General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • ID code: 804001590
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Scritto
  • Prerequisites: No pre-requisites. Classes can be attended by students who no preliminary knowledge of Greek or wish to improve their rudimentary knowledge of Greek.
  • Objectives: Aims: *** EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Basic knowledge of Greek language and grammar. Ability to translate easy Greek texts. The course contributes to the acquisition of the ability to read and interpret from a linguistic, point of view ancient Greek texts. *** EXPECTED RESULTS: In line with the educational objectives of the Study Program in "Lettere", this training activity aims to provide the student with the following knowledge and skills: - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: This course contributes to the acquisition: i) of the linguistic knowledge necessary for reading, interpreting, and analyzing a Greek text from a linguistic point of view; ii) of a good knowledge of the pronunciation, morphology, and a basic knowledge of the syntax of the Greek language. - APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: This course contributes to the acquisition of the ability: i) to read and interpret the original text of ancient Greek sources; ii) to conduct elementary linguistic research on ancient Greek texts. - COMMUNICATION SKILLS: This course contributes to the acquisition of the ability to express in an effective and orderly manner the grammatical categories and notions of the Greek language, and to discuss, on a basic linguistic level, the interpretation of passages from ancient Greek texts of lesser complexity.
  • Office hours: in presenza (da concordare via mail)


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6