Navigazione di Sezione:
Daniele Guido
Daniele Guido
Personal details
Date of birth: March 27th, 1957;
Place of birth: Roma, Italy;
Work address: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, – I-00133 Roma, Italy,
Education and Academic Career
from October 1, 2004: full professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Mathematics Department of Tor Vergata University in Roma;
October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2004: associate professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Mathematics Department of Tor Vergata University in Roma;
October 1, 1998 – September 30, 2001: associate professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Mathematics Department of University of Basilicata in Potenza;
March 8, 1989 – September 30, 1998: tenured assistant professor (ricercatore universitario) in Analysis at the Mathematics Department of Tor Vergata University in Roma;
January 28, 1989 – September 30, 1990: Postdoc at the Pennsylvania State University, PA (leave of absence from Tor Vergata);
1984 – 1988: PhD student in Mathematics at Univ. Roma La Sapienza, thesis on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, supervisor prof. S.Doplicher;
1983: fellowship at the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”; March 18, 1982: Degree in Mathematics (Laurea) at Univ. Roma La Sapienza, supervisor prof. S.Doplicher.
Selected Publications
1. Figliolini F., Guido D., “The Tomita operator for the free scalar field”, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Phys. Théor., 51 (1989), 419-435.
2. Guido D., Longo R., “Relativistic Invariance and Charge Conjugation in Quantum Field Theory”, Commun. Math. Phys., 148 (1992), 521-555.
3. Brunetti R., Guido D., Longo R., “Modular structure and duality in conformal quantum field theory”, Commun. Math. Phys., 156, (1993), 201-219.
4. Figliolini F., Guido D., ”On the type of second quantization factors”, Journal of Operator Theory, 31 (1994), 229-252.
5. Brunetti R., Guido D., Longo R., “Group cohomology, modular theory and space-time symmetries”, Rev. Math. Phys., 7 (1995), 57-71.
6. Guido D., Isola T., “Singular traces on semifinite von Neumann algebras” Journ. Funct. Analysis, 134 (1995), 451-485.
7. Guido D., Longo R., “An algebraic spin and statistics theorem”, Commun. Math. Phys., 172 (1995), 517-533.
8. Albeverio S., Guido D., Ponosov A.,Scarlatti S.,“Singular traces and compact operators”, Journ. Funct. Analysis, 137 (1996), 281-302.
9. Guido D., Longo R., “The conformal spin and statistics theorem”, Commun. Math. Phys., 181 (1996), 11-35.
10. Guido D., Longo R., Wiesbrock H.-W., “Extensions of Conformal Nets and Superselection Structures”, Commun. Math. Phys., 192 (1998), 217-244.
11. Daniele Guido, Tomaso Isola, ”Noncommutative Riemann Integration and Novikov-Shubin Invariants for Open Manifolds”, Journ. Funct. Analysis, 176, No. 1, (2000), 115-152
12. Guido D., Longo R., Roberts J., Verch R., ”Charged sectors, spin and statistics in quantum field theory on curved space-times”, Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 13, No. 2, (2001) 125-198
13. Guido D., Longo R., ”Natural Energy Bounds in Quantum Thermodynamics”, Comm. Math. Phys. 218 (2001) 513-536
14. Guido D., Isola T.,“Fractals in Noncommutative Geometry”, in the Proceedings of the Conference ”Mathematical Physics in Mathematics and Physics”, Siena 2000, Edited by: Roberto Longo, University of Rome II, Italy, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 30 American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2001
15. Brunetti R, Guido D., Longo R., ”Modular localization and Wigner particles”, Rev. Math. Phys. 14, (2002) 759-785
16. Guido D., Isola T., ”Dimensions and singular traces for spectral triples, with applications to fractals”, Journ. Funct. Analysis, 203, 2 (2003) 362-400
17. Guido D., Isola T., ”Dimensions and spectral triples for fractals in Rn ”, in ”Advances in Operator Al- gebras and Mathematical Physics”, Proceedings of the Conference held in Sinaia, Romania, June 2003, F. Boca, O. Bratteli, R. Longo H. Siedentop Eds., Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics, Bucharest 2005.
18. Guido D., Isola T., ”The problem of completeness for Gromov-Hausdorff metrics on C*-algebras”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 233 (2006) no. 1, 173-205.
19. Cipriani, Fabio; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”A C*-algebra of geometric operators on self-similar CW-complexes. Novikov-Shubin and L2-Betti numbers”, J. Funct. Anal., 256 (2009) no. 3, 603-634.
20. Guido D., Isola T., Lapidus M.L. ”A trace on fractal graphs and the Ihara zeta function”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 361 (2009), no. 6, 3041-3070.
21. Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso; Lapidus, Michel L. ”Ihara’s zeta function for periodic graphs and its approximation in the amenable case”, J. Funct. Anal. 255 (2008) no. 6, 1339-1361.
22. Fidaleo, Francesco; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”Bose-Einstein condensation on inhomogeneous amenable graphs”, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 14 (2011) no. 2, 149-197.
23. Cipriani, Fabio; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso; Sauvageot, Jean-Luc ”Integrals and Potentials of Differential 1-forms on the Sierpinski Gasket”, Advances in Mathematics, 239 (2013), 128-163.
24. Cipriani, Fabio; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso; Sauvageot, Jean-Luc ”Spectral triples for the Sierpinski Gasket”, J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014) 4809-4869.
25. Guido, D.; Marotta, N.; Morsella, G.; Suriano, L. ”A Gromov-Hausdorff Distance between von Neu- mann Algebras and an Application to Free Quantum Fields” Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (2017) 3238-3258.
26. Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”Spectral triples for nested fractals” J. Noncommut. Geom. 11 (2017), 1413-1436
27. Aiello, Valeriano; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”Spectral triples for noncommutative solenoidal spaces from self-coverings” J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 448 (2017), 1378-1412
28. Aiello, Valeriano; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”A spectral triple for a solenoid based on the Sierpinski Gasket” SIGMA 17 (2021), 020, 21 pages
29. Aiello, Valeriano; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso ”Spectral triples on irreversible C∗-dynamical systems”. Internat. J. Math. 33 (2022) No. 01, 2250005.
30. Cipriani, Fabio; Guido, Daniele; Isola, Tommaso; Sauvageot, Jean-Luc. "A noncommutative Sierpinski Gasket". J. Funct. Anal. 283 (2022) no. 5, 109563. 31. Antonini, P; Guido, D.; Isola, T.; Rubin, A. "A Note on Twisted Crossed Products and Spectral Triples". Journal of Geometry and Physics 180 (2022) 104640.
Organization of Conferences in the last years
August 31 - September 5, 2009: NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM PHYSICS. Vietri sul Mare, Italy.
September 22-25, 2010: SEMINAL INTERACTIONS BETWEEN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy.
September 27 - October 01, 2010: GROUPES QUANTIQUES ET GEOMETRIE NON COMMUTATIVE. CIRM, Marseille, France.
May, 30th - June 1st, 2011: MEETING OF GDRE GREFI-GENCO. Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
December 17 - 19, 2012: NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICS. Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
September 1 - 8, 2013: NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS. Poiana Brasov, Romania.
June 30 - July 4, 2014: OPERATOR ALGEBRAS AND APPLICATIONS TO QUANTUM PHYSICS, Special Session of the First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Bilbao, Spain.
June 16-21, 2014: NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS, Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy
February 2 - March 4, 2017: NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
September 19-22, 2017: ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy.
June 8-10, 2022: MATHEMATICS BETWEEN FRANCE AND ITALY, École Française de Rome, Rome, Italy.
Invited Talks in the last years
25-29/05/2009: “Line integrals of 1-forms on the Sierpinski gasket”, ”6th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems”, Gaeta, Italy.
29-31/07/2009: “Gromov-Hausdorff limits in quantum field theory”, Conference ”Algebraic Quantum Field Theory - the first 50 Years”, Gottingen, Germany.
28/06-02/07/2010: “Some (noncommutative) geometrical aspects of the Sierpinski gasket”, EU-NCG Third Annual Meet- ing, Cardiff, UK.
26-30/07/2010: “Some (noncommutative) geometrical aspects of the Sierpinski gasket”, Analysis on Graphs and its Applications Follow-up Meeting, Cambridge, UK.
8/06/2011: “Spectral triples and Dirichlet energy for the Sierpinski gasket”, invited seminar at the University of Oslo, Norway.
10-13/09/2011: “Differential 1-forms, their Integrals and Potential Theory on the Sierpinski Gasket”, AMS Meeting, Special Session on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals, Cornell University, NY, USA.
8-12/11/2011: “Differential 1-forms, their Integrals and Potential Theory on the Sierpinski Gasket” First International Meeting PISRS, PISRS 2011: Analysis, Fractal Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Economics, Messina.
3-6/01/2012: “Spectral triples for the Sierpinski gasket (II)”, Singular Traces and thei Applications, CIRM, Marseille, France.
7-11/05/2012: “Spectral triples for the Sierpinski Gasket”, The second Internationa Conference on K-Theory, C*- algebras and Topology of Manifolds, Chern Institute o Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
27-30/06/2013: “Spectral triples for the Sierpinski Gasket”, Joint International Meeting of the American Math. Society and the Romanian Math. Society, Alba Iulia, Romania
23-27/06/2014: “Energies from Spectral triples: the Sierpinski Gasket”, Noncommutative Analysis, Operator Theory, and Applications, Milano, Italy
07-11/07/2014: “Energy from spectral triples on the Sierpinski gasket”, Special Session “Fractals” of the 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain.
15-19/09/2014: “Crossed product of a spectral triple with a single endomorphism”, Operator and geometric analysis on quantum theory, Levico Terme, Italy. 29/01/2015: “Crossed product of a spectral triple with a single endomorphism”, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
29/09-2/10/2015: “Endomorphisms, Semifinite spectral triples, and Crossed Products”, Hilbert modules and index theory, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
29/05-02/06/2017: “Spectral triples and non-commutative fractals”, Index theory and Singular Structures, Toulouse, France.
June 13-17/06/2017: “Noncommutative Sierpinski gasket and spectral triples” Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Physics on Fractals, Cornell University, NY, USA.
2-3/11/2017: “Spectral triples for (noncomutative) fractals”, Mathematical models for noncommutativity in physics and quantum spacetime, IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland.
15-17/03/2023: "A notion of noncommutative fractal, and its noncommutative counterpart", Fractals in Pure and Applied Sciences, "Sapienza" Università di Roma, Roma, Italy
18-22/03/2024: "On a constructive notion of self-similar topological fractal", Analysis on fractals and networks, and applications. CIRM, Marseille, France
Scientific responsibilities
1. 2017 - . Member of the Steering Committee of the LYSM ”Ypatia Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences”, sponsorized by CNRS and INdAM.
2. 2011/2014. Global coordinator of the French-Italian project GREFI-GENCO on Noncommutative Geometry, financed by CNRS and INdAM
3. 2007/2010. Italian coordinator of the French-Italian project GREFI-GENCO on Noncommutative Geometry, financed by CNRS and INdAM
4. 2006 Coordinator of the national project “Geometria non commutativa e fisica quantistica” financed by INdAM-GNAMPA
5. 2005 Coordinator of the national project “Algebre di operatori, teoria quantistica dei campi e geometria non commutativa” financed by INdAM-GNAMPA
6. 2002 Coordinator of the national project “Algebre di operatori, teoria quantistica dei campi e geometria non commutativa” financed by INdAM-GNAMPA
7. 1999/2001 Scientific coordinator of the Research unit at Univ. Basilicata in Potenza (Italy) for the National research project “Operator Algebras, Quantum Field Theory and Noncommutative Geometry” financed by the Ministry of Education.
Nome del Corso | Facoltà | Anno | ||
0 | Teoria Spettrale (eam/1) | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Calcolo 1 | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Analisi Matematica II | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2024/2025 | |
0 | Calcolo 1 | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2023/2024 | |
0 | Teoria Spettrale (eam/1) | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2023/2024 | |
0 | P | Calcolo 1 | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2022/2023 |
0 | Calcolo 1 | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2021/2022 | |
0 | Introduzione All'analisi Funzionale (cam/2) | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2020/2021 | |
0 | Introduzione All'analisi Funzionale (cam/2) | Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali | 2019/2020 |