Programme of Course Modules:

Methodologies And Techniques For Art History And Restoration A | Docente:
Olga Concetta Patroni

LEARNING OUTCOMES: acquisition of an interdisciplinary approach methodology that integrates knowledge and skills relevant to historical, artistic and technical studies. The course aims at fostering the development of practical skills in the use of 3D techniques for the reproduction of cultural heritage and techniques for the use, valorisation and communication of cultural heritage. 


- Regulatory elements and specific language in the field of digital technologies applied to cultural heritage - Elements of 3D modelling for cultural heritage: basic theory and use of software - Image-based acquisition techniques for 3D reproduction of cultural heritage - Range-based acquisition techniques for 3D reproduction of cultural heritage - Elements of automatic photogrammetry: basis of theory and use of software - Elements of diagnostics for cultural heritage - Digital communication tools for cultural heritage 


The assessment of learning will take place through an oral examination on the topics covered by the course in order to verify the knowledge acquired.The students will have to demonstrate a critical understanding of the scientific and technical issues relating to the application of technologies for the valorisation, use and communication of artistic artefacts. They will be asked to present and discuss the knowledge and skills acquired with adequate language property.