General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: L-ART/04
  • ID code: 804002378
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisites: Art history knowledge and notions of works of art conservation.The verification will consist of an oral exam, combined with the written activities held during the course. The evaluation will take into consideration both the theoretical knowledge acquired and the critical and analytical capabilities during site visits, workshops and simulations. Communication and interaction skills as well as an appropriate technical language will be considered as a plus in the final evaluation.
  • Objectives: The course has the aim of improving the knowledge of all the procedural and technical-logistic phases developed -along the years- by the most advanced international working groups. Students will learn all the necessary aspects aimed at coordinating, organizing, realizing and managing exhibitions and cultural events, starting from the scientific project and including activities in the Museum premises. The course provides with a better understanding of the overall logistical issues to be tackled, giving the necessary instruments to address priorities in the various organizational phases and to autonomously identify solutions. Throughout an interdisciplinary and problem-solving approach, the course will also focus on other disciplines, necessary to address complex issues such as organizing exhibitions and cultural events.The course will identify and explain the methods adopted and the skills necessary to design, implement and manage exhibitions (project, budget, loan application procedures, insurance and indemnity, artworks moving, agreements, preparation, reception, graphics, communication, etc). The course will be structured in frontal lessons and in guided visits to temporary and permanent exhibitions in order to combine the knowledge acquired in classroom with learning by doing activities, workshops, simulations, projects and questionnaires. Students will be encouraged �"individually and in group- to develop both independent judgement, collaborative capacity and transversal skills. In the final phase of the course, students will be asked to draft a concept of an exhibition project and to participate to a simulation of the procedures and the coordination of the set-up phases, as well as to identify all the professional figures involved, in order to combine the theoretical knowledge acquired to practice.
  • Office hours:


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6