Programme of Course Modules:

Latin Linguistics A | Docente:
Francesca Romana Nocchi


LATIN LINGUISTIC (L-FIL-LET/04) Francesca Romana Nocchi

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student is required to acquire the fundamentals of the periodisation of the Latin language, from the archaic period to the late Latin period, with notions of historical grammar, historical semantics and stylistics of Latin.    KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING:  Knowledge and understanding of the transformations of the Latin language and its diachronic development. Knowledge of technical languages.    APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The aim is to provide the student with the necessary skills for a correct chronological evaluation of language changes and text analysis from a morphological, syntactic and stylistic point of view.     MAKING JUDGEMENTS:  It is expected to stimulate critical skills through the systematic comparison of different theories and methodological approaches .    COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student will be able to expose the main phenomena of linguistic change and to analyse the Latin text from this perspective. He will express him in a specific technical language in relation to both historical-linguistic changes and sectorial languages.   LEARNING SKILLS:


The student will be able to self-educate through research conducted on traditional bibliographical and multimedia tools   PREREQUISITIES   12 CFU acquired in SSD L-FIL-LET/04; knowledge of Latin morphology and syntax; knowledge of the History of Latin Literature   PROGRAM   The course will present the main aspects of Latin phonetics, morphology and syntax from a comparative perspective; the position of Latin among the Indo-European languages; the relationship between Latin and the other Italic languages; the influence of Celtic, Messapic and Punic. Some evidence of archaic, classical and late Latin will also be analysed, in particular the inscriptions of the Scipios and the language of the 'liberti' in Petronian Satyricon.     EVALUATION   Oral examination   The oral test consists of an interview: the student will be invited to make a linguistic commentary (after translation) on the Latin texts analysed in class, to discuss some of the critical essays discussed and to expound on notions of the history of the Latin language   EXAMINATION BOOKS   F. Berardi, Le vie del Latino. Storia della Lingua Latina con elementi di grammatica storica, Congedo Editore, Galatina 2020 A. Aragosti, Petronio Arbitro. Satyricon, BUR, Milano 1995 + a dossier of papers will be provided during the lessons   METHOD OF CONDUCTING EXAMINATION   The lessons include a first part of the professor's oral presentation supported by visual tools such as PowerPoint presentations. The final part of the lesson is instead devoted to stimulating questions and discussions by the students. Language texts will also be read and commented on.   Frequency not obligatory, but recommended