Programme of Course Modules:

General Linguistics A | Docente:
Francesca Dragotto

Course team available at

Languages, languages, and their role in the human communication.

This course, introductive to linguistics, aimed to facilitate students becoming familiar with the fundamental concepts and tools of the metalinguistic disciplines.

Teaching methods will privilege the inductive didactics applied to various kind of texts, primarily advertising (due to its peculiar features). Lessons will be focused on the biological basis of communication,on the role of verbal language and the non-verbal languages in the human experience, on the main linguistic and communicative components of texts, basically the real brick of the Sapiens sapiens communication.

The exam will be exclusively written, divided into two blocks. The first, preparatory, will be preceded by at least two ongoing simulations. The first block will consist of a battery of questions (between 15 and 30, depending on their degree of difficulty) organized according to the multiple-response test mode (for each question, the correct answers can go from 0 to all). The test will include questions on the verbal language, on its characteristics and on the relationship with different languages; on phonetics, the phonetic transcription, and phonology; on morphology, the morphological decomposition, and morphotaxis; on lexicon and semantics; on syntax and the syntagmatic analysis. The second part will include ten multiple choice questions of the same type of the former block (for each question, the correct answers can go from zero to all), as well as ten open questions (eight of the short type and two long). The questions will be focused on: the analysis of texts in the exam bibliography (2); the analysis of texts not present in the exam bibliography but of a similar type (2); the structure and functions of the verbal language, also with reference to the authors and theories examined (2); the basic notions of sociolinguistics (2) and the consequences, for the mental organization of knowledge, deriving from the fact of speaking a language (i.e. cognitive frames, frames, stereotypes,…) (2).



  • Cavagnoli, S., Dragotto, F.,  Alla scoperta delle scienze del linguaggio, Mondadori Università


  • Berruto, G., Prima lezione di sociolinguistica, Laterza
  • A bibliography related to the most relevant authors and linguistic theories will be indicated and released during the lessons.

The course includes a 30-hour frontal module and a 10-hour seminar module focused on phonetics.

Attendance is strongly recommended. For this reason, registrations will be stored in the virtual classroom, especially for those who could not participate in the lessons.

Social-linguistics B | Docente:
Stefania Cavagnoli
  • No Programme Currently Present.