, le Terme di Caracalla, pp. 404-432; Aventino, Trastevere, il Vaticano, pp.448-227. Introduzioni/Notizie storiche: Valle Colosseo, PP.198-199; L'Esquilino, pp.224-227; Il Celio, pp.276-280; Il Quirinale, Il Viminale e la via Lata. pp.300-306; Asterischi: La tecnica edilizia e i materiali da costruzione, pp.492-496. P. Gros -" M. Torelli, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Roma-Bari, 2007 pp: 5-38; 75-157; 201-242.
  • Ricevimento: Lunedi' 12-13 mercoledi' 11-12


  • A.A.: 2019/2020
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6