Navigazione di Sezione:
Churches And Media In Modern And Contemporary Age A 2023/2024
General Information:
- Department: Lettere E Filosofia
- Settore Ministeriale: M-STO/07
- ID code: 804002708
- Teaching methods: Frontale E Altro
- Assessment methods: Orale
- Prerequisites: .
- Objectives: LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of the most important chronological turning points within the history of the Catholic Church's relationship with the media and communicative languages of the modern and contemporary ages. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: During classes, the student will learn the fundamentals of historical research methodology, with particular reference to the field of historical-religious studies, becoming familiar with a specific vocabulary and conceptual tools peculiar to that discipline. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The acquisition or consolidation of the fundamental principles of the historiographical method, verified both in classes and in examinations, will be useful for the student to profitably pursue his or her course of study and then spend his or her skills both in research and teaching and in other professional fields. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student will be asked, both in classes and in examinations, to develop his or her ability to critically evaluate the topics discussed and the texts analyzed. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: In the course of lectures, students will be called upon to actively participate, with the aim of strengthening his or her ability to expound informations, argue his or her positions and exchange views with the lecturer and colleagues; these communication skills will be part of the final assessment in the examination. LEARNING SKILLS: The teaching module will provide the tools for understanding the topics covered and the critical study of textbooks.
- Office hours: Mercoledi' h 11-13 Si prega di scrivere una mail al docente per prendere un appuntamento.
- A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Channel: UNICO
- Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6