Luca Biferale

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Luca Biferale

Born August 12, 1965, in Imperia (Italy)

Married, two children (born 1996 and 2000)

Nationality: Italian


Researcher unique identifier: ResearcherID: L-4535-2013

Dept. Physics and CAST(Inter-department Centre for Applications of Calculus to Science and Technology). University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. email:



Oct. 1992    PhD. U. of RomeLa Sapienza. Title: Anomalous scaling laws in fully developed turbulence.

Mar. 1989   Master degree in Physics cum laudem, U. of Rome Tor Vergata. Title: Renormalization group study of XY and Heisenberg models in 2D.



Apr. 2014 - present      Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, Mathematical and Numerical Modelling Dept. Physics and CAST, University of RomeTor Vergata (Italy)



Mar. 2016                    Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University(Baltimore, USA)

Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2011  Visiting Professor atTechnische University Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

June  2011 & July 2012           Visiting Professor at the Observatory of Nice(France)

July 2008                     Visiting Scientist at University of Chicago(USA)

June & July 2006         Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University(Baltimore, USA)

Jan. 2005 - Mar. 2014Associate Professor. Dept. Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

Jan. 1995 - Dec. 2004  Researcher. Dept. of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)

Mar. 1989 - Dec. 1989Fellow European Centre Scientific & Engineering Computing, ECSEC-IBM (Italy)



2013                            ERC AdG NewTURB

2010                            Elected Fellow. EUROMECH Society, division of Fluid Dynamics

2008                            Elected Fellow.APS, division of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics

1986/87/88/89             Distinguished undergraduate student. Awarded by Acc. Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy)



PhD. Total 17. I list only those ongoing: F. Milan, G. Tauzin, G. Margazoglou, X. Xue, F. Guglietta, G. Goedert, L. Agasthya.

PostDoc. Total  16:I. Daumont, B. Devenish, A.S. Lanotte, G. Manzi, E. Foard, G. Sahoo, F. Bonaccorso, S.K. Malapaka, K. Gustafsson, M. Linkmann, M. Buzzicotti, M. De Pietro, P. Clark di Leoni, Q. Ni, R. Scatamacchia, I. Mazzitelli.



Undergraduate: Dept. Physics (DP) and Faculty Mech. Engineering (ME) U. Rome Tor Vergata: Mathematical Methodsfor Physics (DP); Dynamical Systems (DP); Turbulence and ComplexFluids (ME), Quantum Mechanics (DP), Statistical Mechanics (DP), Computational Physics (DP).Continuously from 1994-present, two courses peryear among the ones cited.

Postgraduate:Faculty of Engineering, U. Rome La Sapienza: Turbulence (short course, 2000); Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm: Lagrangian and Eulerian Turbulence (short course, 2012); Dept. Physics University Hong Kong: Modern problems in turbulence (short course, 2003)


Key numbers (scientific impact, Google Scholar)

Number of published papers: 250+ (2 Phys. Rep.; 1 ARFM; 1 PRX; 25 PRL; 92 JFM/PRE-PRF/PoF/JoT)

Hirsch-index (H): 48

m-index(H/# years after PhD): 1.82

i10-index(# publications with more than 10 citations): 130+

Citations (total):  7200+; Citations (2017): 650


-           HPC-LEAPConference. Cambridge, UK 2018

-           FSIM-2017: Fluid and structures: interactions and modeling (COST meeting). Naples, Italy 2017

-           HPC applications to Turbulence and Complex Flows (HPC-LEAP School). Rome, Italy 2016

-           FlowMat 2015 Flowing Matter Across Scales (ERC & COST meeting). Rome, Italy 2015

-           Workshop on Instantons and Extreme Events in Turbulence (IMPA). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2015

-           9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC9). Rome, Italy 2012

-           Program on New Directions in Turbulence. Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITPC). Beijing, Cina 2012

-           Breakup of small aggregates in turbulence(COST meeting). Rome, Italy 2011

-           Numerical issues in Lagrangian and Eulerian Turbulence (COST meeting). Rome, Italy 2010

-           Discrete Simulations of Fluid Dynamics 19th, DSFD2010 Conference. Rome, Italy 2010


INSTITUTIONALRESPONSIBILITIES (in gray those still active)

2018-2022       Supervisory Board of the European Joint Doctorate Program STIMULATE

2014-2019       Supervisory Board of the European Joint Doctorate Program HPC-LEAP

2014-2018       Managing Committee. COST Action Flowing Matter ESF

2017                Access Committee PRACE (Partnership Advancing Computing in Europe).

2017                Science Board of the European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Projects (EOSC).

2017-present    Scientific Board of Italian Technion Association

2015-present    Executive Committee. Dept. Physics University of Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)

2014-present    EUROMECHFluid Mechanics Prize and Fellow Committee

2013-present    Director of CAST (Inter-department Centre for Applications of Calculus to Science and Technology), Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)

2013-2017       Physical Science Working Group (European Space Agency)

2013-2017       Steering CommitteeEuropean High Performance Infrastructure in Turbulence. FP7-EU

2012-2017       Scientific Committee High Performance Computing Centre CINECA, Bologna (Italy)

2013-present    Doctoral Studies Committee. Dept. Physics Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)

2008-2013       Financial Rapporteur & Managing Committee. COST Action Particles in Turbulence. ESF

2007-2009       Coordinator ERASMUS Project. Dept. Physics Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)

2004-2009       Euromech board of the European Turbulence Conference

2006-2016       National Coordinator, Scientific Initiatives Particles and Fields in Turbulence INFN (Italy)


EDITORIAL AND REVIEWING ACTIVITIES (in gray those still active)

2007-2013       Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters (Fluid Mechanics)

2004-present    Associate Editor Journal of Turbulence

2011-present    Editorial Board of European Journal of Physics E (EPJE)

2007-2011       Editorial Board of European Journal of Physics B (EPJB)

Evaluator for (only major): Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR), European Science Foundation (ESF), European Research Council (ERC), US-Israel binational science foundation. Italian Supercomputing Resources Allocations (ISCRA); Partnership for advanced computing in Europe (PRACE). Italian-French University. ETH Zurich. Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France). European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).



INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics); EUROMECH (European Mechanics Society); APS (American Physical Society); ICTR (International Centre for Turbulence Research); CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire)       










High Performance Computing (HPC) (Only major grants <10y):Fractal Turbulence (22 MH, PRACE, 2012). Monte-Carlo methods for instantons in Turbulence (13 MH INFN 2012). Multiphase systems in porous media (10 MH PRACE 2013). Turbulence under Rotation (55 MH PRACE 2014). Homogeneous and Anisotropic Turbulence (27 MH PRACE 2015). Superfluid Turbulence under counter-flows (22 MH PRACE 2016). Instantons and Intermittency in Hydrodynamic Turbulence: A Lattice Monte Carlo Approach(18 MH PRACE 2017).


Editor of Special Issues (<10 y). Discrete simulation of fluid dynamics: applications  Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 369, 2384 (2011)and Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 369, 2152 (2011). Fluids and Structures, multiscale coupling and modeling. Eur. Phys. J. E. (2018).Multi-scale phenomena in Complex Flows and flowing Matter, Eur. Phys. J. E 39, 56 (2016).


Colloquium (C),Plenary (P),Invited (I) lectures last 10y (>50, see web page. I list the 10 most significant). Cascades in turbulent flows (P), COST Conference Flowing Matter Lisbon 2018. Flow navigation by smart particles via Reinforcement Learning (I), Physics-Informed Machine-Learning Conference 2018, Santa Fe 2018. Lagrangian power statistics and irreversibility in turbulence (I), Workshop on Geometrical and Statistical Fluid Mechanics Simons Centre, Stony Brook 2017. Anomalous scaling in turbulence with direct and/or inverse energy cascades (I), Turbulent Dissipation Mixing and Predictability Workshop IPAM Los Angeles 2017. Complex particles in complex flows (I), Summer School on Complex Fluids, Twente 2016. Convection in complex flows and boundary conditions (I), International Conference on Rayleigh Bénard convection, Gottingen 2015. Panta rei“Panta rei” (C), Multiscale Institute Colloquium, Eindhoven 2015. Droplets and Bubbles in Turbulence (P), Discrete Simulations of Fluid Dynamics International Conference, Fargo 2011. Caustics & Intermittency in inertial particles velocities in turbulence (I), International Symposium on Turbulence, Beijing 2009.  Lagrangian & Eulerian Statistics with multifractals (I), The nature of high Reynolds Turbulence, Isaac Newton Institute Programme, Cambridge 2008.



Key numbers (scientific impact. Only papers from last 10 years, Google Scholar)

Number of published papers: 91 (1 Phys. Rep.; 1 PRX; 9 PRL; 48 JFM/PRE-PRF/PoF/JoT)

i10-index= # publications with more than 10 citations: 48

Citations of papers published <10y:  1900+


10 papers from last 10y (not the most cited). The order of authors depends ifthe work is connected to a PhD/Postdoc project. In that case the name of the student is the first. Otherwise we sign in alphabetical order or by putting the senior name as last. TC: time cited (Google Scholar).


[1]Unravelling turbulence via physics-informed data-assimilation and spectral nudging.  P.D. Leoni, A. Mazzino and L. Biferale. Submitted to Phys. Review Fluids  arXiv:1804.07680 (2018). TC 1

[2]Smart Inertial Particles. S. Colabrese, K. Gustavsson, A. Celani and L. Biferale. Phys. Review Fluids 3, 084301 (2018). TC 0

[3]Flow navigation by smart microswimmers via reinforcement learning.  S. Colabrese, K. Gustavsson, A. Celani and L. Biferale. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (15), 158004 (2017). TC 11

[4]Discontinuous transition from direct to inverse cascade in three-dimensional turbulence.  G. Sahoo, A. Alexakis and L. Biferale. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (16), 164501 (2017). TC 12

[5]Coherent structures and extreme events in rotating multiphase turbulent flows.  L. Biferale, F. Bonaccorso, I.M. Mazzitelli, M.A.T. van Hinsberg et al.  Phys. Rev. X 6 (4), 041036 (2016). TC 25

[6]Lattice Boltzmann methods for thermal flows: Continuum limit and applications to compressible Rayleigh–Taylor systems. A. Scagliarini, L. Biferale, M. Sbragaglia, K. Sugiyama et al. Phys. Fluids 22 (5), 05510 (2010). TC 80

[7]Extreme events in the dispersions of two neighbouring particles under the influence of fluid turbulence.  R. Scatamacchia, L. Biferale and F. Toschi. Phys. Rev. Lett 109 (14), 144501 (2012). TC 32

[8]Inverse energy cascade in three-dimensional isotropic turbulence. L. Biferale, S. Musacchio and F. Toschi. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (16), 164501 (2012). TC 115

[9]Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows.  A. Arneodo, R. Benzi, J. Berg, L. Biferale et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (25), 254504 (2008). TC 128

[10]Intermittency and universality in fully developed inviscid and weakly compressible turbulent flows. R. Benzi, L. Biferale, R.T. Fisher, L.P. Kadanoff et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (23), 234503 (2008). TC 73

Corsi Insegnati da Luca Biferale nel Database 
Nome del Corso Facoltà Anno
0 Meccanica Statistica 2 Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2024/2025
0 Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2022/2023
0 Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2022/2023
0 P Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2018/2019
0 Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2018/2019
0 Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2017/2018
0 Meccanica Quantistica Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2017/2018
0 P Meccanica Quantistica 1 Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2016/2017
0 P Meccanica Quantistica 1 Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche E Naturali 2016/2017