Programme Laboratory Diagnostics And Technology Of Cultural Heritage Lm:

The workshop on diagnostics and technology of cultural heritage is open to all students wishing to learn the basics of image acquisition using a camera. The workshop consists of a series of theoretical lectures and activities to be carried out in the laboratory.   The lectures will provide the fundamental basis for understanding visualisation, and thus the relationship between eye, light and work of art. This theoretical part will be fundamental to the understanding of image acquisition methods. The basics necessary to use the camera will also be provided. The course is open both to those who already have their own equipment and who wish to learn more about image acquisition methods, and to those who do not know the equipment and wish to acquire a basic knowledge of it.   During the workshop activities it will be explained how to set up the space and manage the light in order to obtain photographic sets. The students will actively participate in the acquisition of images and learn how to use all the basic equipment (camera, tripod, lights). The images will then be processed in order to obtain sets that can be used for photogrammetric models. Finally, the sets thus acquired will be processed with other programmes to obtain 3D images of the object taken in the laboratory. Once the classroom and laboratory lessons have been completed, the students will be invited to put the acquired knowledge into practice by working out on their own a photogrammetric model on a subject of their choice.   Participation in the theoretical lectures and laboratory activities will be essential for the recognition of training credits linked to the diagnostics laboratory.