Programme Digital Technologies For The Study And Cataloging Of Cultural Heritage Lm A:

TITLE = Virtual museum for cultural and theatrical heritage: case studies, research and experimentation.

The first part  focuses on the problem of tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage assetss conservation and cataloging. It analyzes how cultural heritage is safeguarded, valued, displayed and what is the type of communication, perception and usability.

The second part starts from the concept and definition of "virtual museum", describing its history worldwide. Different case studies will be examined to understand the creative process, design and creation phases of a virtual museum.


1.     P. Bertolone, M.I. Biggi, D. Gavrilovich, Performing Arts Museums and Exhibitions, Universitalia, Roma 2015

2.     S. Caraceni, “Musei virtuali/Augmented Heritage. Evoluzione e classificazione delle tipologie di virtualità in alcuni case histories”,Guaraldi Ed., 2013 (Formato:E-book)

3.     B. Martini (a cura di), “Il museo sensibile. le tecnologie ICT al servizio della trasmissione della conoscenza”, FrancoAngeli ed., 2016.

4.   D. Gavrilovich, “Dalla Mostra concreta alla mostra virtuale. La sperimentazione dedicata a Vera Komissarževskaja”, in “Culture del teatro moderno e contemporaneo”, Universitalia, Roma, 2016: 209-221