Navigazione di Sezione:
Grazia Terrone
Surname, Name
Terrone Grazia
Date e place of birth
24 November 1974, Spinazzola (BA)
University of Roma Tor Vergata
Department of History, Humanities and Society
Current employment/
Professional area
Associate Professor Dynamic Psychology
Department of History, Humanities and Society
University of Rome Tor Vergata
education and training
- march 2001
She took a five-year degree in 2002 in Psicology; course of studies:Developmental Psychology, at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Her graduation thesis was on an experimental topic called “Dynamics of alimentary interaction between mother and baby during infancy”, on March 11, 2002. Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Ammaniti.
- april 2006
She took her PhD in Dynamic, Clinical and Developmental psychology – series XVIII – at the Dynamic and Clinical Psychology department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, defending the thesis: ”Influences of maternal depression on the quality of the dependence between mother and baby. Study in the context of alimentation”. April 28, 2006, tutor: Prof. Massimo Ammaniti.
Training courses
- since 2007
She is a qualified encoder for the following evaluation methods:
- Evaluation scale of Alimentary Interaction between mother and baby (SVIA), reliability achieved with Prof. M. Ammaniti and Prof. L. Lucarelli., University of Rome “La Sapienza”Training on April 16-17-18, 2007.
Grazia Terrone runs experimental, application and clinical researches on normal subjects, subjects at risk and with psychopathological disorders,
with particular focus on the latest development and studies of Clinical and Dynamic Psychology.
The experimental studies follow with particular attention: family and social ties, maternal depression and precocios evolutionary risks in children, and evaluation of risks and of well-being indicators in teenagers.
specific researches
“Prevalence of mental disorders in a urban population of pre-adolescents and association between genetic assets and behaviour”. National research for the Department of Health, 2001-2003; Scientific supervisor for the Operation Unit of Rome: Prof. Massimo Ammaniti; Coordinator for the Operation Unit of Rome: Loredana Lucarelli.
“Maternal psychopathology and examples of dependence: clinical-empirical study on the etiopathogenesis and on the pathogenetic dynamics of children anorexia”. University research, year 2004; Scientific supervisor: Prof. Massimo Ammaniti.
“Transition stages in the development of children and adolescents: exploratory study and supporting actions”. Organized by the Department of Health of the Region Lazio, year 2004-2005. Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Ammaniti.
Strategic project: “MediaEvo – Development of a multichannel and multisensorial platform for the edutainment in Cultural Heritage”(from August 2007 to August 2010), sponsored by the Region Puglia. MediaEvo provides for the planning and realization of a didactic device – the videogame MediaEvo – to teach the social history and material culture of the city of Otranto between the XII and XIII century. Research authorised by CdD of January 30, 2008.
university didactic ACTIVITIES
• University:
University of Foggia, liberal arts, education science, Humanities department
Since 2006
- Psychology of interpersonal relations (CFU 6) in Cdl Magistrale in Pedagogical and Educational Planning.
- Dynamic psychology (CFU 6) in the triennum Cdl of Educational Science.
University of Foggia, medical school
General Psycholgy (1 CFU), Psicologia Generale (1 CFU), Bachelor in Physiotherapy, Medical School. President of the examination board.
Applied General Psychology (1 CFU), Bachelor on Physiotherapy, Medical School. Member of the examination committee.
Dynamic Psychology (1 CFU), Bachelor in Speech Therapy, Mediacl School. Memeber of the examination board.
Dynamic Psychology (1 CFU), Bachelor for Professional Educators, Medical School. Member of the examination board.
Psychology of the Development phase (4 CFU), Bachelor in Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Member of the examination board.
other didactic activities
- since 2006
-Teacher for the course “Il circolo dei tesisti (the thesis club)” on the subject: “Research methods and data analysis” Faculty of liberal arts, University of Foggia 2007.
-Teacher for the course: “Quo vadis? Workshop ofresearch/action for counseling”, I.T.C.G. “Vittorio Emanuele III” of Lucera, March 2007. POR Puglia 2000-2006, notice n. 7/2006 Measure 3.6.
- Teacher for the training course for tutors called: “How to lead an interview tutor-student”, University of Foggia, May 15-16, 2007.
- Teacher at the International Master “Fashion Design” on “Problem solving and Problem setting”, ISUFI, University of Lecce, a.a 2006-2007.
- Teacher for the pre-graduate course: “Problem solving and Problem setting”, ISUFI, University of Lecce, a.a 2006-2007.
- Teacher for the course “Basic training on Employment and Job Market” on the topic “Psychological aspects of the job interview”, Law school – University of Foggia, June 2007.
- Teacher for the Training course for Child Community Assistant on the topic: “Control plan for impulsiveness and communication enhancement”, ENAIP ,Training centre of Foggia, July - September 2007.
- Teacher for the “Qualifying courses for nursery and elementary school teaching” on the topic “Workshop: Educatinal observation”, University of Lecce, Foggia offices, a.a 2006-2007.
- Teacher at the course for “Cultural-linguistic mediator” on the topic: “Deviance psychology”, ICARO-IRSEF (Institute for Research Study Education Training). Foggia, October-November 2007. POR Puglia 2000-2006, notice n. 7/2006 Measure 3.8
- Teacher at the Refresher Course for nursery and day care teachers of the S.Francesco school, ICARO association, on the topic: “Management of space and time”. Foggia, 2008.
- Teacher at the refresher course for elementary and middle school teachers on the topic: “Handling emotions and motivation” , Primary school Arma di Taggia, May 2008
- Teacher at the specialization course for Orientation mediators on the topic: “learning styles and studying abilities”, University of Foggia, May 2008.
- Teacher at the training course for tutors on the topic: “Managment of interviews between tutor and student”, University of Foggia, June 5, 2008.
- Teacher at the training course for teachers and parents “Let’s meet and confront”, Project Parents 2009: to school with and for our kids. IX Circolo “Manzoni” Foggia, December 2009.
institutional roles at university
Since 2007
Member of the scientific committee of the Skills Assessment Lab – University of Foggia.
since 2008
Member of the didactic board of Bachelors in “Education sciences” and “Pedagogic and educational planning”, Humanities department – University of Foggia.
since 2009
Member of the scientific committee of the ERID Lab – University of Foggia.
since 2011
Member of the scientific committee of the Interdisciplinary Lab: Families, family ties, parenthood and welfare- University of Foggia
Student Tutor for the Bachelor in Planning and Management of Educational and Training services, deliberation CdF Sept16, 2008.
Since 2007
Contact person for the Department for the 7th Framework Agreement, deliberation CdD del Oct 24,2007.
Since 2008
Member of the faculty board of PhD “Pedagogy ad educational sciences”cicle XXV. Coordinator Prof. Pinto Franca, University of Foggia.
2007 to 2010
Member of the faculty board of PhD “Man Environment” cicle XXIII Coordinator Prof. Emanuele Tarantino, University of Foggia.
since 2007
Member of the committee for the supporting activities to the didactic organization and integration of disabled students, as contact person for psychological issues related to the disabilities, deliberationCdF september 2007.
scientific activity
articles in nationaland internationaljournals with referee
- A. Cammarella, L. Marzolini, M. Oliviero,G. terrone, M. Petrocchi, M. Ammaniti (2006), Indagine sui problemi emozionali e comportamentali dei giovani di scuola media: uno studio di screening. Infanzia e Adolescenza, Vol. 5, 3, 2006; ISSN: 1594-5146.
- Terrone Grazia (2009)Genitorialità: tra normalità e patologia. International Journal of Psychoanalisis for Education, vol. 1, 3, 2009, pp. 7-15 (rivista online:; ISNN 2035-4630.
- Terrone Grazia (2010)Influenza della depressione materna sulla qualità del legame madre-figlio. Indagine nel contesto dell’alimentazione. International Journal of Psychoanalisis for Education, vol. 2, 2, 2010, pp. 3-33, (rivista online:; ISNN 2035-4630.
- Grazia Terrone (2011), La depressione materna e gli effetti sulla diade madre-bambino. Metis n.1, anno I, 2011 (rivista online:; ISNN 2240-9580.
- Di Santo A.M., Pedata L.T., Terrone G., (2011), La guerra nell’immaginario dei bambini. Quali itinerari psicopedagogici? International Journal of Psychoanalisis for Education, vol. 3, 2, 2011, pp. 1-32, (rivista online:; ISNN 2035-4630.
- Terrone Grazia , Santona Alessandra (2012) Il rischio psicopatologico in preadolescenza. Giornale italiano di psicologia, n.3, settembre 2012, pp.765-774. ISNN 0390-5349.
- Terrone Grazia, Santona Alessandra (2013) Depressione materna e qualità dell’attaccamento: implicazioni sulle interazioni madre-bambino. Rassegna di psicologia n.3, 2013 pp 51-76. ISBN 9788843068784.
Terrone G., Di Sarno V., Ferri R., Lucarelli L. (2014) Developmentof personal and social autonomy in teenagers and youngadults with Down Syndrome: an empirical study on self-representations in family relationships. Life Span and DisabilityVol. 17, 2, 2014, pp. 223-244.
- SalvatoreS., GeloO.G., GennaroA., MetrangoloR., Terrone G., PaceV., VenuleoC., VeneziaA.,CiavolinoE. (2015)An automated method of content analysis for psychotherapy research: A further validation. Psychotherapy Research, SEP., 2015, ISSN: 1050-3307, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1072282.
- Santona, A., Tagini, A., Sarracino, D., De Carli, P., Pace, C.S., Parolin, L., Terrone, G(2015) Maternal depression and attachment: The evaluation of mother-child interactions during feeding practice. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 6, AUG, 2015, ISSN: 1664-1078
- Pace C.S., Di Folco S., Guerriero, V., Santona, A., Terrone, G., Adoptive parenting and attachment: Association of the internal working models between adoptive mothers and their late-adopted children during adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, SEP, 2015, Pages 1-11.
- Terrone G., Raschielli S., Marino A., Costrini P., (2015) Perception of risk behaviours connected to gambling in adolescents: individual differences role played by the attachment. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology MJCP, SUPPL. N.1B, vol.3, No.2 /2015. ISSN: 2282-1619.
- Musetti A., Terrone G., Corsano P., Magnani B.,Salvatore S., (2016) Attachment, parental bonding and psychopathology in adult substance abusers. Frontiers I Psychology, vol. 7 AUG, 2016; pag. 1-9. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01193, Impact Factor:2.463. Scopus.
- SalvatoreS., GeloO.G., GennaroA., MetrangoloR., Terrone G., PaceV., VenuleoC., VeneziaA.,CiavolinoE. (2017)An automated method of content analysis for psychotherapy research: A further validation. Psychotherapy Research, SEP., 2015, ISSN: 1050-3307, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2015.1072282, Impact Factor: 1.75. Scopus.
- Terrone G., Musetti A., Di Folco S, Pergola F. (2017) Depressione materna e paterna: fattori di rischio e di protezione nella genitorialità Maltrattamento e abuso all’infanzia, 19(1), pp. 105-132. 10.3280/MAL2017-001007. Scopus.
- Musetti A., Cattivelli R., Zuglian P.,Terrone G., Pozzoli S., Capelli F., Castelnuovo C. (2017) Internet Addiction Disorder o Internet Related Psychopathology?, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia 2,2017. Scopus
- Musetti A., Terrone G., Schimmenti A. (2018) An Exploratory study on problemac internet use predictors: which role for attachment and dissociation?, Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2018) 15, EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT
Chapters in volumes
- G. Terrone,L’Atelier sul colloquio di lavoro. In: I. Loiodice (a cura di) (2007), Studiare da adulti all’università. L’innovazione della didattica universitaria tra ricerca teorica e intervento formativo. Progedit, Bari. 2007; pp. 166-177; ISBN 978-88-6194-015-4.
- G. Terrone (2009) La consulenza orientativa per la costruzione del progetto personale. In I. Loiodice (a cura di) Teorie e pratiche dell’orientamento. Progedit, Bari 2009; ISBN 978-88-6194-072-7.
- Terrone Grazia (2011) Gli adolescenti e la scuola: indicatori di rischio e di benessere. In Horst Gundlach, Enrique Lafuente Ninõ, Maria Sinatra, Michael Mark Sokal, Giancarlo Tanucci (a cura di) Psicotecnica: ieri! oggi? domani??. Aracne EditoreVolume II ISBN 978-88-548-3869-7, pp. 369-377.
- Grazia Terrone, Alessandra Santona, Anisa Luli, Giulio Cesare Zavattini (2013), Maternal depression and attachment: evalutation of the mother-child interaction. 6° Conference Attachment International – IAC Pavia, 30 AUG., - 1 SEP., 2013 Editor (s): Barone Lavinia, Medimond. ISBN 978-88-7587-695-1.
Communications and posters in national and international conferences with publications of records
- A. Cammarella, L. Marzolini, M. Oliviero,G. terrone, M. Petrocchi, M. Ammaniti, “Indagine sui problemi emozionali e comportamentali dei giovani di scuola media: uno studio di screening”. Relazione presentata alle Giornate di Studio “Percorsi evolutivi a rischio: contributi di ricerca”, organizzato dall’Assessorato alla Sanità Regione Lazio e dal Centro di Ricerca in Psicologia Clinica, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Centro Congressi dell’Università La Sapienza. 24-25 Novembre 2006, Roma.
- Grazia Terrone “Il rischio psicopatologico in preadolescenza”. National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, SEP., 20-23 2012, Chieti.
- Di Folco Simona, Guerriero Viviana, Li Volsi Valentina, Terrone Grazia “Le competenze emotive nella seconda infanzia: il contributo della relazione d’attaccamento con la madre” National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, 20-23 SEP., 2012, Chieti.
- Santona A., Terrone G., “Valutare le coppie ”adottive”: il matching come unità di analisi nella prospettiva dell’attaccamento”. XV National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, SEP., 27-29 2013, Napoli.
- Terrone Grazia, Marino Laura, D’Onofrio Ester, Pergola Filippo “Dimensioni individuali, relazionali e contestuali nella transizione ala genitorialità”. XV National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, SEP., 27-29 2013, Napoli.
- Terrone Grazia, Santona Alessandra, Luli Anisa, Zavattini Giulio Cesare (2013), “Maternal depression and attachment: evalutation of the mother-child interaction”. Poster al 6° International Attachment Conference – IAC 30 AUG., - 1 SEP., 2013, Pavia.
- Pace Cecilia Serena, Guerriero Viviana, Terrone Grazia, “Uno studio preliminare sul funzionamento riflessivo deli adolescenti adottati. Implicazioni cliniche”. National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, SEP., 19-21 2014 Pisa.
- Rea Monica, Bosco Ersilia, Traisci Gabriella, Nicastri Maria, Baiocco Nicoletta, Terrone Grazia, Ferri Rosa, “Le implicazioni triadice nelle famiglie udenti di bambini sordi con impianto cocleare”. National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, SEP.,19-21 2014, Pisa.
- Pace Cecilia Serena, Terrone Grazia, Guerriero Viviana, Zavattini Giulio Cesare, “Mentalizing skills of adolescent adoptees: a preliminary study”. Poster al 7th International and 12th National Congress of Clinical Psycology 14-16 Novembre 2014, Sevilla (Spain).
- Terrone G., Raschielli S., Marino A., Costrini P., (2015) Perception of risk behaviours connected to gambling in adolescents: individual differences role played by the attachment. XVII National Congress, Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic section, Milazzo -. Messina –SEP. 25-27, 2015.
Papers in national and international conferences
- F. Pinto Minerva, M. Sinatra, G. Terrone “Rilevazione delle differenze cognitive attraverso il MMSE: due realtà a confronto”. Relazione presentata al 1° Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento, organizzato dalla Facoltà di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Padova. 14-15 Ottobre 2006, Padova.
- G. Terrone, “Gli adolescenti e la scuola: indicatori di rischio e di benessere”. 1st Congresso internazionale “Psicotecnica: ieri! Oggi? Domani?”, Università degli Studi di Bari. 14-16 marzo 2007, Bari.
- L. Monacis, G. Terrone, F. Ceglie, E. Gentile, E-Learning vs Face- to- Face Teaching: which perspectives are to emerge?Presentazione orale a XTh European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
- G. Terrone, Marie Luise von Franz. Poster presentato a 27th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences (ESHHS) 2-5 July 2008, Bari.
- L. Monacis, A D’Angelo, O. Cocco, F. Pinto,G.Terrone, M. Sinatra,Family and social environment PAS and parental mobbing relationship. Poster presentato al XXIX International Congress of Psychology, 20-25 July 2008, Berlin-Germany.
- V. Di Sarno, G. Terrone, R. Ferri, L. Lucarelli, Relazioni familiari e sviluppo sociale in adolescenti con sindrome di down. Poster Congress Mediterraneo senza Limiti, 23-25 aprile 2009, Marsiglia.
- A.M. Disanto, L. Pedata, G. Terrone, relazione dal titolo: “L’immaginario bellico nei bambini”. Convegno “Perchè la Guerra? Psicoanalisi per la pace”. IV Congress International A.P.R.E., 3–5 novembre 2011, Camera dei Deputati, Roma.
- G. Terrone,relazione dal titolo: “Il passaggio dall’adolescenza all’età adulta”. Convegno “Gli Adolescenti tra buona crescita e psicopatologia” Relatore principale e conduttore Prof. Alain Braconnier. 21 ottobre 2010, presso la sede della Provincia di Foggia.
- G. Terrone, V. Di Sarno, R. Ferri, L. Lucarelli, relazione dal titolo: “Rappresentazione di sé all’interno del contesto familiare di adolescenti e giovani adulti con sindrome di down”. I° Workshop Health Psychology, SIPSA. 21-22 ottobre 2011, Spotorno.
- Terrone G., de Campora G., D’Onofrio E., SantonaA. “Depressione materna e attaccamento: implicazioni sule interazioni madre-bambino”. Poster I Congress International dal titolo: Le implicazioni della depressione materna sullo sviluppo del bambino. 28-29 settembre 2012, Sarzana.
- Cataudella S.,Terrone G., Marino L., Velotti P., Zavattini G.C., “Becoming father: individual, relational and contextual dimensions”. 1th Congress Father and Perinatal Lity Attachment, Adaptation and Psychopathology, 10 may 2013, Bologna (Italy).
1. Member of A.I.P. (Clinical and Dynamic Psychology division).
2. Member of the Italian Society for Health Psychology(SIPSA)
3. Member of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences (ESHHS).
• 2002
License to the practice of Psychologyobtained in the winter session of 2004.
• 2012
Enrollment in the Professional Psychologists Register of the Region Lazio with n. 19417
I hereby declare that all the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge.
Nome del Corso | Facoltà | Anno | ||
0 | C.i. Psicologia Dinamica E Dello Sviluppo | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 | |
P | Modulo: Psicologia Dello Sviluppo | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 | |
P | Modulo: Psicologia Dinamica | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 | |
0 | P | Fondamenti Di Psicologia Generale B | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 |
0 | P | Laboratorio Di Baby Observation | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 |
0 | P | Laboratorio Di Psicologia Dello Sviluppo | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 |
0 | P | Psicodinamica Dei Gruppi | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 |
0 | P | Psicologia Dell'educazione Lm | Lettere E Filosofia | 2024/2025 |
0 | Ostetricia Materno Infantile | Medicina E Chirurgia | 2024/2025 | |
Modulo: Psicologia Clinica | Medicina E Chirurgia | 2024/2025 | ||
0 | C.i. Psicologia Dinamica E Dello Sviluppo | Lettere E Filosofia | 2023/2024 | |
Modulo: Psicologia Dello Sviluppo | Lettere E Filosofia | 2023/2024 | ||
Modulo: Psicologia Dinamica | Lettere E Filosofia | 2023/2024 | ||
0 | Laboratorio Di Baby Observation | Lettere E Filosofia | 2023/2024 |