Programme of Course Modules:

Glottology A | Docente:
Paolo Poccetti
Glottology B | Docente:
Paolo Poccetti Module B of Glottologia (Historical Linguistics) taught by prof. Poccetti will start on 7 November 2023, but students are required to attend the lesssons of Fondamenti di Glottologia e linguistica (held by prof. Filippin) which count as module A of Glottologia. Module B which will start on November 7 will have the following contents Criteria for classifying the languages ​​of the world Genealogical kinship, typological affinity and contact processes between languages History of linguistics with particular emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries Comparison and reconstruction of language families Phonetics and phonology Phonetic laws Linguistic change The exam of modules A and B will take place in the same session and will be held by the prof. Poccetti. The exam texts for both modules are as follows

1) Graffi- Scalise, Lingue e linguaggi . Il Mulino

2) Robins, Storia della linguistica Il Mulino

3) F.Albano Leoni – P.Maturi, Manuale di Fonetica, Carocci

4) F. Fanciullo, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Il Mulino

5) E.Magni, Linguistica storica, Patron, BolognaParentela genealogica, affinità tipologica e processi di contatto tra le lingue