Programme of Course Modules:

Applied Ecology | Docente:
Clara Boglione The sustainable development: relations among ecological, juridical and social dimensions.  Structure and functions of the marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The dimension of environmental components: ecological models, remote-sensing, information system. Deterioration factors of the environment: pollution of  atmosphere, superficial and ground waters and soil, global contamination.  Conservation and recovery: evaluation of environmental impacts, eco-compatible agriculture and aquaculture, recovery of transitional and freshwater bodies, biological depuration of wastewaters.
Human Ecology | Docente:
Maria Felicita Fuciarelli

Ecological factors and human evolution; ecosystemic and anthropic relationships; humans people, food and soil; fundamental concepts of human responses to environmental changes and stressors; biological human adaptability and social/cultural regulatory adjustments; coping with climatic changes; human adaptability to warm and hot biomes (humid tropics, grasslands and arid lands); human adaptability to arctic zones; human adaptability to high altitudes; human population and food environment; people-pathogens-diseases; modern complex chronic diseases; new directions in human ecology: human population and climate changes, anthromes, urban ecology; local and global actions