Navigazione di Sezione:
Giuseppe Pareschi
Nato a Ferrara (Italy) on 13.11.1960
POSIZIONE ATTUALE: Professor of Mathematics, Universita' di Roma, Tor
Vergata (Italy) (Since 2001)
- 1984: "Laurea" in Mathematics, Universita' di Ferrara (Italy).
- 1991: PhD in Mathematics, Universita' di Milano (Italy).
- 1992-'95: Researcher, Università di Ferrara
- 1995-'99: Researcher, Università di Roma, La Sapienza
- 1999-2001: Associate Professor, Università di Roma, Tor Vergata
- 2001-: Professor , Università di Roma, Tor Vergata
- “Agafe 2024”, february 2024 Ferrara (It)
- “Derived categories and birational geometry”, June 2022 Milano (It)
- "Vector bundles, positivity, and vanishing theorems, III", june 2019 Lille (Fr)
- "Birational Geometry and related topics", november 2018, Shanghai (Ch)
- 2024 Shanghai (Fudan University), Stockholm (Stockholm University & KTH)
- 2023 Roma Tre, Ferrara
- 2018 Madrid Complutense (Es) (short course), Roma Sapienza, Bergen
- 2017 Roma Tre
- “Holomorphic functions, complex manifolds and CR geometry”, in honor of Mauro Nacinovich, Tor Vergata (2019)
- Marcello Paris (Roma, Sapienza). Year: 1999. Thesis on: "The Petri property
for curves on abelian surfaces"
- Sofia Tirabassi (Roma Tre). Year: 2012. Thesis on: Syzygies of Kummer Varieties & Pluricanical Maps and Birational Geometry of Varieties of Maximal Albanese Dimension
- Federico Caucci (Roma, Sapienza). Year 2020. Thesis on: The basepoint-freeness threshold, derived invariants of irregular varieties, and stability of syzygy bundles
- Flavio Blondeau (Rome, Tor Vergata). Year 2022. Thesis on: Singularities of low-degree divisors on abelian varieties.
- Nelson Alvarado (Rome, Tor Vergata). Finishing 2024.
- Member of the Board of Supervisors of the Excellence Project MatMod@Tov (2023-2027)
- Member of the Planning/Hiring Board of the Department of Mathematics of the Universita' di Roma, Tor Vergata (Currently)
- Member of the Graduate School in Mathematics Council of the Universita' di Roma, Tor Vergata (2002-2019)
- 2018 Member of a Committee for a position of Associate Professor of Geometry at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- 2019 Member of a Committee for a position of Researcher (type B) of Geometry at University of Milano (Italy)
- 2021 Member of a Committee for a position of Researcher (type B) of Geometry at University of Roma Sapienza (Italy)
- 2022 Member of a Committee for a position of Researcher (type A) of Geometry at University of Roma TOR VERGATA (Italy)
- 2022 Member of Committees for two positions of Associate Professor of Geometry at University of Rome Tor Vergata
- Referee for: Acta Mathematica, Advances in Mathematics, Algebra & Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Annali SNS Pisa, Bollettino UMI, Bulletin SMF, Bulletin of the LMS, Collectanea Mathematica, Compositio Mathematica, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, Crelle's Journal, Duke Mathematical Journal, Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Forum of Mathematics-Sigma, Geometriae Dedicata, International Journal of Mathematics, International Mathematics Research Notes, Inventiones Mathematicae, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Journal of the AMS, Journal of the EMS, Journal of the LMS, Manuscripta Mathematica, Mathematics Research Letters, Mathematische Annalen, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Mathematica Scandinavica, Memoirs of the AMS, Michigan Mathematical Journal, Proceedings of the AMS, Proceedings of the LMS, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Rocky Mountains Journal of Mathematics, Selecta Mathematica, Tohoku Math. Journal, Transactions of the AMS, University Lectures Series AMS
- Generation and ampleness of coherent sheaves on abelian varieties, with application to Brill-Noether theory , preprint 2023, arXiv:2301.0079 [math.AG], to appear on Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly
- Derived invariance of the Albanese relative canonical ring , Advances in Mathematics 419 (2023) article n. 108965 (with. F. Caucci and L. Lombardi)
- Characterizing jacobians via the KP equation and flexes to the Kummer variety: an algebro-geometric approach , Crelle's Journal 777 (2021) 251 -271 (with E. Arbarello and G. Codogni)
- Torsion points on theta divisors and semihomogeneous vector bundles, Algebra and Number Theory Vol.15 n.6 (2021) 1581 - 1592
- Cohomological rank functions on abelian varieties, Ann. Scient. École Nom. Super. 53 (2020) 815 - 846 (with Z.Jiang)
- Singularities of divisors on simple abelian varieties, IMRN Volume 2021 Issue 21 (2021) p. 16724 - 16733
- 2-torsion points on theta divisors, IMRN Volume 2021 Issue 19 (2021) p. 14616 - 14628 (with R. Salvati Manni)
- Derived invariants arising from the Albanese map, Algebraic Geometry 6 (2019) 730 - 746 (with F. Caucci)
- Fully faithful Fourier-Mukai functors and generic vanishing. ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE, vol. 63 (2017) p. 185-199
- Hodge modules on complex tori and generic vanishing for compact Kähler manifolds. GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY, vol. 21, (2017) p. 2419-2460 (with M. Popa and Ch. Schnell)
- Standard canonical support loci. Rendiconti del Circolo Mat. di Palermo, vol. 66 (2017), p. 137-157
• Basic results on irregular varieties via the Fourier-Mukai transform
in ”Current developments in Algebraic Geometry” (L. Caporaso, J. McKernan, M. Mustata, M.Popa
eds), MSRI publications, Cambridge University Press (2012), pp. 379 – 404
• Local positivity, multiplier ideals, and syzygies of abelian varieties (with. R. Lazarsfeld and M. Popa) Algebra and Number Theory 5 (2011), 185–196
• On the bicanonical map of irregular varieties (with M.A. Barja, M. Lahoz e J.C. Naranjo) Journal of Algebraic Geometry 21 (2012), 445 – 471
• Hyperplane sections of abelian surfaces (with E. Colombo e P. Frediani) Journal of Algebraic Geometry 21 (2012), 183-200
• GV-sheaves, Fourier-Mukai transform, and generic vanishing (with M.Popa) American Journal of Mathematics 133 (2011) 235 –271
• Regularity on abelian varieties, III: relationship with Generic Vanishing and applications (with M. Popa) in Grassmannians, Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles, (D.A. Ellwood and E. Previato eds) Clay Math. Institute Proceedings, AMS (2011), pp. 141 – 168
• Strong generic vanishing and a higher dimensional Castelnuovo-de Franchis inequality (with M. Popa) Duke Mathematical Journal 150 (2009) 269–285
• Castelnuovo theory and the geometric Schottky problem (with M.Popa) J. Reine Angew. Math. 615 (2008) 25–44
• Generic vanishing and varieties representing minimal cohomology classes on abelian varieties (with M.Popa) Mathematische Annalen 340, n.1 (2008) 209-222
• M-regularity and the Fourier-Mukai transform (with M.Popa)
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 4, n.3, (2008), 587-611. F. Bogomolov Special Issue
• Regularity on abelian varieties II: basic results on linear series and defining equations (with M.Popa) Journal of Algebraic Geometry 13 (2004) 167-193
• Regularity on abelian varieties, I (with M.Popa)
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 16 (2003), 285-302
• Syzygies of abelian varieties
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 13 (2000), 651-664
• Picard bundles and syzygies of canonical curves
in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (F. van Oeystayen, editor) Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics 206, M. Dekker (1999) pp. 227-236
• Canonical ring of a curve is Koszul: A simple proof (with B. Purnaprajna) Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 41 (1997) 266-271
• Gaussian maps and multiplication maps on certain projective varieties Compositio Mathematica 98 (1995) 219-268
• Pencils of minimal degree on curves on a K3 surface (with C. Ciliberto) J. Reine Angew. Math. 460 (1995) 15-36
• A proof of Lazarsfeld’s theorem on curves on K3 surfaces Journal of Algebraic Geometry 4 (1995) 195-200
• Koszul algebras associated to adjunction bundles Journal of Algebra 157 (1993) 161-169
• Exceptional linear systems on curves on Del Pezzo surfaces Mathematische Annalen 291 (1991) 17-38
• Components of the Hilbert scheme of smooth space curves with the expected number of moduli Manuscripta Matematica. 63 (1989) 1-16
• On the regular genus of PL manifolds (with R. Chiavacci) Discrete Mathematics 82 (1990) 165-180
• On linearly normal space curves (with A. Dolcetti) Mathematische Zeitschrift 198 (1988) 73-82
• Curve aritmeticamente Buchsbaum su superfici di grado 3 e 4 dello spazio proiettivo ] Annali dell’Universit`a di Ferrara - Sez. VII - Sc. Mat. - Vol. XXXIII (1987), 219-235
Nome del Corso | Facoltà | Anno | ||
0 | Introduzione Alle Varieta' Differenziabili | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Geometria 5 | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Geometria | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Geometria | Ingegneria | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Geometria | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2023/2024 | |
0 | Introduzione Alle Varieta' Differenziabili | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2023/2024 | |
0 | Geometria Algebrica | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2022/2023 | |
0 | Geometria | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2022/2023 | |
5 | Teoria Elementare Dei Numeri | Ingegneria | 2021/2022 |