
  • Dipartimento: Ingegneria
  • Settore Ministeriale: ING-INF/03
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8039489
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisiti: as reported by student guide
  • Obiettivi: A) STUDY OBJECTIVE AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES The course aims at providing the student with the tools necessary to understand the main phenomena related to radio communications, wireless, and more generally, aims at acquiring the skills of analysis and basic design of modern radio systems. The first part is more descriptive of the phenomena having roots in the radio channel. It opens with an introduction to radio propagation in free space, which provides a basic elements for the design of a simple link between fixed points. Then, we characterize the transmission medium in the presence of the atmosphere, terrain and obstacles, taking into consideration the more complex phenomena that determine the performance of a real wireless system. Afterwards, we proceed to characterize the mobile radio channel, its properties, both narrowband and broadband, and the related technical measures able to guarantee the needed transmission quality. In the second part of the course, more specifically devoted to systems engineering issues, we illustrate the basic functionality of the mobile networks, including examination of some well-known standards. These standards include the GSM-GPRS, the UMTS, as well as the Wi-Fi and the WiMAX. We begin with a detailed discussion of the cellular concept and its implications in the interference management, and then we proceed with the examination of the most commonly used medium access modes (the so-called MAC) with particular reference to multiple access techniques to the mobile radio channel. Then we provide the basic principles of cellular networks planning and the related performance evaluation at radio system level. Afterwards, the descriptions of the main standard follows. In particular, we devote extensive attention to architectures and protocols at various layers for GSM-GPRS and UMTS-HSPA cellular systems. The course is primarily designed for students at level of Master (MSc) in Telecommunications, but it is also recommended as a useful complement for those who will also need to design systems and subsystems with radio electronic components (e.g. MSc in Electronics), or those who wish to deepen the notions of architectures and protocols in mobile environments (e.g. MSc in Computer Science), or, finally, all students who wish to understand the complexity of complete systems from a management perspective, based on examination of real case studies (e.g. MSc in Engineering Management).
  • Ricevimento: Lunedi' - Venerdi' 9:30 - 13:30


  • A.A.: 2015/2016
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 9