Programme Cinema & Archive Lm A:

Archives and cinema studies LM - For 2023-2024, the course will be held in the second semester. For information write to

- Programme

The course focuses on the knowledge aspect of online databases and national and international physical archives and how these places operate strategies to protect film heritage. The first part of the programme will introduce the methods of analysis, identification and cataloguing of filmic and non-filmic materials from the archives and databases presented. The use of these tools will be useful to the student for the creation of databases, filmographies, catalogues aimed at the preservation and valorisation of the filmic and non-filmic film heritage that will emerge during research to be conducted individually.

The result of this research will be the basis for the last part of the course, which will be devoted to the elaboration of the research project to be presented for part of the examination. The structure for carrying out the research will be as follows: In a preliminary phase, students will be guided in the identification of sources to be interrogated by practising the previous lessons; then a schedule for consulting the sources will be designed, assessing the need to visit the main physical archives and locations where filmic and non-filmic materials are stored (e.g. Central State Archive, Biblioteca Luigi Chiarini of National film Archive, Teche Rai, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome, Archivio della Revisione Cinematografica della Direzione Generale Cinema).


Knowledge and understanding

The main target is to develop knowledge on how to carry out a research project by interrogating various national and international online databases, archives and film heritage sites. In addition, the various methodologies for the creation of a filmography and reference bibliography will be explored in relation to the materials that emerged from the consultation of the archives.


Applying knowledge and understanding

Through the proposed activities, students will acquire the skills and awareness to develop the structure of a research project that represents a case study in the field of cinema studies, identifying the sources to be investigated (archives and databases), then to be organised (using appropriate software) and finally to be deepened, utilised and exploited for the complete realisation of the research.


- Methods for verifying learning

The exam will take place as an interview, concerning the adopted texts, the topics covered in the course and the job assigned during the course itself. The evaluation will take into account the clarity of the exposition and mastery of the scientific language and the knowledge of the topics studied. An original written elaboration by students of what they have learned during the course is required. Screenings: some films will be viewed in the classroom and then examined and discussed by the teacher and students.


- Teaching methods adopted

Lectures will be held focusing on the crucial points of the sector's own historiography with presentations of research projects related to the various modes of production. Scholars with different professional backgrounds in the field of film may be invited to participate. On the Microsoft Teams course page, accompanying and in-depth materials to the lectures will be offered.


- Texts adopted

1. Antonio Romiti, Archivistica generale. Primi elementi, Civita Editoriale, 2020;

2. Diego Cavallotti, Denis Lotti, Andrea Mariani (a cura di), Scrivere la storia, costruire l'archivio. Note per una storiografia del cinema e dei media, Meltemi, Milano 2021 (NB i saggi da studiare saranno indicati a lezione)

3. Fabio Andreazza (a cura di), Fare storia del cinema. Metodi, oggetti, Carocci, Roma, 2022 (NB i saggi da studiare saranno indicati a lezione)

4. Paolo Cherchi Usai, La cineteca di Babele, in Gian Piero Brunetta (a cura di), Storia del cinema mondiale. Teorie, strumenti, memorie, vol. 5, Einaudi, Torino, 2001, pp. 965-1067

5. Dispense a cura del docente sulle fonti archivistiche, l’ordinamento e la conservazione.


- Lesson attendance

The attendance although optional, is highly recommended. Students who have attended 2/3 of lessons are considered attending students.

For non-attending students, add the following chapters from the book Stefano Twardzik, Introduzione allo studio dell’archivistica, Biblion Edizioni, 2023:

1. Il Metodo storico, gli archivisti toscani e la normativa in materia di archivi nei primi decenni dopo l’Unità d’Italia, pp. 51-68

2. La normativa e l’organizzazione archivistica italiana nel corso del Novecento e fino alle recenti riforme, pp. 69-98