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Laboratory Of Books Digitization 2023/2024
General Information:
- Department: Lettere E Filosofia
- Settore Ministeriale: AAF
- ID code: 804001916
- Teaching methods: Laboratorio
- Assessment methods: Orale
- Prerequisites: None
- Objectives: The course will be divided into two modes: frontal (theoretical) lessons and (practical) laboratory lessons. At the beginning of the course there is a short series of technical lessons on photography. The laboratory is located in the premises of the Literary Area Library and hosts a Metis planetarium scanner. Part of the practical lessons will therefore take place in the Library, the remaining practical lessons in the IT classrooms, together with the theoretical ones. The course will allow you to obtain 3 or 6 credits depending on the modules chosen (A, A+B)
- Office hours: Mercoledi' 11.00/13.00
- A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Channel: UNICO
- Credits / ECTS(CFU): 3