Programme German Literature 3 A:

Nineteenth-Century German fiction and poetry

The module aims to illustrate some significant stages in the development of German fiction and poetry of the 19th century, in particular in the first half of the century. In some cases (Goethe, Eichendorff) both narrative and poetic texts of the same author will be handled with. With reference to the second half of the century, the module will focus on one of the novels by Fontane, a key 'cosmopolitan' author of German realism with multiple connections to English literature. In addition to notions of narratology, the course will also include a brief introduction to the various types of poetic compositions, stanzas, verses etc.; in order to consolidate the theoretical background necessary for the appreciation of the poetic text, the module will devote a few hours of lessons to the technical aspects of versification. Third year students are expected to read in German Der blonde Eckbert by Tieck and Aus dem Leben eines Taugeniths di Eichendorff. The lessons are held in Italian. Foreign students may take the exam in German or in English. 



W. v. Goethe, Le affinità elettive, Milano, Garzanti

J. v. Eichendorff, Vita di un perdigiorno, Milano, Rizzoli

Ludwick Tieck, Il biondo Eckbert, a cura di Leonardo Tofi, Venezia, Marsilio N

Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen (qualsiasi edizione)

Gorg Büchner, Lenz, Venezia, Marsilio

Heinrich Heine, Germania, una fiaba d'inverno, a cura di Nino Muzzi, con testo a fronte, Arcidosso (GR), C& P Adver, Effigi 2022

Heinrich Heine, Poesie scelte, Milano, Mimesis

Theodor Fontane, Jenny Treibel, a cura di M. T. Mandalari, Lampi di stampa (o altra ediz. italiana)



L. Mittner, Storia della letteratura tedesca, vol. II, Dal pietismo al romanticismo (1770-1820), tre tomi, Torino, Einaudi (NB: alcuni capitoli)