Foto Massimo Tomellini

Massimo Tomellini

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Studio cinetico della nucleazione e crescita di film sottili su superfici solide.

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Massimo Tomellini


Nato a Roma il 19-10-1960. Istruzione e lavoro: 1985 laurea in Fisica con lode; 1985-1988 ricercatore presso il Centro Sviluppo Materiali e Eniricerche; 1988 abilitazione all'insegnamento della fisica nelle scuole secondarie superiori; 1988-1990 ricercatore Universitario presso l’Università della Basilicata; dal 1990 è ricercatore Universitario, CHIM/02 (Chimica Fisica), presso l’Università di "Tor Vergata". Borse di studio: 1990-1991 borsa CNR presso la "School of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry" Cardiff (UK). Attività di ricerca con gruppi internazionali: 1993-1996 progetto di ricerca BRITE EURAM II, "Catalytic chemistry of CO2 at clean and modified metal, oxide and metal-oxide surfaces". Nel Febbraio 2003 è stato chiamato in qualità di Professore Associato, per il gruppo di discipline FIS03 (Fisica della Materia), dalla Facoltà di SFNN dell’ Università di Roma Tor Vergata.

Ha svolto attività di ricerca nel campo dell’ossidazione dei metalli alle alte temperature e in quello della caratterizzazione di ossidi metallici mediante spettroscopia di assorbimento con raggi X e con elettroni. Si è interessato di aspetti teorici (calcolo di sezione d’urto differenziale) connessi alla diffusione anelastica di elettroni su superfici solide - in geometria di riflessione. Ha sviluppato modelli cinetici interpretativi del processo di nucleazione e crescita di film di diamante su subitati di silicio cresciuti mediante tecnica CVD. Si è dedicato allo studio dei processi di rilassamento energetico di adatomi su superfici solide e del loro ruolo nelle reazioni di ricombinazione esotermiche.

Attualmente svolge attività di ricerca nel campo della cinetiche di nucleazione e crescita di nuove fasi su superfici solide, con particolare attenzione agli effetti indotti sulla cinetica dalla correlazione spaziale tra le isole. I modelli teorici vengono inoltre applicati allo studio della nucleazione mediante processi di deposizione elettrochimica e ai processi di polimerizzazione su superfici solide.

E’ autore di diverse pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali con procedura di valutazione mediante "peer review". Ha partecipato, presentando propri elaborati, a Conferenze Internazionali. Collaborazioni con riviste: in qualità di Referee con Physical Review E , Physical Review B, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Materials Science.

La lista completa delle pubblicazioni è disponibile sul sito del CINECA.

E’ autore di diversi articoli di carattere didattico e del libro “Appunti di Chimica Fisica dello stato solido”

Aracne editrice (2004)


Attività didattica: 1994/2003 ha tenuto il corso di Chimica dello Stato Solido (corso di laurea in Chimica); 1996/2003 ha tenuto il corso di Chimica Fisica dello stato solido e delle superfici (corso di laurea in Chimica); 2004/2010 titolare del corso di Chimica dei solidi II (corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali); dal 2004 è titolare del corso di Chimica dei solidi I (con laboratorio); dal 2010 è titolare del corso di Metodi Matematici (corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali). Dal 2015 è co-docente del corso di Chimica dei Solidi II laurea magistrale in scienza dei materiali (indirizzo fotonica in lingua inglese).


Elenco delle pubblicazioni


1) "Determination of mixing of 4f-ligand orbitals in Ce(SO4)2 by XANES: is Ce(SO4)2 a mixed valence system?"

A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli, M. Tomellini, I. Davoli;

J. Magnetism and  Magn. Mat. 47,48 (1985) 209


2) "Effect of SiO2 on charge transfer at Zirconia/Electrode  interface"

D. Gozzi, M. Tomellini, A. Bianconi, M. Fanfoni;

J. Electroanal. Chem. and Interfacial Electrochem. 198 (1986) 53


3) "Local structure determination by surface XANES spectroscopy of  SiO2 amorphous layer on NiO"

M. Tomellini, A. Bianconi, J. Garcia, A. Gargano, D. Gozzi, I. Davoli, A. Marcelli;

J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 5 (1986) 441


4) "Multielectron configurations in the XANES of NiO at oxygen  threshold"

I. Davoli, A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli, M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Phys. Rev. B 33 (1986) 2979


5) "Surface Ni oxide studied by oxygen K - XANES"

I. Davoli, M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

J. de Physique 47 (1986) C8-  517


6) "High temperature oxidations of metals under time dependent gas pressure"

M. Tomellini, D. Gozzi;

Oxidation of Metals 26 5/6 (1986) 305


7) "EXAFS and XANES joint analyses for semiconducting vanadium  phosphate glasses"

S. Stizza, I. Davoli, O. Gzowski, L. Murawshi, M. Tomellini;

A. Marcelli, A. Bianconi;

Journal non Cryst. Solids 80 (1986) 175


8) "Local structure of Nickel oxide grown at high temperatures in ceramic electrolyte cells"

M. Tomellini, D. Gozzi, A. Bianconi, I. Davoli;

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 83 (1987) 289 


9) "Ceramic electrolyte cells in high temperatures oxidation of metals"

D. Gozzi, M. Tomellini, P.L. Cignini, L. Petrucci;

J. Electrochem. Soc. 134 (1987) 728


10) "XPS spectra of defective Nickel oxide"

M. Tomellini;

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 84 (10) (1988) 3501


11) "High temperature oxidations of metals under time dependent gas pressure: an application to steel oxidation"

M. Tomellini, A. Mazzarano;

Oxidation of Metals 29 3/4 (1988) 179


12) "Kinetics of oxide nodular growths at high temperature: a theoretical study"

M. Tomellini;

Mat. Chem. and Phys. 20 (1988) 333


13) "Transport processes at high temperatures related to oxygen activity at YSZ surface"

D. Gozzi, P.L. Carnevale, P.L. Cignini, L. Petrucci, M. Tomellini;

Solid State Ionics 36 (1988) 159


14) "A solid state electrochemical technique for the study of high temperature materials-oxygen interaction"

D. Gozzi, P.L. Cignini, G. Carnevale, M. Tomellini;

High Temp. High Pressures 20 (1988) 385


15) "Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: double scattering contribution in reflection geometry"

P. Ascarelli, M. Tomellini;

Solid State Comm. 68 (1988) 683


16) "Zirconia cells as device to study the oxidation of metals"

D. Gozzi, L. Petrucci, P.L. Cignini, M. Tomellini;

Adv. in Ceramics24 (1989) 865


17) "Double scattering contribution in EELS II: a comparison between EELFS and EXAFS."

M. Tomellini, P. Ascarelli;

Solid State Comm. 72 (1989) 371


18) "Role of oxygen supply in high temperature growth of compact oxide scale "

D. Gozzi, M. Tomellini, G. Carnevale, P.L. Cignini, L. Petrucci;

J. Mater. Sci. 25 (1990) 4562


19) "A physico-mathematical description of the quenching stage of steel sheets for continuous annealing process"

M. Tomellini;

Mat. Sci. and Technology 6 (1990) 196


20) "On the possibility for local oversaturation of deuterium in palladium"

M. Tomellini, D. Gozzi;

J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 9 (1990) 836


21) "On the question of determining thin film growth using Auger electron spectroscopy"

M. Tomellini, G. A. Attard;

Surface Science  245 (1991) L 179


22) "Double scattering contribution in EELS III: evaluation of the EELFS amplitude in backscattering geometry."

M. Tomellini;

Solid State Comm. 79 (1991) 179


23) "On the work of adhesion of the film substrate solid junction"

M. Tomellini;

Thin Solid Film 202 (1991) 227


24) "Kinetics of coadsorption of dioxygen and ammonia at a Zn (0001) surface: a theoretical model"

A.F. Carley, M.W. Roberts, M. Tomellini;

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 87 (1991) 3563


25) "A model kinetics for nucleation at a solid surface with application to diamond deposition from the gas phase"

M. Tomellini, R. Polini, V. Sessa;

J. Applied Physics 70 (1991) 7573


26) "A comment on Final state after Ni2p photoemission in NiO"

M. Tomellini;

J. Electron Spectr. and Related Phen. 58 (1992) 75


27) "Coverage-time dependence during island growth at a solid surface with application to diamond deposition from the gas  phase"

M. Tomellini;

J. Applied Physics 72 (1992) 1589


28) "High temperature oxidation technique with in situ characterization of the oxide growth"

M. Tomellini, D. Gozzi, I. Davoli;

J. Mater. Chem. 2 (1992) 745


29) "Mixed oxidation states of titanium at the metal-oxide interface"

M.W. Roberts, M. Tomellini;

Catalysis Today 12 (1992) 443


30) "Diamond crystallite formation on Si(100) from the gas phase: seeding or heterogeneous nucleation?"

E. Molinari, R. Polini, M. Tomellini;

Applied Physics Letters 61 (1992) 1287


31) "Determination of the "overall" nucleation density on tungsten: a new treatment of the data"

R. Polini, M. Tomellini;

Diamond and Related Materials 2 (1993) 952


32) "Diamond Nucleation from the gas phase: a kinetic approach"

E. Molinari, R. Polini, M.L. Terranova, V. Sessa, M. Tomellini;

J. Mater. Research 8 (1993) 785


33) "Patterns of diamond nucleation from the gas phase"

E. Molinari, R. Polini, M. Tomellini;

J. Mater. Research 8 (1993) 798


34) "Evidence for non-classical nucleation in diamond deposition from the gas phase"

M. Tomellini;

J. Mater. Research 8 (1993) 1596


35) "Heterogeneous equilibrium between YBa2Cu3O7-? and oxygen studied by kinetic approach"

F. Cellucci, D. Gozzi, P.l.Cignini,M. Tomellini;

J. Mater. Chem. 3 (1993) 421


36) "Modelling of the kinetics of a Gas Solid reaction involving a surface transient"

M. Tomellini;

J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 89 (1993) 3629.


37) "The initial uptake rate in precursor mediated adsorption"

M. Tomellini;

Surface Science 303 (1994) L354


38) "Oxygen diffusion in YBCO mixed conductors: interpretation of T-jump measurements and experiments on hysteresis of conductivity"

F. Cellucci, D. Gozzi, M. Tomellini;

J. Mater. Chem. 4 (1994) 579


39) "Role of long range order in Extended Fine Autoionization Structures"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Solid State  Comm. 90 (1994) 391


40) "A kinetic model for gas adsorption at solid surfaces by surface transient formation"

M. Tomellini;

Topics in Catalysis 1 (1994) 169


41) "High temperature oxidation of one and two component metallic systems studied by in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy"

M. Tomellini, D. Gozzi, I. Davoli;

J. Alloys and Comp. 218 (1995) 237


42) "A rate equation approach to nucleation at solid surfaces with application to diamond deposition from the gas phase"

M. Tomellini;

Beric. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.99 (1995) 838


43) "Analysis of the size distribution functions of diamond crystallites formed in the early stages of chemical vapour deposition"

R.Polini, M. Tomellini;

Diamond and Related Materials 4 (1995)  1311


44) "Avrami's kinetic approach for describing Volmer Weber growth mode by PES and AES"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

J. Electr. Spectr. and Related Phen. 76 (1995) 283


45) "Kinetics of the total cluster perimeter in thin film growth on solid surfaces"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Surface Science 349 (3) (1996) L191


46) "Modelling of the particle size distribution function in the nucleation and the early stages of thin film growth"

M. Tomellini;

Applied Surface Science 99 (1996) 67


47) "On the rate constant for non steady state nucleation at solid surfaces"

M. Tomellini;

Beric. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 100  (1996) 1199


48) "Validity of Avrami's kinetics for random and non random distribution of germs"

V. Sessa, M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Physical Review B 54 (1996) 836


49) "Kinetics of clustering on surfaces"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni in : Monograph on Chemistry for the 21st Century:

Interfacial Science, M.W. Roberts (ed), Blakwell Science, (1997) chapter 6.


50) "Demonstration of Avrami's kinetics: Connection with rate equations for clustering on surfaces"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Physical Review B 54 (1996) 9828


51) "Dirac dnucleation in the framework of Avrami's model:the case of diamond growth on deformed Si(100)"

P. Polini, M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni, F. Le Normande;

Surface Science 373 (1997) 230


52) " Photoelectron spectroscopy as a probe for studying phase transition kinetics"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Physical Review B 55 (1997) 11923


53) "Why phantom nuclei must be considered in the JMAK kinetics"

M. Tomellini,M. Fanfoni;

Physical Review B 55 (1997) 14071


54) "Competition between extrinsic and intrinsic nucleation kinetics at solid surfaces"

M. Tomellini, M Fanfoni;

Surafce Science393 (1997) L99


55) "Kinetics of cluster impingement in thin film nucleation at solid surfaces: estimation of the collision series up to the fourth order term"

M Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Applied Surface Science 136 (1998) 338


56) "The Johnson-Mehl -Avrami-Kolmogorov model: a brief review"

M Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Il nuovo Cimento 20 (1998) 1171


57) "Rate equations and JMAK method for modeling the coverage-time dependence in thin film growth at solid surfaces"

M. Volpe, M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Surface Science 423 (1999) L258


58) "Analytical versus numerical approaches to the kinetics of cluster impingement in thin film nucleation at solid surfaces"

M. Volpe, M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, V. Sessa;

Surface Science 440 (1999) L820


59) "Adatom life time in film growth at solid surfaces in the framework of the JMAK model"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Surface Science 440 (1999) L849


60) "Effect of the impingement on the kinetics of island aggregation in the post nucleation stage of film growth at solid surfaces"

M. Fanfoni, R. Polini, V. Sessa, M. Tomellini, M. Volpe;

Applied Surface Science 152 (1999) 129


61) "Non-equilibrium vibrational kinetics in adlayers: outline of an aternative approach to catalytic processes"

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini;

Chemical Physics253 (2000) 367


62) "Kinetic theory of cluster impingement in film growth at solid surfaces: interplay between island density and adatom life time"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Surface Science 450 (2000) L267


63) "Spatially correlated nuclei: how the JMAK formula is modified in the case of simultaneous nucleation"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni, M. Volpe;

Physical Review B62 (2000) 11300


64) "Rate equation approach to film growth"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni;

Current Opinion in Solid State and Mater. Sci.,5 (2001) 91


65) "How the non-random distribution of nuclei affects the island density in thin-film growth"

M.Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, M. Volpe

Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 3424


66) "Coalescence and impingement between islands in thin film growth: Behavior of the island density kinetics"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, M. Volpe

Physical Review B64 (2001) 075409


67) "Non-equilibrium vibrational kinetics and hot-atom models in the recombination of hydrogen on surfaces"

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Chemical Physics 270 (2001) 439


68) "Phase transition kinetics in the case of non random nucleation"

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,  M. Volpe

Physical Review B65 (2002) 140301 (R)


69) "Vibrational non-equilibrium and 'hot atoms' in the oxidation of carbon monoxide on catalytic surfaces"

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Chemical Physics277 (2002) 373


70) "Treatment of phantom overgrowth in the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics as a correlation problem"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, M. Volpe

Physical Review B65 (2002) 172301


71) “Vibrational non equilibrium at catalytic surfaces”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Catalysis Letters 83 (2002) 71


72) “Mean field rate equations for diffusion growth in binary alloys”

M. Tomellini

J. Alloys Compounds  348 (2003) 189


73) “Beyond the Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami kinetics: inclusion of the spatial correlation”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, Eur. Phys. J. B 34 (2003) 331


74) “Non equilibrium vibrational steady state in chemisorption and catalysis”

M. Tomellini

Surface Science 544 (2003) 209


75) “Eliminating overgrowth effect by including the spatial correlation among islands”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni

Physica A   333 (2004) 65-70


76) “Chemisorption and the vibrational excitation of the adlayer”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Surface Science 552 (2004) 209


77) “Equilibrium-non equilibrium vibrational state transition in exoergic reactions at solid surfaces”

M. Tomellini

Surface Science 556 (2004) 184


78) “Modeling adatom life time in thin film growth in case of spatially correlated nuclei”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini,

Surf. Science 566-568 (2004) 1147


79) “Modeling adatom vibrational population and recombination rates in exoergic reactions ”

M. Tomellini

Surface Science 577 (2005) 200


80) “Film growth viewed as a stochastic dot processes”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini

J. Phys Condens. Matter 17 (2005) R571


81) “Roughness in the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami framework:extension to (2+1)D of the Trofimov-Park model”

B. Pacchiarotti, M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini

Physica A358 (2005)  379


82) “Kinetics of island density in thin film growth in the framework of statistical mechanics of rigid disks”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni

Physical Review B 72 (2005) 155407


83) “The dissipation of vibrational quanta in exoergic surface processes and its impact on reaction rates: a case study”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Surf. Science 600 (2006) 273


84) “Dynamics of energy relaxation of adatoms in the exoergic recombination of gas atoms at solid surfaces: A master equation approach”

M. Tomellini

Physica A 369 (2006) 369


85) “Mean field approach for describing thin film morphology ”

M. Tomellini,M. Fanfoni

J. Phys: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 4219


86) “Three-levels model kinetics for atom recombination at catalytic surfaces”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Catalysis Today116 (2006) 56


87) “Kinetics of atom recombination at catalytic surfaces ruled by Hot Atom energy distributions”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Catalysis Today 116 (2006) 30


88) “Mean field approach for describing thin film morphology-2: adatom life time”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini, B. Marchetti, F. Gonnella

J. Phys: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 8093


89) “Role of patterning in islands nucleation on semiconductor surfaces”

N. Motta, P. D. Szkutnik, M. Tomellini, A. Sgarlata, M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, A. Balzarotti

C.R. Physique 7 (2006) 1046


90) “On the role of electron-hole pair excitation In the kinetics of atom recombination at metal surfaces”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini

Surf. Science  601 (2007)  1


91) “Nanodusting of RENi5 intermetallics grains through nucleation and growth of carbon nanotubes (RE=rare earth)”

M. Tomellini, A. Latini, D. Gozzi

The Journal of Phys. Chemistry C  111  (2007) 3266


92) “Energy disposal via electron hole pair excitation in atom recombination on metal surfaces: electron distribution function and detailed balancing”

M. Tomellini

Surf. Science  601 (2007) 2260


93) “Modelling the hot electron spectrum in exothermic reactions on metals”

M. Tomellini

J. Phys. Cond. Matter. 20 (2008) 135002


94) “Impingement factor in the case of phase transformations governed by spatially correlated nucleation”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni, Phys. Rev. B 78  (2008) 014206


95) “Impact of electron-hole pair excitation on the kinetics of exoergic processes at metal surfaces”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini, Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 3131


96) “A model kinetics for nucleation and diffusion-controlled growth of immiscible alloys”

M. Tomellini, J. Mater. Sci. 43 (2008) 7102


97) “Thermodynamic of CVD synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes: a case study.”

D. Gozzi, A. Latini, M. Tomellini, The Journal of Phys. Chemistry C   113 (2009) 45


98) “Steady state energy distribution function of adatoms in reactive adsorption”

M. Tomellini,

Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 97 (2009) 179


99) “On the kinetics of nucleation and growth reactions in inhomogeneous systems”

M. Tomellini,

J. Mater. Sci. 45 (2010)  733


100) “Evidence for Vibrational excitation of the adlayer in exoergic processes at metal surfaces: H-atom abstraction and recombination and adsorption stimulated desorption of CO”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini,

Z. Phys. Chem.  224 (2010) 761


101) “The interplay of energy disposal and reaction rates in exoergic processes at metal surfaces: desorption rates in vibrational excited adlayers

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini,  Z. Phys. Chem.  224 (2010) 743


102) High temperature determination of surface free energy of copper nanoparticles”

D.Gozzi, M. Tomellini, L. Lazzarini, A. Latini,

J. Phys. Chem. 114 (2010) 12117


103)” On the size distribution function  of diamond nano crystals grown on surfaces”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,

Diamond and Rel. Mater. 19 (2010) 1135


104) “Scaling, Voronoi Tessellation and KJMA: the distribution function in thin solid films”

M.Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,

Int. Journal Nanoscience 9 (2010) 1


105) “Stochastic transformation of points in polygon according to the Voronoi tessellation: Microstructural description”

A. DeVito, M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini,

Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 061111


106) “Kinetic analysis of high rate and low rate regimes in CO oxidation on Pt group metals: evidence for vibrational excitation of the O-rich adlayer and for thermal equilibrium of the CO rich phase.”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini,

 Z. Phys. Chem.  225 (2011) 136


107) “Impact of soft impingement in the kinetics of diffusion controlled growth of immiscible alloys”

M. Tomellini,

 Comp. Materials Sci. 50 (2011) 2371


108 ) “Kinetics of dissolution precipitation reaction at the surface of small particles: modeling and application”

M. Tomellini,

J. Mater. Sci.  47(2012) 804


109) “Beyond the constraint underlying Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami theory related to the growth law”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,

Phys. Rev. E 85 (2012) 021606


110) “Role of  vibrational excitation of the adlayer in precursor mediated sticking probabilities of CO on metal surfaces”

E. Molinari, M. Tomellini,

Z. Phys. Chem.  226 (2012) 253


111) “Vibrational temperature of the adlayer in the ‘hot-atom’reaction mechanism”

M. Tomellini,

Physica A 392 (2013) 875–888


112)  “Soft impingement in diffusion controlled  growth of binary alloys: Moving boundary effect in one-dimensional system”

M. Tomellini,

Journal of Materials Science  48  (2013) 5653


113)  “Functional form of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics for non-isothermal phase transformations at constant heating rate”

M. Tomellini,

 Thermochimica Acta   566  (2013) 249


114)  “Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami kinetics for non-isothermal phase transformations ruled by diffusional growth”

M. Tomellini,

J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry   116(2) (2014) 853-864


115) “High temperature stability of onion-like carbon vs highly oriented pyrolytic graphite”

A. Latini, M. Tomellini, L. Lazzarini, G. Bertoni, D. Gazzoli, L. Bossa, D. Gozzi

Plos One 9(8) (2014) e105788


116) “Comparative study of approaches based on the differential critical region and correlation functions in modeling phase-transformation kinetics”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,

Physical Review E 90(5) (2014) 052406


117)” Can a metal nanoparticle based catalyst drive the selective growth of bright SiV color centers in CVD diamonds?”

I. Cianchetta, M. Tomellini, E. Tamburri, S. Gay, S. porchetta, M. L. Terranova, S. Orlanducci

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2(45) (2014)  9666-9673


118) “Electrochemical growth of nickel nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes fibers: Kinetic modeling and implications for an easy to handle platform for gas sensing device”

E. Tamburri, M. Angjllari, M. Tomellini, S. Gaya, G. Reina, T. Lavecchia, P. Barbini, M. Pasquali, S. Orlanducci,

Electrochimica Acta 157 (2015)  115-124


119) “Generalized additivity rule for the Kolmogorov–Johnson–Mehl–Avrami kinetics”

M. Tomellini,

Journal of Materials Science  50,  (2015) 4516-4525


120) “Modeling the kinetics of consecutive phase transitions in the solid state”

M. Tomellini,

Journal of Materials Science  51 (2016)   809-821


121) “Interplay between Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami kinetics and Poisson Voronoi tessellation”

M. Tomellini, M. Fanfoni,

Physics Letters A,  380 (2016) 2031-2037


122) "Time evolution of graphene growth on SiC as a function of annealing temperature”

F. Zarotti, B. Gupta, F. Iacopi, A. Sgarlata, M. Tomellini, N. Motta

Carbon 98  (2016) 307-312


123) "Phase transformation kinetics of Voronoi cells in space tessellation governed by the Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami model”

M. Tomellini,

Physics Letters A 381(12) (2017) 1067-1075




Articoli di carattere didattico


-"Il reticolo di diffrazione e l' analisi delle strutture dei cristalli secondo von Laue"

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini;

Didattica delle Scienze 196 (1998) 30


-“L’analogia in fisica come strumento d’indagine: il moto casuale e l’interferenza tra onde incoerenti”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini

Didattica delle Scienze 228 (2003) 9


-“ Ma quanto è grande il numero di Avogadro?”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini

Didattica delle Scienze 244 (2006) 38


-“Perché il logaritmo della somma non è uguale alla somma dei logaritmi: gli operatori lineari”

M.Fanfoni, M. Tomellini

Didattica delle Scienze 253 (2008) 39


-“Idrogeno e elio: atomi di storia”

M. Fanfoni, A. Sgarlata, M. Tomellini

Didattica delle Scienze 264 (2009) 37


-“Il Principio di Huygens-Fresnel e la diffrazione”

M. Fanfoni, A. Sgarlata, M. Tomellini

Didattica delle Scienze 268 (2010) 20


-“I fenomeni fisici e chimici irreversibili: la diffusione”

M. Fanfoni, F. Patella, M. Tomellini, F. Arciprete

Lettera Mathematica Pristem 83 (2012) 34


-“I fenomeni fisici e chimici irreversibili: La teoria termodinamica

dell’osmosi e la sua verifica sperimentale”

M. Fanfoni, M. Tomellini,

Giornale di Fisica 53 (2012) 131




M. Tomellini

“Appunti di Chimica Fisica dello stato solido”

Aracne editrice (2004)




Corsi Insegnati da Massimo Tomellini nel Database 
Nome del Corso Facoltà Anno
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2024/2025
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2024/2025
0 Chimica Dei Solidi 2 Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2024/2025
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2023/2024
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2023/2024
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2023/2024
0 Chimica Dei Solidi 2 Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2023/2024
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2022/2023
0 Chimica Dei Solidi Con Laboratorio Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2022/2023
15 P Chimica Dei Solidi II Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2018/2019