Navigazione di Sezione:
Tecnologie E Protocolli Per Internet II 2015/2016
- Dipartimento: Ingegneria
- Settore Ministeriale: ING-INF/03
- Codice di verbalizzazione: 8039667
- Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
- Metodi di valutazione: Scritto E Orale
- Prerequisiti: TCP/IP
- Obiettivi: The course deals with novel networking paradigms with special focus to distributed solutions to control the transferring of data in the network. Specifically, we consider: the deployment of network connection with guaranteed quality of service (IP QoS); Internet intradomain (OSPF) and interdomain (BGP) routing; MPLS traffic engineering; the deployment of virtual private network for spatially distributed companies (Virtual Private Networks); massive distribution of multimedia contents (Content Delivery Network) distributed infrastructure for user to user data dissemination (Peer to Peer). The teaching faces algorithms, protocols, technologies and performances. Furthermore, more than fifty percent of the course is for laboratory experience with Linux and Cisco Routers, during which students ��make real�� on their laptop the theoretical lectures.
- Ricevimento: Martedi' ore 15:00
- A.A.: 2015/2016
- Canale: UNICO
- Crediti: 9