
  • Dipartimento: Economia
  • Settore Ministeriale: M-DEA/01
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 8011420
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Scritto
  • Prerequisiti: None
  • Obiettivi: Learning Objectives: This course is a study of present Rome, its cultural complexity and diversity. It offers the students local perspectives on globalization as it offers global perspectives on the city of Rome. The intertwined processes of globalization and localization will be addressed via an in-depth study of Rome and the social, cultural, political, demographic and economic transformations the city is currently going through. From a more general perspective, the course will introduce the concept of “global cities” and discuss global city theory. The course will introduce Rome via a diversity of topical prisms: immigration, neighborhood formations, ethnicity, tourism, popular culture, youth culture, religious identities, food and identity, etc. The course has an explicit aim to force students to recognize and valorize local particularities in a globalizing world, but also to understand these particularities less as relics of the past for the tourist to gaze at, and more like dynamic and ongoing adaptations to the centrifugal forces of globalization. Within this general frame, the course aims at training students to watch at Rome not only as a immobile city with a cherished past, but also a vivid location going towards its future. In this respect a secondary aim of the course is to allow students to critically assess the economic theory of the global city and to integrate it with a more complex perspective based not only on economics, but also on political science, sociology and cultural anthropology, since cultural aspects of globalization are central to a city like Rome and more relevant to her current development than strictly economic factors. The student will be asked to think about his or her own cultural backgrounds, to develop an analytic stance toward identity and power in the world today, to compare Rome to other urban settings in the World, and to learnedly discuss the global and local forces that shape their own lives.
  • Ricevimento: STUDIO: stanza 16 primo piano palazzina B. Il ricevimento e' previsto, preferibilmente su appuntamento, il lunedi' mattina dopo lezione, tra le 10.45 e le 12.30. Prenotarsi via mail at o con messaggio whatsapp al 333 981 2520


  • A.A.: 2013/2014
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6