Foto Claudio Corradetti

Claudio Corradetti

Ricevimento Studenti Appello 10 Febbraio (modifica orario e aula): l'appello avra' inizio alle 14.30 presso lo studio 31 ed.B ESONERO ESAME (SARI+Magistrale filosofia ed editoria): 16 Dic. ore 14-16 PP2 Aula 1. I corsi riprenderanno il 7 Ottobre alle 14.00 presso PP2 (aula 2) per gli studenti di: - Filosofia politica SARI (9cfu) - Filosofia politica A (6cfu - triennale filosofia) --------------------------- Ed.A lun. t20 ore 16-18; mart. P 24 ore 16-18; merc. t23b ore 16-18 (6cfu - specialistica filosofia). Il ricevimento avverra' su teams (se richiesto) o 30 min. prima delle lezioni nei luoghi indicati. Avvertenza: L'antologia dei testi del corso di Filosofia Politica e' scaricabile dal Team: DATE APPELLI: 16 Genn. 2025 - 9.30 : PP2 (aula da definire) 27 Genn. 2025 - 9.30 : PP2 (aula da definire) 21 Feb. 2025 - 15,00 : Ed. B studio 31 Avvertenza: Consultare sempre il seguente link per eventuali assegnazioni/modifiche di aule: Avvertenza: la richiesta tesi dovra' avvenire entro il 31 Maggio.
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Curriculum Vitae

Claudio Corradetti


Orcid: 000-0002-4770-8140

Researcher Id: C-8555-2017

URL web site:


Occupazione attuale


  • Dal 15 Luglio 2016 Professore Associato di Filosofia Politica presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” (Chiamata Diretta di Studiosi Stabilmente Impegnati all’Estero,legge n. 1/09 (art. 1-bis).




  • Corso in Filosofia Politica: I Classici nel Pensiero della Filosofia Politica 9cfu (Corso di Scienze dell’Amministrazione e delle Relazioni Internazionali Triennale)
  • Corso in Filosofia Politica: I Classici nel Pensiero della Filosofia Politica 6cfu (Corso di Filosofia Magistrale).
  • Corso in Teoria delle Relazioni internazionali: Introduzione alla Teoria delle Relazioni Internazionali 9cfu (Corso di Scienze dell’Amministrazione e delle Relazioni Internazionali Triennale).


Affiliazione dottorato


  • Membro di Dottorato in Storia e Scienze Filosofico-Sociali, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 2011- 2018 Membro di commissione di valutazione, Lezioni di dottorato e Supervisione dottorandi: tre dottorandi seguiti.


Supervisione tesi triennali


  • Membro commissione di tesi di laurea triennale (Scienze dell’Amministrazione e Relazioni Internazionali, Università di Roma Tor Vergata): circa 10 tesi annue seguite.


Supervisione Tesi Master


  • Master in Theory and Practice of Human Rights, University of Oslo, 2013-14. Tre tesi seguite.



  • Master “Human Rights and Conflict Management” at Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa, Italy, 2014. Una tesi seguita.


Supervisione Internship


  •  Supervisione di Ms Noémie Bergeron, University of Edinburgh sponsorizzato dal programa Erasmus +, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”,  2017.


Qualifiche pedagogiche


  • Corso di Docenza per Classi Interculturali, University of Oslo, Feb.25-6, 2013.


Esperienze Didattiche (Docenza in Inglese)


  • Docente presso il Consorzio Interuniversitario: Venice International University - Due Corsi di 45 ore su 1) Global Governance and Cosmopolitan Constitutionalism 2) Classics in Political Thought, 2018-19.
  • Docente presso il Bachelor di Global Governance, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Facoltà di Economia, Aprile 2017.
  • Docente in “Theory and Practice of Human Rights”, Norwegian Center of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo: Introduction to the History, Philosophy and Politics of Human Rights (5131) co-docente (con Prof. V. Blaker Strand) of the Course Human Rights Law in Context, (5132), Anni accademici 2013-2016.
  • Docente in Philosophy of Human Rights and Philosophy of Transitional Justice at the International Summer School of Human Rights, University of Oslo, 2013-2016
  • Docente al Master on Human Rights at Sant’ Anna University, Pisa, 9-12 Feb. 2013 and 6-8 Feb. 2014.
  • Lektor presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Karl Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria. Titolo corso: Introduction to the Theory of Human Rights and Transitional Justice, Ott. 2011 – Apr. 2013.
  • Docente per il modulo su “Transitional Justice: principles, contexts and case studies” al Master in Local Development, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università di Trento, Apr. 2012.
  • Docente presso la McGill University. Titolo Corso: “Bioethics of Genetics and Deliberative Methods” Magg, 2010.
  • Formatore presso l’ Intensive Course for the Afghan Diplomats, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, in cooperazione con l’Istituto Diplomatico del Ministero Affari Esteri. Titolo del Corso: International Negotiations in Theory and Practice: communication, group dynamics and decision making in international context”, Reggia di Caserta, Caserta, Ott. 2010.
  • Professore di Political Theory, corso: “The Constitutionalization of the European Union”, finanziato dalla EU Commission presso la National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India, 2006-7.
  • Docente di Seminario per Studenti di Triennale di Scienze della Comunicazione, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”: “LA filosofia del diritto di Hegel”, Roma, 2007-2010.
  • Docente (sponsorizzato dalla EU Commission) in Political Theory presso la European Public Law Centre – Università di Atene, 2003-5.
  • Docente in Political Philosophy presso lo European Regional Master in Human Right South Eastern Europe, sponsorizzato dalla European Commission e coordinato dalla Università of Bologna e  Università di Sarajevo, 2003.
  • Docente presso il Distance-training Course al Progetto Tempus IB-JEP 16061 “A European Space of Justice 2002”, Podgorica Montenegro.
  • Docente per il Progetto Tempus TACIS/EU/KAZAKHSTAN “Creation of a Centre for Pedagogical Jurisprudence of Human Rights”, presso la Kazakh State University, 2002.


Occupazioni pregresse


  • Genn. 2013 – 14 Luglio 2016 Docente e ricercatore Senior presso Norwegian Center of Human Rights e Centro di Eccellenza PluriCourts, Dipartimento di Diritto Internazionale, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Oslo.
  • Docente (Lektor) presso la Karl Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria, Gennaio 2012 - Aprile 2013.
  • Ricercatore Senior presso l’Accademia Europea di Bolzano, Istituto per i Diritti delle Minoranze, Bolzano/Bozen, IT, 2008-12.
  • Ricercatore Senior presso lo European Public Law Center, Atene, Gr. 2002-3 (sponsorizzato dal Ministero Affari Esteri Italiano).


Visiting Positions


  • Visiting Professor presso Indiana University, Philosophy Department, Bloomington, In., USA, Ago.-Ott.2023.
  • Fulbright Research Scholar alla Columbia University, Department of Philosophy, NYC, USA, Feb.-Lugl. 2020.
  • Visiting Professor presso The Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, Faculty of Law, Boston College, Boston, Mass., 5-26 Aprile 2018.
  • Visiting Research Fellow presso il Wissenchaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) – Rule of Law Center, Berlin, 15 Gen.-Dic. 2015.
  • Visiting Research Professor presso Faculty of Law and Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  • Visiting post-doctoral researcher presso Faculty of Law, European University Institute, Firenze, 2008.
  • Visiting doctoral researcher presso Faculty of Political Sciences, European University Institute, Firenze, 2006.



  • Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale di Prima Fascia (14/A SPS01), MUR, Primo semestre 2017-2028.


Premi e Borse di Studio


  • Fulbright Research Scholar Award, Commissione Scambi Culturali Italia-Stati Uniti, Roma, 2019-20.
  • FFABR 2017- Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca – SPS 01. 
  • Grant di ricerca per “l’Internazionalizzazione” presso il WZB, erogato dal Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo.
  • Borsa di ricerca dello European Research Council “Multirights Project”, University of Oslo, 2013-16.
  • Travel Grant Fellowship erogata dal Group of Political Theory/Philosophy at APSA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, 1-5 Sett. 2011
  • Borsa di ricerca erogata dal MUR, FIRB 2006 – RBNE063ZN8- project “Bioethics of Genetics: moral and juridical issues in the clinical, biomedical, and social applications of human genetics”, presso lo European Academy, Bozen/Bolzano, 2008-11.
  • Borsa di Studio Dottorato di Ricerca, Fondazione Banca San Paolo, Torino, 2004-7.
  • Vincitore del premio di Critica Letteraria ‘XXV Aprile’ su I. Calvino, “Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno”, Provincia di Ascoli Piceno, 1991.
  • Vincitore dell’American National Latin Competition Awarded from the American Classical Association (High School, 1990).






  • Certificato da The Hague Academy of International Law – The Hague 11-29 July 2016, ammesso al Directed Studies advanced seminars e all’Esame di Diploma.
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in European Public Law, University of Athens-European Group of Public Law, Athens 2003.




  • Dottore in Filosofia (PhD), Teoria Politica, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, LUISS Guido Carli, Roma 2007.
  • MPhil/PhD admission presso University of Cambridge (Darwin College). Declinato (interruzione degli studi 2001-2004).
  • MPhil/PhD admission presso King’s College, University of London. Declined (interruzione degli studi 2001-2004).
  • Intercollegiate Master of Arts in Philosophy (MA Phil.), University of London, London 2001.
  • Laurea in Filosofia, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, 110/110 cum laude, 1997-8.
  • Registered graduate student presso la University of Oxford (Trinity College) 1994.


Organizzazione di seminari, workshop e conference


  • Co-direttore (con prof./dir. A. Gottsmann), del Seminario di Filosofia e Teoria Critica “Tracce verso la modernità” (Spüren zur Modernität) Istituto Storico Austriaco, Roma 2018.
  • Co-organizzatore (con l’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Roma, prof. M. Gotor) della Conferenza ‘Machiavelli e Roma’, Palazzo Valentini, Roma 14 Ott., 2022.
  • Co-organizzatore (con A. Zysset) del WorkshopRe:constitution (Forum Transregionalen Studien), Covid-19: Broadening the Lens. Villa Mondragone, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, 30 Sett.-1 Ott., 2021.
  • Organizzatore del Workshop presso ICON-S Mundo, Stretching the Idea of Jus Cogens: moving beyond standard definitions and applications. Paper presentato: C. Corradetti ‘Jus Cogens and the Moral Presuppositions of Public International Law’, 6-11 Lug. 2021.
  • Presentazione libro, C. Corradetti, Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. The World (State) Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason, Routledge London-New York, 2020 (Discussants: P. Niesen, D. Canale, K. Reinhardt, G. Sadun-Bordoni, D. Archibugi), 18 Gen. 2021.
  • Organizzatore del Webinar Symposium su A. Buchanan ‘Our Moral Fate’, MIT, 2020 16 Dec. 2020 (con M. Tomasello, C. Murphy, S. Tiribelli)
  • Organizzatore del Webinar Workshop con G. Zyberi, University of Oslo, ‘The Un Human Rights Committee’ 24 Nov. 2020.
  • Organizzatore del Webinar Workshop  con M. Doyle, Columbia University, ‘The Democratic Peace Theory’, 28 Ott. 2020.
  • Organizzatore del Workshop ‘Understanding the EU Crisis. Legal, Political and Philosophical Interpretations’, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Villa Mondragone, 18 Mag., 2019.
  • Organizzatore del Panel: Capitalismo finanziario, sovranità e democrazia: decostituzionalizzare l’Unione europea?, ICON-S, Italian Chapter Conferenza Inaugurale, Unità e frammentazione dentro e oltre lo Stato, Roma, 23-24 Nov., 2018.
  • Organizzatore (con M. del Mar), Hegemony in the International Order (evento sponsorizzato dalla European Society of International Law, Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica e Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Roma 11-12 Giu., Fondazione L. Sturzo, 2018.
  • Co-organizzatore (con V. Perju) del Workshop “The Legitimacy of Transnational Orders: Discussing the Legitimacy of the World State” presso The Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, Boston College, 12-13 Apr., 2018.
  • Co-organizzatore (con E. Yahyaoui) del Workshop ‘Democracy and Participation versus Global Public Goods and Commons’ - IG on International Legal Theory and Philosophy -  ESIL Annual Conference 6 Sett., 2017, Napoli.
  • Co-organizzatore (con G. Sartor) del Workshop ‘Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy’ presso lo European University Institute, Firenze, 14-15 Genn., 2016.
  • Co-organizzatore (con B. Çalı) del Workshop 'The European Court of Human Rights: Promoter or Predator of Democratic Transitions?'   presso la RCAC Building of Koç University, İstiklal Caddesi 181, 19-20 Sett., 2015.
  • Co-organizzatore del Workshop “Legal Cosmopolitanism and Critical Theory” “Philosophy and the Social Sciences” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga, 20-24 Magg., 2015.
  • Organizzatore del seminario “Contemporary Debates on Legal and Political Philosophy”, presso il Norwegian Center of Human Rights, Oslo, Sett.2014 - Giu. 2015.
  • Organizzatore del Workshop “Transitional Cosmopolitanism through Courts” finanziato dal Democracy Fund presso la University of Oslo, Oslo, 3-4 Marz., 2014 (50.000 NOK).
  • Organizzatore del Workshop “Transitional Cosmopolitanism through Courts” finanziato dal Tag – Human Rights and Conflict, University of Oslo, 3-4 Marz., 2014 (20.000 NOK).
  • Organizzatore del Workshop “Transitional Cosmopolitanism through Courts” finanziato da NORDEM, Oslo, 3-4 Marz., 2014  (27.000 NOK).
  • Organizzatore dei “The Berlin Workshops” sponsorizzati da  Democracy Fund presso la Humboldt University, Berlino 10-11 Nov., 2014.
  • Organizzatore della Sessione “Debating ‘Transitional Cosmopolitanism’” Mancept Conference, Manchester 8-10 Sett. 2014.
  • Organizzatore della Conferenza “Debating Transitional Cosmopolitanism through Courts”, sponsorizzata dallo European Research Council Grant “Multirights”, Tag Conflict and Human Rights UiO, e Nordem, Oslo, 3-4 Mar. 2014.
  • Organizzatore del Panel (Human Rights division) presso l’American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference. Partecipanti: R. Teitel, B. Leebaw, J. Marko, C. Corradetti, 29-1 Sett. Chicago, Ill., USA, 2013.
  • Organizzatore del Panel (Foundations of Political Thought) presso APSA Annual Conference. Partecipanti: S. Benhabib, J. Flynn, A. Azmanova, R. Forst, R. Teitel, W. Scheuerman, C. Corradetti. Seattle, WA, USA, 1-5 Sett. 2011.


Progetti finanziati


  • Partner di Horizon 2022 - HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01-09 – Acronym HR Just - States’ Practice of Human Rights Justification: a study in civil society engagement and human rights through the lens of gender and intersectionality (52.000 euro/3 anni).
  • Principal Investigator “Le democrazie costituzionali in tempo di crisi”, Progetti di Ateneo, Università di Roma Tor Vergata 2021 (2100 euro).
  • Principal Investigator “Jus Cogens. Law and Justice Beyond State’s Borders”, Progetti di Ateneo, Università di Roma Tor Vergata2019 (2200 euro).
  • Principal Investigator ‘Understanding the EU Crisis. Legal, Political and Philosophical Interpretations’,  Conferences, Workshops, Seminars Grant, Progetti di Ateneo, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, 2018 (4700 euro).
  • Co-Primary Investigator at McGill University. Project awarded on competitive bases by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Catalyst Grant: Ethics 2011-03-01), 2011 (25.000 $).
  • Consulente di ricercar al progetto “Tomorrow’s Europe, the first EU-wide, Deliberative Poll”, principal investigator prof. J. Fishkin, Stanford University, 2008.
  • Consulente di ricercar al progetto “The political economy of European Social Democracy”, finanziato dalla British Academy/University of Birmingham, UK, 2007.




Monografie (Accettate)


  • C. Corradetti (2024), Kant’s Idea of Progress, Elements, Cambridge University Press, 2024 (contratto).
  • C. Corradetti (2024), Stato, Psiche e Società. La Scuola di Francoforte difronte al Fascismo, Firenze University Press (contratto).
  • C. Corradetti (2023), Machiavelli and Republicanism: Life, Death and Rebirth of the State, Routledge New York-London (contratto).



Articoli (accettati)


  • C. Corradetti (2024), Was Kant a Cosmopolitan Racist?, Kant Studien, to be published.
  • C. Corradetti (2024), Machiavelli’s Pendulum: Political Action, Time and Constitutional Change, Philosophy & Social Criticism, to be published.
  • C. Corradetti, (2024), Il Leviatano assente: idealità regolativa e inversione del principio di sussidiarietà, Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics, to be published.
  • C. Corradetti (2023), “Kant e la fondazione dell’ordine cosmopolitico. Risposta ai miei critici” (Simposio su C. Corradetti, Kant Global Politics and International Law, Routledge, 2020, con interventi di M. Mori e N. Sanchez-Madrid), Studi Kantiani, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa.
  • C. Corradetti (2023), “Is Humanity (Morally) Progressing? Kant’s Philosophy of History Under a Cosmopolitan Perspective”, in N. Sanchez-Madrid and A. Taraborrelli (eds.), Kant’s Cosmopolitan Normativity: Borders, Migration, Justice, Brill, Leiden, 2023.


Monografie (Pubblicate)


  • C. Corradetti (2022), Relativism and Human Rights. A Theory of Pluralist Universalism (2nd ed. Revised), Springer, Dordrecht.
  • C. Corradetti (2020), Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. The World (State) Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, London-New York. (Menzione speciale come libro d’interesse del 2020 - International Law Reporter).
  • C. Corradetti (Ott. 2018), Diritti Umani e Teoria Critica. Per un’Idea di Universalismo Pluralista, Altravista Edizioni, Pavia.
  • C. Corradetti (2016), Kant e la costituzione cosmopolitica, Mimesis, Milano, pp.116.
  • C. Corradetti (2009). Relativism and Human Rights. A Theory of Pluralist Universalism. Springer, Dordrecht, pp.188.
  • C. Corradetti (2006). Human Rights in Europe. Theory and Practice. XL Edizioni, Roma,pp.160.
  • C. Claudio & A. Spreafico(2005). Oltre “lo scontro di civiltà”: compatibilità culturale e caso islamico, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma,  pp.225.




  • C. Corradetti & G. Sartor (eds.), Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), EUI Working Papers, Law 2016/21, pp.137.
  • C. Corradetti, N. Eisikovitz, J. Rotondi (eds.), Theorizing Transitional Justice, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot UK, 2015.
  • C. Corradetti(ed.) 2012. Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views, Springer, Dordrecht.
  • C. Corradetti (introd., ediz. e trad.) 2014 Deliberazione Pubblica. Pluralismo, Complessità e Democrazia, Il Manifesto Libri, Roma.


Saggi Scientifici


  • C. Corradetti (2023), “Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. A Reply to G. Geismann” accettato in Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of Philosophy, online journal, ISSN: 2386-7655,
  • C. Corradetti, “Coercion or Privatization? Crisis and Planned Economies in the Debates of the Early Frankfurt School”, Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 26 Oct. 2023 (Open Access),
  • C. Corradetti, “Justification and Application of Human Rights. Author’s Reply to Critics”, Etica & Politica /Ethics & Politics, XXIV, 2022, 3, pp.465-479.
  • C. Corradetti (2022), “Locke’s Theory of Property and the Limits of State’s Fiduciary Powers. A Critical Appraisal on the Second Treatise on Government”, Etica & Politica / Ethics and Politics, XXIV, 1, 2022, pp.287-306. (free access at:
  • C. Corradetti, (2022), “The Solitude of Machiavelli’s Prince”, Philosophia. Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, 2022.
  • C. Corradetti & O. Pollicino, “The “War” Against Covid-19: State of Exception, State of Siege, or Constitutional Emergency Powers?: The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective”, German Law Journal, 22(6), 2021, pp.1060-1071. Open-access, available at: DOI:
  • C. Corradetti & A. Wood, ‘Kant or not Kant? Arguing on Kant’s Ultimate Political Design for Global Governance and Cosmopolitanism’, in Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of Philosophy, online journal, n.13, June 2021, ISSN: 2386-7655,
  • C. Corradetti, “Morality and Tribalism. Debating Buchanan’s ‘Our Moral Fate’”,Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 1(3), 2021.
  • C. Corradetti, “Hegemony Critique and the Crisis of the European Union”, Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, Springer, 2, 2020.
  • C. Corradetti (2020), “A Rationale for the Legitimacy of the World Order: Kant’s Idea of a Cosmopolitan Will”, Contribution to the Book Symposium on A. Stone Sweet and C. Ryan, A Cosmopolitan Legal Order. Kant, Constitutional Justice and the European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, Global Constitutionalism, 9(3), 2020, 523-530.
  • C. Corradetti (2017) “The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory”, voce bibliografica commissionata da Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018,, (da aggiornare nel 2023).
  • C. Corradetti (2017), “Thinking with Kant “beyond” Kant. Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere”, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 50, Brill, pp. 59-82.
  • C. Corradetti (2017), Relativism of Human Rights and Regional Protection, voce bibliografica commissionata da Oxford University Press,
  • C. Corradetti (2017), “Constructivism in Cosmopolitan Law: Kant’s Right to Visit”, in Global Constitutionalism 6(3), 412-441.
  • C. Corradetti (2017). “The Multiple Identities of Critical Theory: a Hydra or a Proteus?” In, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Anniversary of the Conference on “Philosophy and Social Science”, 2016.
  • C. Corradetti e G. Sartor (2016), “Preface”, in C. Corradetti and G. Sartor (eds.), Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), EUI Working Papers, Law 2016/21, pp.1-2.
  • C. Corradetti (2016), “Thinking with Kant “beyond” Kant. Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere”, in C. Corradetti and G. Sartor (eds.), Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), EUI Working Papers, Law 2016/21, pp.23-38.
  • C. Corradetti (2016), “Constructivism in Cosmopolitan Law: Kant’s Right to Visit”, in C. Corradetti and G. Sartor (eds.), Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy (?), EUI Working Papers, Law 2016/21, pp.3-22.
  • C. Corradetti (2016). “Kant’s Cosmopolitan Legacy and the Idea of Transitional Jus Cosmopoliticum”, Ratio Juris, (29)1, 105-121.
  • C. Corradetti (2016). “Introduction” in Special Issue on “Cosmopolitan Law and the Courts”, Transnational Legal Theory, 7(1), pp. 10.
  • C. Corradetti (2016). “Judicial Cosmopolitan Authority”, in Special Issue on “Cosmopolitan Law and the Courts”, Transnational Legal Theory, 7(1), pp.37.
  • C. Corradetti (2015). “The Priority of Conflict Deterrence and Role of the International Criminal Court in Kenya’s Post-Electoral Violence 2007-8 and 2013”, inHuman Rights Review, Springer, pp.22
  • C. Corradetti (2015), “Che Cos’è la giustizia di transizione (Transitional Justice)? Uno sguardo d’insieme”, Parole Chiave, 53, Carocci Editore, Roma, pp.229-240.
  • C. Corradetti (2013), “Philosophical Issues in Transitional Justice Theory: a (Provisional) Balance”, in Politica e Società, Il Mulino, Bologna, (2), pp. 185- 220. 
  • C. Corradetti (2012), “Dialogo sull’Europa”, in John Rawls and Philippe Van Parijs, “Tre Lettere sul Diritto dei Popoli e l’Unione Europea”. Micromega, Almanacco di Filosofia, pp.1-12.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), “Verità e giustizia transizionale. Una proposta politico-normativa”, in Alessandro Ferrara (ed.), La politica tra verità e immaginazione, Mimesis, Milano, pp.81-94.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), “Transitional Justice and the Truth-Constraints of the Public Sphere”, in Philosophy & Social Criticism, 38(7), pp. 685- 700.
  • franc
  • C. Corradetti & G. Bartlett-Esquillant (2011) “‘Society in Science’: the DePGx Project and the Democratization of Health Policy Strategies through Public Deliberation, inApplied Ethics, ed. by Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2011,pp.75-85.
  • C. Corradetti (2008), “Le dimensioni del relativismo morale: per una valutazione del -giudizio interno- di Hartman”, in Ragion Pratica, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp.453-464.
  • C. Corradetti (2006), “La teoria della pace democratica tra realismo e normatività”, in Metabasis, n.1, pp.11, available at
  • C. Corradetti (2005), “Fundamental Rights in European Constitutionalism: the case of ‘Human Dignity’” (Published in Italian: I diritti fondamentali nel costituzionalismo europeo: il caso della dignità umana) Philosophy and Public Issues - A Journal of Moral, Political, Legal and Social Philosophy, pp. 133-141.
  • C. Corradetti (2000), “Textual analysis of Chapter 20th of Aristotle’s Poetics”, Poietica, 35, pp.46-57.


Saggi in Curatèle


  • C. Corradetti, (2022) “Understanding J. Marko’s Model of ‘’Multiple Diversity Managements’: on the Functional Integration of Law and Politics”, in K. Poier (ed.) Festschrift fuer J. Marko „Law and Politics”, Brill.
  • C. Corradetti, (2021) Identity Politics and the Idea of ‘Autonomy Patriotism’ in South Tyrol, European Academy Bolzano/Bozen publications.
  • C. Corradetti, (2021) ‘Political AND Metaphysical’: the World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason, proceedings of the 13th Kant Congress ‘The Court of Reason’ (Oslo, 6-9 August 2019). Ed. Camilla Serck-Hanssen and Beatrix Himmelmann. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp.1717-1726.
  • C. Corradetti (2020), ‘Engaging with Forst’s ‘Right to Justification’: Kantian Analogies and the Problem of Subjectivity’, in E. Herlin-Karnell e M. Klatt (eds.), Constitutionalism Justified. Rainer Forst in Discourse, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • C. Corradetti (2015), “Transitional Times, Reflective Judgment and the Hōs Mē Condition”, in Theorizing Transitional Justice. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot UK pp.23.
  • C. Corradetti & N. Eisikovitz, (2015)“Introduction”, in C. Corradetti e N. Eisikovitz, (ed.), Theorizing Transitional Justice, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot UK, pp.8.
  • C. Corradetti e G. Bartlett-Esquillant (2015), “Public Deliberation and the Role of Stakeholders as a New Frontier in the Governance of Science: the British Columbia Biobank Deliberation and the DePGx Project”, in D. Mascalzoni (ed.), “Ethics, Law and Governance of Biobanking”, Springer, Dordrecht, 2015, 241-260.
  • C. Corradetti (2014), “Preface” of J. Bohman, Public Deliberation. Pluralism, Complexity and Democracy, MIT Press, Boston, 1996/ Deliberazione Pubblica. Pluralismo, Complessità e Democrazia, Claudio Corradetti (ed.), Il Manifesto Libri, Roma, pp.9-26.
  • C. Corradetti (2013), “What does cultural difference require of human rights?” In C. Holder & D. A. Reidy (ed.), Human Rights: the Hard Questions.  Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.136-150.
  • C. Corradetti (2013), “Transitional justice and the idea of ’autonomy patriotism’ in South Tyrol: towards a third autonomy statute (?), In G. Grote; H. Obermair & G. Rautz (eds.), "Un mondo senza stati è un mondo senza guerre" - Politisch motivierte Gewalt im regionalen Kontext.  Europäische Akademie Bozen, pp. 17 – 32.
  • C. Corradetti (2012),“Introduction” in Claudio Corradetti (ed.) Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. IX-XXIV.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), “Ragionevolezza pubblica, verità scientifica e inclusività nella ricerca medico-scientifica”, in R. Mordacci (ed.), Etica e genetica: storia, concetti, pratiche.  Mondadori Bruno, Milano, pp.227-245.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), “Rational choice, capabilities and human well-being: the third way”, in A. S. Fruili & L. D. Veneto (eds.), Psychology of morality. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, pp.115 – 128.
  • C. Corradetti (2010), “Can human rights be exported? Rethinking the relation between human rights and transplantability”, in A. Bakardjieva Engelbrekt & J. Nergelius (ed.), New Directions In Comparative Law.  Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.40-55.
  • C. Corradetti (2010), “Dialettica discorsiva e atti linguistici: una riformulazione”, in U. Perone (ed.) Filosofia dell'avvenire.  Rosenberg & Sellier, pp.204-211.
  • C. Corradetti (2010), “Law and rights”, in Richard H. Corrigan & M. E. Farrell (ed.), Ethics - a University Guide.  Progressive Frontiers Press, pp.221-240.
  • C. Corradetti (2010), “The non-ideal conditions of transitional justice: with a case-study of the care-taker government of Bangladesh”, in J. A. Jaworski (ed.), Advances in sociology research, vol. 8. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, pp.51-70.  




  • C. Corradetti, (2022) Editorial – Liberal Constitutional Democracies in Times of Crisis, Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 1(4).
  • C. Corradetti, (2021) Editorial– ‘What Makes Us Human? Evolution, Intentionality and Moral Progress’,Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 1(3).
  • C. Corradetti (2020) Reflecting on the EU: the bad and the good times, and those that are yet to come, Editorial, Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, Springer, 1(3),
  • C. Corradetti (and M. Kumm), (2019) “Why Jus Cogens? Why a New Journal?”, Editorial, Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, Springer, 1(1), pp.1-4.
  • D. Mascalzoni, P. Pramstaller, C. Corradetti (2013), Editorial: “Patient-centric initiatives (PCIs) - a shift in the governance of science: lessons from the biobanks world”, in Research Ethics, Sage, 9(2), pp. 52- 54.
  • C. Corradetti, D. Mascalzoni (2012). "Patientcentricity": An Editorial, in Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, DeGruyter, 6/1, pp.4.


Contributi a dibattiti


  • C. Corradetti, Intervista-conversazione con prof. S.Lessenich, Direttore dell’Institut fuer Sozialforschung, Francoforte sul Meno, RAI Cultura -Filosofia :
  • C. Corradetti, Unmasking Domination: Frankfurt School: Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer
  • C.  Corradetti, Stato di eccezione, stato di assedio o uso emergenziale del potere? In, Filosofia e Virus, Micro Mega, 15.5.2020, at
  • Intervista di M. Tedeschini sul testo: C. Corradetti, Diritti umani e teoria critica (Altravista editore), 2018,  

  • C. Corradetti (2018), Why a ‘Cosmopolitan Constitution’? Kantian Perspectives on Peace, Law and the Legitimacy of the International Order, Indian Journal of Constitutional and Administrative Law,, 3 pp.
  • Podcast “Ethics in Actions”, di N. Eisikovits, U-Mass, Boston “Kant’s Liberal Internationalism. A Conversation with Claudio Corradetti” 2018
  • C. Corradetti (2015), Progressing towards a Cosmopolitan Condition. Kant’s Ideal for the Formal Unity of International Law, in, 2pp.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), Südtirolismen II: Remembering the ‘Feuernacht’ in Südtirol-Alto Adige – 02 Newsletter 2012 – Eurac Institute for Minority Rights.
  • C. Corradetti (2011), “L’importante è partecipare”. Partecipazione pubblica e strategie decisionali nella ricerca genetica”, in Academia, n.51, Bolzano, pp.7.
  • C. Corradetti (2003),What is the role of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights? In Eurolayer n.17, Denmark, pp.1-4.




  • C. Corradetti  (2014), “J. Bohman, Deliberazione Pubblica. Pluralismo, Complessità e Democrazia” (Public Deliberation. Pluralism, Complexity and Democracy, MIT Press, Boston, 1996), in Il Manifesto Libri, Roma, pp.311.
  • C. Corradetti  (2013), “Andreas Føllesdal, Le rivendicazioni speciali delle minoranze indigene per la giustizia correttiva” (The special claims of indigenous minorities to corrective justice, in L.H. Meyer (ed.), Justice in Time. Responding to Historical Injustice, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2004),in Politica e Società, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 265-288.
  • C. Corradetti (2012), ”John Rawls and Philippe Van Parijs, Tre Lettere sul Diritto dei Popoli e l’Unione Europea”, in Micromega, Almanacco di Filosofia, pp.1-12.
  • C. Corradetti (2004), “Sadik J. Al-Azm, Islam, terrorismo e Occidente oggi”, in, Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, pp.1-15.
  • C. Corradetti (2003), “Sadik J. Al-Azm, Alcune riflessioni sull’Islam, il terrorismo e L’Occidente”, in Il Mediterraneo ancora mare nostrum (?), Luiss University Press, pp.1-9.




  • C. Corradetti (2019), ‘Review Article of A. Allen and B. O’Connor (eds.), Transitional Subjects. Critical Theory and Object Relations,’ Columbia University Press, New York, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,
  • C. Corradetti (2018), ‘Review Article of Andrew Feenberg, Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason’, Harvard UP, 2017, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,
  • C. Corradetti (2013), “Robert Meister, After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights”, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, in Perspectives on Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 11/4 Dec., pp. 1156-1157.
  • C. Corradetti (2013) “Philip Freeman, Introduction. Marcus Tullius Cicero, How to Run a Country: An Ancient Guide to Modern Leaders, Princeton University Press 2013”, in Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 13/3, pp.458-460.
  • C. Corradetti (2009), “Nancy Fraser: Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Controversy” (Published in it. “Nancy Fraser: Redistribuzione o Riconoscimento? Una controversia politico-filosofica”), in Philosophy and Public Issues - A Journal of Moral, Political, Legal and Social Philosophy, pp.161-163.
  • C. Corradetti (2004), Multiculturalismo o comunitarismo? Rivista Italiana di Sociologia, pp. 4.


Responsabilità Scientifiche in Riviste


Direttore Rivista


  • Fondatore e Co-Direttore della Rivista Internazionale "Jus Cogens: A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics", Springer Verlag, 2019- (Rivista scientifica di fascia A, nei settori A/14 1 Filosofia politica e 11/C 3 Filosofia Morale)


Membro di Comitati Editoriali


  • Membro comitato editoriale, L’albero delle direzioni, Edizioni Castelvecchi, Roma, 2022-
  • Membro comitato editoriale ”Teoria e Ricerca Sociale e Politica”, Edizioni Altravista Pavia, 2016-


Attività di Referaggio




  • EU «COSTS» EVALUATOR (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
  • Italian Ministry of University REPRISE Ricerca di Base, EVALUATOR.
  • National Science Centre, Poland


Peer-Review per Case Editrici


  • Cambridge University Press
  • Routledge
  • Ashgate
  • Springer
  • Sage


Peer-Review per Riviste


  • Southern Journal of Philosophy
  • Ratio Juris
  • Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics
  • Nordic Journal of Human Rights
  • Theoria
  • Public Affairs Quarterly
  • EthicalTheory and Moral Practice
  • Global Constitutionalism
  • International Journal of Transitional Justice
  • Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
  • Philosophy and Social Criticism
  • Constellations
  • European Journal of Political Theory
  • Research Ethics
  • Teoria Politica
  • Micromega


Valutazione della Ricerca


  • Membro del gruppo di esperti del MUR – REPRISE – Sector BASIC RESEARCH, 2016-


Membro di Associazioni Scientifiche e Accademiche


  • Membro della The International Machiavelli Society, Roma 2023-
  • Membro dell’Association for Political Theory, 1213 W. Morehead Street, Suite 500 Charlotte, NC 28208, 2023-
  • Membro di Nomos: Center for International Research on Law, Culture and Power, Jagellonian University Krakow, Poland, 2023-
  • Membro nazionale del Centro di Teoria Critica e Politica, Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari, 2022-
  • Membro della Kant Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn, 2019-
  • Membro della Italian Kantian Society, Pavia, 2019-
  • Membro della Sezione “Migration & Illegal Trafficking”, Accademia “Law and Multicultural Societies”, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Dipartimento di studi linguistico-letterari, storico-filosofici e giuridici(DISTU), 2018.
  • Membro di ICON-S, New York University, USA, 2015.
  • Co-Sponsor (come delegato della University of Oslo) per la costituzione del Norwegian Network for Political Philosophy, 11-13 September, 2015 Clarion Edge Hotel Tromsø.
  • Membro della European Society of International Law – Group of Legal Theory, 2015-
  • Membro della Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica (SIFP), 2007-
  • Membro fondatore della Società Italiana di Teoria Critica, 2014.
  • Membro dell’American Political Science Association – Group of Political Theory 2011-
  • Membro dello European Consortium of Political Research -ECPR- 2013.
  • Membri eletto dell’Executive Board of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP) 2010-2013.
  • Membro della International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), 2011.
  • Membro della Political Studies Association, UK, 2009.
  • Membro permanente del Trinity College Oxford University, UK 1995-


Borse di Ricerca per Seminari


  • Borsa di ricerca per la Summer School organizzata dal CESPEC- “Religious Liberty and Democratic Transformations”, Cuneo e Alba, Set.20-23, 2011.
  • Grant di ricerca avanzato, Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica, Centro Studi L. Pareyson, Torino, 2009 (dir. Prof. U. Perone).
  • Grant di ricerca per Workshop con J. Searle, Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica, Centro Studi

L. Pareyson, Torino, 2008 (dir. Prof. U. Perone).

  • Borsa di Studio Socrates presso Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 1994.


Inviti a Conferenze, Seminari, Workshop


  • Relazione “Machiavelli as a Philosopher of History. On Polybius’s Theory of Anacyclosis and Mixed Governments”, delivered at Indiana University, Faculty of Political Sciences, “Tocqueville Speaker Series”, 8 Sept. 2023.
  • Presentazione libro: Relativism and Human Rights (2nd edition), Springer, at the Peace and Research Institute Organization (PRIO), Oslo 14 Giu. 2023.
  • Relatore al Philosophy Colloquium, University of Bonn, Germany. Paper presented “Kant and (Moral) Progress”, Bonn, 12 Giu. 2023.
  • Relazione “Crisis and Planned Economy: the Frankfurt School and the Transformation of the State (1930s-1940s)”, 2nd Nomos Annual Conference «After Neoliberalism? Constitution, Democracy and Capitalism», University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, 12 Mag. 2023.
  • Presentazione “Frankfurt School: Fascism and Society” at the Doctoral School in Philosophy, Faculty of Literary Studies, Philosophy and History of Art at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Roma 22 Feb.2023.
  • Relatore alla International Conference ‘Kant’s Cosmopolitan Normativity: Borders, Migration and Justice’, Faculty of Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid, paper delivered ‘Is Humanity Morally Progressing? Kant’s Philosophy of History Under a Cosmopolitan Perspective’, Madrid, 24-26 Ott. 2022.
  • Relatore alla conferenza ‘Machiavelli and Rome’, paper delivered “Machiavelli and the Roman Republics: rethinking historical cycles”, Palazzo Valentini, Roma 14 Ott., 2022.
  • Relatore presso il congresso annuale della Società italiana di filosofia del diritto, “Il lato oscuro del diritto (the dark side of law)”: “La teoria di Pollock del capitalismo di Stato e suoi critici”, Palermo 22-24 Set. 2022.
  • Relatore alla conferenza “Sovereignty and Citizenship in a Post-Global World” (Sovranità e cittadinanza in un mondo postglobale), at the Faculty of Law, University of Teramo, Teramo: Globalization and cosmopolitanism. A reflexion starting from Kant (Globalizzazione e cosmopolitismo. Una riflessione a partire da Kant), 21 Aprile 2022.
  • Keynote speaker all’evento Re:constitution (Forum Transregionalen Studien), Covid-19: Broadening the Lens. Paper delivered: “The “War” Against Covid-19: State of Exception, State of Siege, or Constitutional Emergency Powers? The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective”, Villa Mondragone, Rome, 30 Sett.-1 Ott. 2021.
  • Relatore al Kant Multilateral Colloquium, paper delivered “IsHumanityMorallyProgressing?Kant’sPhilosophyofHistoryunderaCosmopolitanPerspective”, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 Sett., 2021.
  • Relatore aThe Venice World Multidisciplinary Conference on Republics and Republicanism, paper delivered “The Solitude of Machiavelli’s Prince”, Venice International University, San Servolo Island, Giu. 11-13, 2021.
  • Relazione “Political & Metaphysical. The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason”-  Webinar Seminar School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK, 21 Ott., 2020.
  • Relatore al Political Theory Symposium, Poli sci co-sponsor with German Studies and International Studies “Kant’s Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law”, University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA, 21 Feb., 2020.
  • Relatore al Colloquium for Graduate Students and Visiting Scholars at Columbia University/Bard College (F. Neuhouser organizzatore), “Solving Kant’s Theory/Practice Divide for Global Politics” Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, 10 Feb.2020.
  • Relatore al Ludwig Maximilians Universität Münich University for a 3-day Seminar sponsored by the Erasmus + Programme: Kant’s Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law: Three Lectures (Lez. 1: Kant and the Legacy of Modernity: Peace, War, Colonialism; Lez.2: The World State Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason; Lez.3: Juridical Constructivism: the Right to Visit and the Cosmopolitan Constitution), 20-22 Gen., 2020.
  • Relatore al 13th International Kant Congress, “The Court of Reason”, relazione: “The World (State) Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason” Oslo 5-9 Ago., 2019.
  • Relatore alla Conference “Republics and Republicanism”. Paper presented “Republicanism as a Global Project. A Kantian Perspective”, Venice International University, San Servolo, Venezia, 3-5 Mag., 2019.
  • Relatore “Hegemony Critique and the Crisis of the European Union”, at the Humboldt University, Faculty of Law, Berlin, 25 Aprile, 2019.
  • Relatore “The crisis of financialized capitalism and its impact of the crisis of the EU” (in Italian), paper presented at Conference L’Europa e la sua crisi. Rischi e opportunità, University of Macerata, Faculty of Law and Economics, 22 Mar. 2019.
  • Relatore “Neoliberal Capitalism and the EU: Legitimation Crisis or Hegemonic Colonization?” at the Research Seminar, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University, NL, 31 Gen. 2019.
  • Relatore, “Capitalismo finanziario e Unione europea: crisi di legittimazione o colonizzazione del politico?”, ICON-S, Italian Chapter Inaugural Conference, Unità e frammentazione dentro e oltre lo Stato, Roma, 23-24 Nov. 2018.
  • Relatore, “Francisco de Vitoria’s Jus Peregrinandi. On the Perils and Advantages of the ‘Authority of the Whole World’ (totius orbis auctoritate)”, paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and Social the Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 18 Magg. 2018.
  • Relatore, “Kantian Cosmopolitan Peace: a Transitional Reading”, the Applied Ethics Center, Department of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, 18 Aprile 2018.
  • Relatore, “Kant and the Cosmopolitan Constitution”, at the Clough Center, Boston College, Massachusetts, 13 Aprile 2018.
  • Relazione, “Dimensioni giuridiche e filosofiche della giustizia di transizione”, presso l’Università di Perugia, 8 Marzo, 2018.
  • Relazione di apertura presso il seminario di ricercar dell’istituo italiano di studi filosofici, Napoli: “Il progetto cosmopolitico di Kant”, 31 Maggio 2017.
  • Relazione, “Engaging with Forst’s Right to Justification: Kantian Analogies and the Problem of Subjectivity”, paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and Social the Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 17-21 Maggio 2017.
  • Invito come discussant per la discussion del manoscritto del prof.A.Stone-Sweet “A Cosmopolitan Legal Order: Kant, Constitutional Justice, and the ECHR”, University of Oslo, 12 Maggio 2017.
  • Key note speaker: “Forst’s Right to Justification as a Basic Human Rights”, circle 5, The citizens of humanity: membership and human rights of diasporas, Nordic Summer University, in cooperation with Wroclaw, Poland, 24-26 Feb. 2016
  • Relazione “The State of Peace Conference: EU Action and Global Justice”, organized by the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) at the University of Graz, title of the Paper “Transnational Trajectories of European Judicial Contestation: ECHR and CJEU Versus the UN Security Council”, Graz, 24-25 Nov. 2016.
  • Speaker/Commentatore di J.Nickel “Making Sense of Human Rights”, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007, Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari, 3 Ott. 2016.
  • Relazione, “Democracy Assumptions of the European Court of Human Rights: “Transitional Rationale” and “Militant Democracy” in the Case of Party-Bans”, workshop “Human Rights – Contemporary Threats and Challenges”, Wroclaw, 30-31 Maggio 2016.
  • Relazione, “Kantian Theory of the Cosmopolitan Constitution” paper presentation at ICON-N, Humboldt University, Berlino 17-19 Giu. 2016.
  • Relazione, “Global Constitutionalism and Kantian Political Philosophy”, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Colloquium at the Centre of Global Constitutionalism, Berlin, 2016.
  • Relazione, “The Contemporary Significance of Kant’s Cosmopolitan Right and its Importance for a Cosmopolitan Constitution” Conference International Relations and Human Rights, Nordic Summer School and European Humanities University, at Tallinn University, 11-13 Marzo, Tallinn, Estonia, 2016.
  • Discorso di apertura, “Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy”, European University Institute, Firenze, 14-15 Gen. 2016.
  • Relazione, “Constructing the Global Constitution: Kant’s Cosmopolitan Right”, workshop “Global Constitutionalism without Global Democracy”, European University Institute, Firenze, 14-15 Gen.  2016.
  • Relazione, “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and the ideal role of the Völkerstaat”, workshop Towards Perpetual Peace. Politics, Culture and Education, organized by Aarhus Universiteet in Copenhagen, 20 Nov., 2015.
  • Relazione, “Party-Dissolutions and the `transitional rationale` of the European Court of Human Rights”, paper delivered at the workshop on The European Court of Human Rights: promoter and predator of domestic democracy? Principles and Patterns of Reasoning” workshop project granted by the Democracy Fund at Koҫ UniversityLaw School, Istanbul, 19-20 Set. 2015.
  • Relazione, “Apparent Paradoxes in the ‘Militant Turn’ of the European Court of Human Rights. Transitional Rationale and the Refah Partisi Case”, paper delivered at the special workshop on “International Human Rights Courts: Enhancers or Enemies of Democracy – or Both? European and Inter-American Perspectives”, XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Washington DC., 26-31 Lugl. 2015.
  • Relazione, “Cosmopolitan Authority”, paper delivered at the special workshop on “Transnational Legal Theory”, XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Washington DC., 26-31 Lug. 2015.
  • Relazione, “Towards a Normative Theory of Cosmopolitan Authority”, paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 20-24 Mag. 2015.
  • Relazione di commento a K. Alter’s presentation “How Contexts Shape the Authority of International Courts”, PlurCourts Annual Conference, University of Oslo, 21 Mag. 2015. 
  • Relazione di commento a N.Fraser’s presentation of “Legitimation Crisis? On the Political Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism”, seminar organized at the Norwegian Center of Human Rights, University of Oslo, 8 Mag. 2015.
  • Relazione, “Cosmopolitan Authority”, invited speaker at the Colloquium on the Rule of Law at the WZB, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin 4 Mag. 2015.
  • Relazione, “Cosmopolitanism as Constitutional Poliarchies”, Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on “Emergence, Reproduction and Hegemonization of and by Human Rights Regimes”, German South-East Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance, Lebua State Tower, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-29 Dic 2015.
  • Relazione,“Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?” On the Co-Generating Legitimacy Relation between the ECtHR and its State-Parties, paper presented at the workshop “The Legitimacy of International Courts and Tribunals”, University of Oslo, 24-25 Nov. 2014.
  • Relazione,“Human Rights Implications in Foucault’s Panopticum”, opening lecture for the seminar “Contemporary Debates in Legal and Political Philosophy”, Oslo, 2 Ott. 2014. 
  • Relazione, “Democratic Paradoxes and the "Militant" Turn. Some Considerations on the ECtHR's Transitional Case-Laws”, paper delivered at the Berlin Workshops sponsored by the Democracy Fund at the Humboldt University, Berlino 10-11 Nov. 2014.
  • Relazione, “Transitional Cosmopolitanism through Courts. A Proposal”, paper presented at the Session on “Debating ‘Transitional Cosmopolitanism’”Mancept Conference, Manchester 8-10 Sept. 2014.
  • Relazione, “Pluralism, Relativism and the Philosophical Account of Human Rights” paper delivered at the University of Tromso on “Free Speech, Public Deliberation and Global Affairs”, Tromso, Norway, 17-19 Giu. 2014.
  • Relazione, “Kant and the Ideal of Cosmopolitan Law” paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and the Social Sciences” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,  Mag. 2014.
  • Relazione, “On the very idea of transitional cosmopolitanism through Courts”, paper delivered at the conference “Debating ‘Transitional Cosmopolitanism’ through Courts”, University of Oslo, 3-4 Marzo 2014.
  • Relazione, “Transitional Times, Reflective Judgment and the ‘Hōs mē’ Condition”, paper delivered at the Workshop on Justice and Democracy, University of Tromsø,  Tromsø, Norway 4-5 Dic., 2013.
  • Relazione,“Kant’s Cosmopolitan Legacy and the Idea of Transitional Jus Cosmopoliticum”, paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Nordic Network in Political Theory, Oslo, Hotel Bristol, Kristian IV’s gate 7, 31.10-2.11 Oslo 2013.
  • Relazione, “Transitional Times, Reflective Judgment and the Hōs Mē Condition”, paper delivered at the ECPR Conference, 4-7 Sett., Bordeaux 2013.
  • Relazione, “Let me explain why I should not be killed. Transitional Justice as Ante Bellum Strategy for Conflict Prevention”, paper presented at the APSA Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill., USA, 29-1 Sett. 2013.
  • Relazione, “Transnational Judicial Dialogue: Concept, Method, Extent, Effects” Discussant at the Multirights Annual Conference, University of Oslo, 29 Aprile 2013.
  • Relazione, “What does cultural difference require of human rights?”, paper delivered at Monday Lunch Seminars, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway, 13 Mag, 2013.
  • Relazione, “Judicial Cosmopolitanism: Lessons from the ECtHR Case-Law Jurisprudence” at Multirights Seminar, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway, 12 Mar., 2013.
  • Relazione, “Human Rights as Communicative Action”, paper delivered at the workshop “Per un ampliamento della filosofia dei diritti umani”, Università di Milano “Bicocca”, Nov.2012.
  • Seminario di studio presentazione curatèla: C.Corradetti, “Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views”, ed.C.Corradetti, Springer 2012  (invited speakers W.Scheuerman, L.Cedroni, J.Marko, A.Ferrara, D.Archibugi) 12 Ott.2012.
  • Discussant del libro di P.Portinaro “I conti con il passato.Vendetta, amnistia, giustizia”, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2011 seminario di Teoria Critica, Cortona, 5-6 Ott. 2012.
  • Seminario di studio presentazione curatèla: “Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views”, ed.C.Corradetti, Springer 2012  (invited speakers G.Sartor, J.Marko, A.Ferrara), European Academy, Bolzano/Bozen, 5 Lug. 2012.
  • Relazione, “Transitional Justice as Critical Genealogy”, paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 12 Mag. 2012.
  • Relazione, “Transitional Justice and the truth constraints of a (divided) public sphere: stability through deliberation in South Tyrol”, Konferenz Südtirolismen II, section on “violence and politic – international contexts”, European Academy, Bolzano/Bozen, 12-13 Marzo.
  • Relazione, “Deliberative models in the ethics of genetics: the DePGX”, sponsored by the Ministry of Education and University within the frame of the Firb programme run by the European Academy, Rome, 28-29 Ott. 2011.
  • Relazione, “The validity of human rights: conflict, judgment and political contexts”, Chair and panelist at the American Political Science Association, Seattle, WA, USA, 1-5 Sett. 2011.
  • Relazione, “Dialectics of human rights. A post-metaphysical sketch”, IVR World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy “Law, Science and Technology”, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 15-20 Ago. 2011.
  • Relazione, “Ethical aspects in medical research: deliberative consultation as an instrument of public assessment”, University of Milan “San Raffaele”, Feb. 2011.
  • Relazione, “Pluralism or plural justifications of human rights?” paper delivered at the annual conference “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 10-15 Magg. 2011.
  • Formatore, Intensive Training Course for Afghan Diplomats by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on.F. Frattini e Gov. of the Heart Province, M. Dawood Saba, Ministero Affari Esteri Italiano, Roma, 19 Aprile 2011.
  • Discussant della prof.R.Teitel “Transitional Justice as Liberal Narrative”, presso la Conferenza “Truth and Justice. Normative Questions, Political Practices”, Università di Milano, 13-14 Apr. 2011.
  • Relazione, “Ethical assessment of pharmacogenomics through deliberation. The DePGX project”, Fifth International Conference on Applied Ethics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 5-7 Nov. 2010.
  • Relazione, “Verità e giustizia: pensiero controfattuale nella giustizia di transizione”, Conferenza Annuale della Società Italian di Filosofia Politica, American Studies Centre, Roma 22 Ott. 2010.
  • Relazione, “Ethical aspects of pharmacogenomics research” (in It.), Progetto Firb, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, 15 Sett. 2010.
  • Relazione, “Ethical deliberation and pharmacogenomics: some methodological clarifications”, paper delivered for an internal research seminar coordinate by prof.B.Knoppers at McGill University, Faculty of Law, Montreal, CA  16 Lugl. 2010.
  • Relazione, “The truth of justice: counterfactual thinking in transitional justice”, Annual Conference “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 12 Magg. 2010.
  • Relazione, “Dialectics and pragmatics”, paper delivered at the Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica, Centro Studi Pareyson, Torino, 23-27 Nov. 2009.
  • Discussant alla conferenza “Exporting Terror, exporting democracy. Assumptions of irrationality/rationality in international security”, session on “The permitting conditions of exporting terror”, Freie Universität Bolzano/Bozen, 22-25 Giu. 2009.
  • Presentazione libro: C.Corradetti “Relativism and human rights” at the advanced course in Philosophy of Law directed by prof. W. Sadurski at the European University Institute, Firenze, 10 Marzo 2009.
  • Relazione, “Dialectic of recognition: for a post-metaphysical justification of human rights”, Annual conference “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 15 Magg. 2008.
  • Relazione e discussione al libro del prof. E.W. Böckenförde, Religion and liberal state: a post-secular perspective, at the American Study Centre, Rome, 7 Ott. 2007.
  • Relazione, “The democratic peace theory. Some critical reflections”, Annual Conference  “Philosophy and Social Science” Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 11 Maggio 2007.
  • Relazione, “Can human rights be exported? The concept of transplantability revisited” Conference “New Dynamics in comparative law”,  Örebro University, Sweden 22 Maggio 2007.
  • Relazione, “Elections and democracy: assessing the case of divided societies”, Conference “Demos: democratic elections motivation, orientation and support”, Delegation of the European Commission to Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4 Ott. 2006.
  • Relazione, “Costituzionalismi e deficit democratici, Conferenza “La difesa della costituzione è un dovere sacro dei cittadini”, Roma 9 Giu. 2006.
  • Relazione, “The philosophical conceptualization of modernity”, Graduate Seminar by prof. P. Wagner “Analyzing modernity: between historical sociology and political philosophy”, European University Institute, Firenze, 13 Maggio 2006.
  • Relazione, “The ‘external bounds’ of political justice. An enquiry into Rawls’ theory of justice”, Graduate Seminar “The social and the political”, by prof. P. Wagner, European University Institute, Firenze, 21 Maggio 2006.
  • Relazione, “Some aspects of the notion of ‘human development’: human rights and democracy”, Conference “International Cooperation”, Ministero Affari Esteri, Roma 11 Aprile 2006.
  • Relazione, “Cultural relativism and cosmopolitanism of human rights”, Pavia Graduate Conference, Università di Pavia, 13 Sett. 2005.
  • Relazione, “Role of the Judges in democratic political systems: the Italian case”, Conference “strategies for the strengthening of the judiciary in Moldova”, State University of Moldova, Chisinau/EU Commission 22 Giu. 2005.
  • Relazione, “The role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights within the European process of Constitutionalization”, Conference “Security in the Caucasus, Stability and Human Rights in the Region”, Luiss University, Roma, 25 Giu. 2004.


Lingue conosciute

  • Italiano (nativo); Inglese (quasi nativo); Tedesco: B2.2 – Goethe Zertifikat; Francese (lettura). Norvegese: Certificate A.1 - Univ. of Oslo - ISSN 0110. Conoscenza avanzata del Latino e del Greco antico.
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