Foto Antonio Comi

Antonio Comi

Socialnetwork Non Disponibile
Attività Principali

Ingegneria dei trasporti. Pianificazione, progettazione e gestione dei sistemi di trasporto.

Ricevimento Studenti Venerdi' ore 12:00 - 13.00 stanza 2-092 Edificio Ingegneria Civile (viale del Politecnico 1, 00133, Roma)
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Antonio COMI is Associate Professor at the Department of Enterprise Engineering of University of Rome Tor Vergata. He currently lectures in “Theory of Intelligent Transport System” and “Freight and Logistics Transportation Systems”. His research field includes transportation systems theory and its application in transportation analysis, modelling and planning. The main research areas are: traveller behavioural models for ITS and ICT contexts, demand and supply models for urban freight transport and city logistics, assignment models for transit networks, land use and transport interaction models, trip chain models in urban areas, simulation models for road accidents, and DSS for strategic and tactical transportation planning. He has published more than 150 papers in transportation area. He is Specialty Chief Editor for Transportation Systems Modeling / Frontiers in Future Transportation, Associate Editor of Journal of Advanced Transportation, Transportation Engineering, Journal of Urban Planning Development (ASCE), and also member of Editorial Board of international journals: Sustainability, Information (MDPI), Future Transportation (MDPI), Transport Management, Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and he is serving as reviewer and program committee member in national and international conferences.



In the field of freight transport, he is deepening several aspects connected to the analysis of mobility demand, transport supply with attention to the problems of urban freight movements and innovatory intermodal transport system by fast ships, and international freight transport. He hence investigates different aspects of urban freight transport, city logistics and mobility for shopping in relation to: analysis and simulation of logistics actors and end consumers’ behaviours in relation to measures of governance and traffic; forecasts of direct and indirect, internal and external, short and long-terms effects of city logistics measures; stakeholder interactions; land use – freight transport interaction; road safety; telematics support systems; guidelines for city logistics plans; city logistics manager training. His interests are also addressed to the problems related to long haulage transport: supply (statistic-descriptive models for the evaluation of network features; network models for intermodal transport; analysis of freight platforms, cost functions for internal links of freight platforms), to demand (forecasting and analysis methods and models, models for the choice of target time), to supply and demand interaction (assessment of land use, safety and environmental impacts).

In the field of passenger mobility, he studies different aspects connected to: methods and models for transport system simulation and project assessments; set-up new generation of route planners, named Personalised Traveller Advisor and designed for mobile applications. Then, the research activities mainly deal with: demand, supply and assignment models (line and run supply models for transit, frequency and scheduled assignment models for transit) in presence of ITS, interaction between transport and environment (methods and models for the estimation of traffic emissions), intelligent normative optimal strategy searching with on-line real-time data and of the individual, instead of user group (average), path choice modelling used to support path choice set individuation, path utility calculation and user preference learning process.

His expertise in the Transportation Engineering field is confirmed by the numerous national and international collaborations with other universities, as well as by the leading and involvement in national and international research and educational projects.



Corsi Insegnati da Antonio Comi nel Database 
Nome del Corso Facoltà Anno
34 P Logistica Territoriale 1 Ingegneria 2024/2025
1 P Logistica Territoriale Ingegneria 2024/2025
0 Logistica Territoriale 1 + 2 Ingegneria 2024/2025
P Modulo: Logistica Territoriale 1 Ingegneria 2024/2025
Modulo: Logistica Territoriale 2 Ingegneria 2024/2025
1 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto Sostenibili Ingegneria 2024/2025
0 Logistica Territoriale 2 Ingegneria 2024/2025
3 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 + 2 Ingegneria 2024/2025
Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 Ingegneria 2024/2025
Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 2 Ingegneria 2024/2025
1 Logistica Territoriale Ingegneria 2023/2024
33 Logistica Territoriale 1 + 2 Ingegneria 2023/2024
Modulo: Logistica Territoriale 1 Ingegneria 2023/2024
Modulo: Logistica Territoriale 2 Ingegneria 2023/2024
2 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto Sostenibili Ingegneria 2023/2024
1 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 Ingegneria 2015/2016
45 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 + 2 Ingegneria 2019/2020
P Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 Ingegneria 2019/2020
P Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 2 Ingegneria 2019/2020
29 Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 + 2 Ingegneria 2020/2021
Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 1 Ingegneria 2020/2021
Modulo: Teoria Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto 2 Ingegneria 2020/2021