General Information:

  • Department: Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali
  • ID code: 8067301
  • Teaching methods: Frontale E Altro
  • Assessment methods: Scritto
  • Prerequisites: To allow the best level of learning in the integrated course, the student will need to have basic knowledge of general biology, chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology. It is highly recommended to have attended the lessons and possibly have taken the exams of the courses: Cell and Developmental Biology, General Biochemistry and Biochemical Methodologies, Cell Biology and Bioinformatics, General Physiology.
  • Objectives: The integrated course is designed to provide the understanding of basic knowledge on: - structure and functions of prokaryotic cells, gene regulation and interactions with the environment and other living beings; practical applications of the microbial activities - virion structure and replication strategies of animal viruses and bacteriophages. Cellular and molecular pathogenetic mechanisms of the DNA and RNA viruses as well as the relevance of the main virus families for human pathology. The students should acquire independence of judgment that allows them to connect the basic knowledge acquired and understood. They should also be able to interpret simple experimental laboratory data. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: At the end of the course, the student should be able to communicate information, ideas, to identify and to discuss simple scientific problems. LEARNING SKILLS: The student should acquire adequate expertise for the development and study of competences in the general microbiology and basic virology and their applications in biotechnology.


  • A.Y.: 2021/2022
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 12