Foto Sergio Galeani

Sergio Galeani

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Ricevimento Studenti In linea generale, dopo lezione o per appuntamento (da prendere via email o di persona al termine della lezione).
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PERSONAL DATA Born in Rome, Italy on 26/05/1973. Italian nationality.

EDUCATION 2002 PhD degree in Computer Science and Automation Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. Thesis: "Two degrees of freedom for control systems with constraints". Advisor: Prof. Osvaldo M. Grasselli. 1998 Laurea degree (summa cum laude) in Computer Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. Thesis: "Periodic control of linear time invariant systems". Advisors: Prof. Osvaldo M. Grasselli, Prof. P. Valigi.


21/12/2023 - Full professor [Engineering faculty, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy] 2014, 2018 Italian Qualification (Abilitazione Nazionale) as Full professor 2013 Italian Qualification (Abilitazione Nazionale) as Associate professor


2018-2023 Associate professor [Engineering faculty, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy]

2004-2018 Assistant professor (Ricercatore) [Engineering faculty, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy]

2002-2004 Postdoc research associate [Engineering faculty, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy]

BIBLIOMETRICS [Scopus (31.03.2022)] Citations: 1839, H-index: 22, Publications: 149. [Scholar] Citations: 2431, H-index: 25. Coauthor of a graduate level textbook on dynamical systems (in Italian, 432 pages, year 2008) Coauthor of a graduate level textbook on advanced control theory (in Italian, in 3 volumes, 1130 pages, years 2013-2016) Coauthor of 3 book chapters, one entry in the control encyclopaedia, and more than 140 papers published in international peer reviewed conferences and journals.

RESEARCH INTERESTS Dynamic control allocation, Output regulation, Anti-windup, Hybrid systems, Optimal Control, Robust Control, Control in the presence of constraints, Control of linear time invariant systems, Control of periodically time varying systems, Control of Multirate sampled-data systems.

VISITING PERIODS 20/09-04/11/2021: Visiting professor at Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. 20/01-26/02/2020: Visiting professor at Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. 07/01-25/01/2019: Visiting professor at Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. 22/09-27/10/2018: Visiting professor at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier and CNRS-LAAS in Toulouse, France. 2007, 2009 and 2010 (several 2 weeks visits): Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria). August 2005: visiting professor at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (USA). September 2005: visiting professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA). January 2000 to July 2001: visiting scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA).

COORDINATION AND PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS - PRIN 2020: "DOCEAT" project, member of a research unit ? Beyond The Borders 2019: 13k? in 18 months, local university project - PRIN 2017: project "Monitoring and Control Underpinning the Energy-Aware Factory of the Future: Novel Methodologies and Industrial Validation", member of a research unit - FFABR 2017: 3k?, national funding ? 2-year participation in a European project funded by ESA ?NICE09? (40k?) on anti-windup control applied to airframes (PI of a research unit) ? CORESEARCH 2011: 2-years regional competitive project ?SARA? (on UAV coordination and control) as PI of one research unit (42k?; total project cost: 370k?, total public funding: 220k?; the overall project involved two research units and two small companies) ? 8-year industrial consulting for MBDA (over 180k?); ? 1-year industrial consulting for Thales Alenia Space (19k?), on robust/constrained control; ? 2000-2009: participant of a research unit in several national competitive PRIN/FIRB projects with total funding in the range of 300k?, awarded for research on robust and optimal control of uncertain and constrained systems.

INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2018-today Coordinator for the Automation Engineering MS Degree 2012-today Erasmus Student Advisor, for the Automation degree, 2006-today Member of the PhD Committee in Computer Science and Automation

ORGANISATION OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 2019-2021 Publicity Chair for the IEEE Conference of Decision and Control 2021 2018-2020 Publication Chair for the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2020 2016-2018 Publicity Chair for the IEEE Conference of Decision and Control 2018 2015-2017 Publicity Chair for the IEEE Conference of Decision and Control 2017 2012-2014 Publicity Chair for the IEEE Conference of Decision and Control 2014

SERVICE FOR PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS 2022-today IEEE CSS Standing Committee Chair, Conference Publications 2020-2023 Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee TC 2.1 (Control Design) 2015-2020 Vice-Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee TC 2.1 (Control Design)

INVITED PLENARY PRESENTATIONS 2022 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD): "On dynamic control allocation"

ORGANISATION OF INVITED SESSIONS 2016 Co-organizer (with T. A. Johansen, A. Serrani, L. Zaccarian) of the tutorial session "Input allocation for systems with redundant actuators" at ECC2016 2014 Organizer of an invited session on hybrid output regulation at IFAC 2014 World congress 2011 Organizer of an invited session on constrained control approaches at IFAC 2011 World congress

ACTIVITY AS EVALUATOR/REVIEWER 2019-today Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2017-today Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2013-2015, 2020, Evaluator and rapporteur for the Romanian National Research Council (national research projects) 2020-today Associate Editor at Large, IEEE-CCTA 2020, IEEE-CDC 2020 2012-today Conference Editorial board for the Mediterranean Control Conference 2011-today Conference Editorial board for the European Control Conference 2010-today Conference Editorial board for the IEEE Control and Decision Conference 2009-today Conference Editorial board for the IEEE American Control Conference 2002-today Reviewer for the most important technical journals in the control theory field, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Systems & Control Letters, European Journal of Control, International Journal of Control, as well as for the main conferences in the field.

Corsi Insegnati da Sergio Galeani nel Database 
Nome del Corso Facoltà Anno
1 Fondamenti Di Automatica E Controlli Automatici Ingegneria 2024/2025
2 P Laboratorio Di Automatica Ingegneria 2024/2025
2 P Sistemi Dinamici Ingegneria 2024/2025
2 P Laboratorio Di Automatica Ingegneria 2023/2024
2 P Fondamenti Di Automatica E Controlli Automatici Ingegneria 2023/2024
4 P Fondamenti Di Automatica E Controlli Automatici Ingegneria 2022/2023
5 P Laboratorio Di Automatica Ingegneria 2022/2023
3 P Fondamenti Di Automatica E Controlli Automatici Ingegneria 2021/2022
2 P Laboratorio Di Automatica Ingegneria 2021/2022
4 Controllo Robusto E Adattativo Ingegneria 2017/2018
2 Controllo Robusto E Adattativo Ingegneria 2018/2019